--- title: LeetCode | 0000. 解題目錄 date: 2023-01-09 is_modified: false disqus: cynthiahackmd categories: - "面試刷題" tags: - "Editing" - "LeetCode" - "目錄" --- {%hackmd @CynthiaChuang/Github-Page-Theme %} <br> 最近開始刷 LeetCode,但雖然有些題目解了出來,但還是存在很多似懂非懂的模糊空間,因此想透過記錄的方式記下這些經驗與領略,並用自己的方式表達出來,以釐清這些模糊的空間。 是說才剛開始刷題,長路漫漫阿... <!--more--> <br> | NO. | 題目 | 難度 | 備註 | | ------------- | --- | --- | --- | | 0771. | [Jewels and Stones](/CarqjO0mTAGdkvuBssZRwg) | E | | | 0226. | [Invert Binary Tree](/DEVtkS06SjG8AM_GYdx6sw) | E | | | 0208. | [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) ](/742IrlelR0qQncqup3HVEw) | M | | | 0189. | [Rotate Array](/hTZGtex6Q9qt1GJNFzbKZw) | E | | | 0175. | [Combine Two Tables](/GRW0LwRlSiCuBKw7Ohm8IA) | E | | | 0140. | [Word Break II](/VAvkdroKRhKQhLIyfB1wXg) | H | | | 0139. | [Word Break](/0K_sEFidQe2iTW_xslPOLw) | M | | | 0071. | [Simplify Path](/O6PmRRpxSLa4FfraHo0i4A) | M | | | 0066. | [Plus One](/hB3f_93PSP67oEZX6DbvIQ) | E | | | 0065. | [Valid Number](/3U-2JdKyT46rRV17tbMo7g) | H | | | 0044. | [Wildcard Matching*](/qOITvIsCRYqkiLvzP_WPBA) | M | | | 0043. | [Multiply Strings](/8H9RYfCoQ_Crj352rsoGJQ) | M | | | 0036. | Valid Sudoku | M | | | 0035. | Search Insert Position | E | | | 0034. | Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | M | | | 0033. | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | M | | | 0032. | [Longest Valid Parentheses*](/O3EM7_ndSvKTVvBY8niJKw) | H | | | 0031. | [Next Permutation](/kEqn2iSyQO2eEVR5myV1YQ) | M | | | 0030. | Substring with Concatenation of All Words | H | | | 0029. | Divide Two Integers | M | | | 0028. | [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0028-Find-the-Index-of-the-First-Occurrence-in-a-String) | M | | | 0027. | [Remove Element](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0027-Remove-Element) | E | | | 0026. | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0026-Remove-Duplicates-from-Sorted-Array) | E | | | 0025. | [Reverse Nodes in k-Group](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0025-Reverse-Nodes-in-k-Group) | H | | | 0024. | [Swap Nodes in Pairs](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0024-Swap-Nodes-in-Pairs) | M | | | 0023. | [Merge k Sorted Lists](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0023-Merge-k-Sorted-Lists) | H | | | 0022. | [Generate Parentheses](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0022-Generate-Parentheses) | M | | | 0021. | [Merge Two Sorted Lists](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0021-Merge-Two-Sorted-Lists) | E | | | 0020. | [Valid Parentheses](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0020-Valid-Parentheses) | E | | | 0019. | [Remove Nth Node From End of List](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0019-Remove-Nth-Node-From-End-of-List) | M | | | 0018. | [4Sum*](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0018-4Sum) | M | | | 0017. | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0017-Letter-Combinations-of-a-Phone-Number) | M | | | 0016. | [3Sum Closest](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0016-3Sum-Closest) | M | | | 0015. | [3Sum](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0015-3Sum) | M | | | 0014. | [Longest Common Prefix](/LeetCode-0014-Longest-Common-Prefix) | E | | | 0013. | [Roman to Integer](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0013-Roman-to-Integer) | E | | | 0012. | [Integer to Roman](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0012-Integer-to-Roman) | M | | | 0011. | [Container With Most Water](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0011-Container-With-Most-Water) | M | | | 0010. | [Regular Expression Matching](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0010-Regular-Expression-Matching) | H | | | 0009. | [Palindrome Number](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0009-Palindrome-Number) | E | | | 0008. | [String to Integer (atoi)](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0008-String-to-Integer-atoi) | M | | | 0007. | [Reverse Integer](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0007-Reverse-Integer) | E | | | 0006. | [ZigZag Conversion](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0006-ZigZag-Conversion) | M | | | 0005. | [Longest Palindromic Substring](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0005-Longest-Palindromic-Substring) | M | | | 0003. | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0003-Longest-Substring-Without-Repeating-Characters) | M | | | 0002. | [Add Two Numbers](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0002-Add-Two-Numbers) | M | | | 0001. | [Two Sum](/@CynthiaChuang/LeetCode-0001-Two-Sum) | E | |