## Abstract
<!-- An abstract is a short blurb, about a paragraph or two, succinctly describing your feature. This should mostly be "why", but can include "what". -->
Hijack gameplay is currently stale and is having trouble currently encouraging players to engage with the objectives. My idea is to flavor the objectives differently as if the ship is performing an emergency warp to the nearest spaceport.
## Goals
<!-- This is a numbered list clearly detailing your goals for the feature. As per usual, this should be a mixture of both why and what. -->
1. Create a more interesting experience for hijack
2. Try to repurpose existing objective systems as much as possible
3. Create reasons to defend more than just lifeboats
## Non-goals
<!-- Just like goals, but the opposite! Every feature has boundaries it won't step over. These should be written as if they start with "We will not...". -->
1. Prolong the duration of hijack significantly.
2. Make it impossible for xenomorphs to finish off the marines.
## Content
<!-- Now's where you get into clear detail about everything your feature does. **You should still be explaining 'why' things are that way, *as* you describe what.** Be as detailed as possible. -->
### Sequence of Events:
1. Hijack initiates as it does now, though ARES messages are flavored to be something like the FTL drive is being fueled and messages treat the current 50% fuel value as the target amount.
2. Upon reaching 50% fuel, the ship enters warp changing nearby space tiles into moving space tiles and has a small camera shake to all players.
3. Fuel pumps are still visually pumping at near full sprite state and are internally approaching 100% fuel, but messages at this point are flavored as distance to destination.
4. If at any time there is not at least 1 pump powered:
* ARES warns of emergency warp exit and to brace
* Ship weapons code fires multiple hull explosions over the exterior regions of the ship
* Last initiation of explosion will convert all exterior space tiles to static space tiles.
* Pumps no longer function at this point and life boats can be launched after a couple minutes if not locked down by queen.
* Self destruct is a possible objective now. (So in other words, like existing objective system at 100% fuel)
5. If pumps manage to reach 100%, warp ends gracefully and:
* ARES announces arrival at [name] spaceport.
* In sequence for every free docking port an emergency response team (ERT) is spawned all from a specific pool of factions flavored to be a random faction of spaceport (e.g. all CLF, all TWE, or maybe a reasonable mix if it's a multi-faction port).
* ERTs are spawned one at a time much like how forsaken ERTs repeat.
6. If marines all die before or during warp, ship will remain in its current state (e.g. if warping it will indefinitely stay in warp)
## Alternatives
<!-- Provide potential alternatives to your feature, either ones that align with your design values, or ones that don't that you suspect will be suggested. If you are including the latter, make sure to explain why you didn't choose that. -->
* Rather than forcing an emergency warp, command could pick course of action:
* FTL Warp
* Choose to evacuate (existing objectives)
* Self destruct (existing objectives without lifeboat launch)
* Life boats are instead the ERT spawn location:
* They launch on successful warp
* On arrival to transition space, spawn ERTs in them for remaining passenger count
* Launch back to the Almayer life boat docks
## Potential Changes
<!-- Most of the time you're not going to get the best design first try. It helps to try your best to predict what *could* go wrong, and suggest alternatives that can be taken, without sacrificing your design. -->
* Defending the pumps may prove too difficult especially since ideally it would split the forces up, so areas might need redesign or more defenses
* Tacmap might need to be able to be drawn for the Almayer map to coordinate strategies shipside
* Xenos may need more time to ever prevent a warp from succeeding
* Maybe consider it marine minor on successful warp so to not delay out round
* Prevent emergency warp objective style if King is on board and instead leave as existing hijack objectives