# Appearances Protocol The following is the protocol for preparing for appearances by DAO Masons supporting Grant Ships. Check Each Leftmost box only after the answers required are complete and ready. Enter times in EST and PST and UTC [WorldTimeBuddy](https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/) ## Humans Involved - [ ] Human 1: - [ ] Role: - [ ] Human 2: - [ ] Role: - [ ] Human 3: - [ ] Role: - [ ] Human(s) Other: - [ ] Role(s): - [ ] Recording Sec: (Someone responsible for recording notes for follow up, preferably not speaking) ## Location, Date and Attire - [ ] Location/Platform for appearance: - [ ] Dress Code Required - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Dress Code (if required) - [ ] Business formal - [ ] Business casual - [ ] Looking good - [ ] T shirt and Jeans - [ ] Housecoat and slippers (audio only) :smiley: - [ ] Date of Appearance: - [ ] Time: - [ ] Date of Rehearsal: - [ ] Time: - [ ] Date of Dress: - [ ] Time: - [ ] Access to Location/Platform: - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Human Other - [ ] Where will humans co-ordinate before event: - [ ] Where will humans co-ordinate DURING the event: ## General Prep - [ ] Objectives Defined (eg Game Promotion, Recruiting etc.) - [ ] State Main Objective: - [ ] State Secondary Objective: - [ ] Who is the audience? - [ ] Are we the hosts? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No (Who: ) - [ ] Are we presenters/guests? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] How long do we have to present?: - [ ] Will there be other presenters? - [ ] Who are they? - [ ] other presenter 1: - [ ] other presenter 2: - [ ] other presenter 3: - [ ] Generally, what are they talking about? - [ ] What is our key message? - [ ] Have we tweeted about appearance? - [ ] Have we reached out to influencers for retweets? - [ ] Influencer 1: - [ ] Influenser 2: - [ ] Influencer 3: - [ ] Do we have up to date game information? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Are there updates to current documentation? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Link to doc changes: - [ ] Have we prepared a list of FAQs relating to appearance - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Have we documented the answers? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No ## Content and Materials ### Press Kit - [ ] Press releases copy prepared - [ ] Art work required? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Presenter Bios prepared ### Materials - [ ] Slides prepared? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] N/R - [ ] Video prepared? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] N/R - [ ] Other Demo materials prepared? (ie, demo copy, flash cards) - [ ] Talking points cheat sheets/flash cards? - [ ] Yes (link: ) - [ ] No - [ ] N/R - [ ] Game rules available ``rules.grantships.fun`` - [ ] Whitepaper available - [ ] Everyone has access to social media accounts? - [ ] Any other passwords not shared? ## Technical Setup - [ ] Are we responsible for recording? - [ ] Video - [ ] Audio - [ ] Who is recording?: - [ ] Will we get a copy? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] N/R - [ ] Who is editing the recording?: - [ ] Has recording system been checked? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] N/R - [ ] Internet Connection is good Humans? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Mic checks are good Humans? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Speakers are functioning? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Camera is working? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Laptop/Camera is charged? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Has access to appearance platform? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Software/App is installed and up to date? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Backup plan in case of technical failure on primary equip? - [ ] Human 1 - [ ] Human 2 - [ ] Human 3 - [ ] Humans other - [ ] Human(s) recording ## Promotion and Feedback Protocol is for at least 3 (arbitrarily chosen for now) pre-event tweets and casts (6 in total, concurrent tweets and casts can be identical) per appearance unless otherwise stipulated. - [ ] Post 1 Complete - [ ] Link: - [ ] Link: - [ ] Post 2 Complete - [ ] Link: - [ ] Link: - [ ] Post 3 Complete - [ ] Link: - [ ] Link: - [ ] Link: - [ ] Someone watching and responding to Social Media posts live - [ ] Who?: - [ ] Post Event Summary post complete - [ ] Is there a form for audience to fill out? - [ ] Where?: - [ ] What info (in a few words) do we hope to draw from this form? (session feedback, contributors, grant applicants etc.): - [ ] Is there follow up material to be sen to anyone? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] What is needed?: - [ ] Who needs it?: - [ ] Where do we send it?: - [ ] Is team debriefing after event? - [ ] Yes - [ ] No - [ ] Where? - [ ] When?