Data Science and AI Education local interest group at UoL: 2nd meeting notes === ###### tags: `2nd meeting` `Data Science and AI Education UoL` :::info - **Call time and day**: Thursday 8th September, 12:00-13:00 (GMT+1) - **Meeting host**: [Luisa Cutillo]( - **Meeting facilitator**: [Paul Baxter]( - **Call joining link**: [MS teams meeting]( - **Private Github repo**: [DS and AI Education Local Interest Group UoL]( ::: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> # 2nd meeting ## Agenda :::success | Agenda | Speaker | Time | | ------------------------ | ------------------------------- | ----------------- | | Intro and overview | [Luisa Cutillo]( | 12:00 - 12:05 | Complete Presentation of the New MS TEAM | [Luisa Cutillo]( | 12:05 - 12:20 | Complete Intro to Topic Discussion: How To Assess Coding Assignments | Everyone | 12:20 - 12:25 | Complete |Collaborative exercise | Breakout rooms | 12:25 - 12:50 | Complete | Reflections, discussions and Q&A | [Luisa Cutillo]( | 12:50 - 13:00 | ::: ### Collaborative exercise *up to 25 minutes in breakout groups of 3-5 people* #### Group 1 *Please use this space to take notes from your breakout group discussion.* - How do you efficiently assess programming coursework? Please tell us best and worst approaches based on your experience. - In the school of computing, we use Gradescope which only assesses the output not the code or the style of coding. - - - - - What challanges have you faced with programming assignments and how to address them? - - - - How to deal with issues of plegiarism/academic integrity with programming assignments? - Ask the students to explain what is happening in the codes, although this may reduce the chance/scope of automatic grading - - - Can you share any resources that could be useful for setting and assessing programming assignments (ideally in Minerva)? - - - - Can you share any authomated assessment examples that worked well for you? - - - - What would you like this group to discuss in the next meetings? - feedback to students, how to give specific and efficient one. Very time consuming. - - #### Group 2 *Please use this space to take notes from your breakout group discussion.* We considered the difference between formative and summative assessment, but mostly concentrated on summative assessment. - How do you efficiently assess programming coursework? Please tell us best and worst approaches based on your experience. - Use of teaching assistants to support marking - Design to allow automation (not open ended) - unit testing - Peer to peer assessment - This is only possible for formative assessment. - Provide non-functioning code that the students have to fix. The fixed code should then pass tests. - What challanges have you faced with programming assignments and how to address them? - Automating assessment is often hard as: - How then do we make subjective judgements on how well something has been done. - There can be error carried forward issues (e.g. part b relies on answer to part a) - A lot of effort can go into designing automated assessment which is only likely to be worth it for large cohort sizes. - Students can sometimes find the work of previous cohorts more easily as these are more often shared e.g. on GitHub. - How to deal with issues of plagiarism/academic integrity with programming assignments? - Randomised version of data set etc. to different students - Timed closed book examinations - Jupyter notebook to describe code ensures understanding - Use of repository history - Viva style assessment - Can you share any resources that could be useful for setting and assessing programming assignments (ideally in Minerva)? - Resource on plagiarism in coding - - Java Maven tool is good at checking documentation - Can you share any automated assessment examples that worked well for you? - No - What would you like this group to discuss in the next meetings? - Setting learning objectives in data science courses - Marking groupwork - Cross faculty teaching / research projects #### Group 3 *Please use this space to take notes from your breakout group discussion.* - How do you efficiently assess programming coursework? Please tell us best and worst approaches based on your experience. - Work in groups (5ish) - Short presentation of their work instead of marking code directly - Unit tests and student write the functions? - Submit or not submit code? Is "pretty" code and good RSE practice something to focus on in teaching? - Testing functionality vs the maintainability / cleanness of the code - Peer assessment (pass code to your neighbour for comments) - Find examples of "bad" code and ask students to find the issues. - What challanges have you faced with programming assignments and how to address them? - Numbers in large courses - - - How to deal with issues of plegiarism/academic integrity with programming assignments? - Change assignment slightly for each group (i.e. different datasets) - If code itself isn't part of the submission, but results are, this becomes less of an issue? - Peer evaluation? - Can you share any resources that could be useful for setting and assessing programming assignments (ideally in Minerva)? - - Kaggle examples (loading, training, metrics etc) - Advent of code - Can you share any authomated assessment examples that worked well for you? - - Find examples of "bad" code and ask students to find the issues. Could be multiple choice - - What would you like this group to discuss in the next meetings? - - Robust testing? Internal / external validation? Overfitting? Pre-registration of analysis plans? - #### Group 4 *Please use this space to take notes from your breakout group discussion.* - How do you efficiently assess programming coursework? Please tell us best and worst approaches based on your experience. - One of us has taught very simple first-year undergraduate "How to use R"-type material. Programming is tested by checking simple "one number" answers -- marking the answers rather than the code itself. - Different datasets for each student and slightly different tasks (randomised) - Worst experiences: Failure of autumated marking - check it works! - It is possible to give much quicker (although less detailed) - - What challanges have you faced with programming assignments and how to address them? - - - - How to deal with issues of plagiarism/academic integrity with programming assignments? - For low-stakes assessment (coursework worth a small proportion of the module mark): do almost nothing to combat plagiarism. - Random datasets avoids the very most naive copying (but not much more). - We thought about how easy it would be to randomise the task -- sounds tricky but maybe doable. - Can you share any resources that could be useful for setting and assessing programming assignments (ideally in Minerva)? - If it's possible to mark simple numerical answers, then a Microsoft Form is sufficient. (It's probably possible to do this natively in Minerva if everyone's answers should be the same.) - I've used a MailMerge to return answers and very basic feedback to students by email. - - Can you share any automated assessment examples that worked well for you? - - - - What would you like this group to discuss in the next meetings? - - - ## Reflections and Q&A If you have any questions or thoughts, please feel very free to contribute these below: - Questions/thoughts: - Links: - Chat: