# Crosslink 2019 共同筆記
- [歡迎來到 Crosslink 2019!](/@Crosslink/HJ-aJpbur)
- [Crosslink 2019 Schedule](http://crosslink.taipei/schedule/)
- [HackMD 快速入門](https://hackmd.io/s/BJvtP4zGX)
- [HackMD 會議功能介紹](https://hackmd.io/s/BJHWlNQMX)
# Day 1 (10/19)
## 10:00 ~ 10:40
- [Confirming - Vitalik Buterin](/GyUTthHrQk2Q9O-d4btVdA)
## 10:40 ~ 11:10
- [Ethereum 2.0 / 以太坊 2.0 介紹 - Danny Ryan](/0OXGFAHZTLG8M6F0TfpfyA)
## 11:20 ~ 11:50
- [LibraBridge: Connect Libra with Ethereum / LibraBridge: 橋接 Libra 與 Ethereum - Bun Hsu](/-7HdG2SQQruAyeSJP-udqA)
- [Radical Ideals: Experiments in Sustaining Open Source Infrastructure / 激進理想:持續支援開源軟體基礎建設之實驗](/jRxqLF8ERuyTvKnbOxhmew)
## 11:50 ~ 12:20
- [Pioneer a financial life on Ethereum with a non-custodial banking replacement / 在以太坊上開拓無需銀行託管的新金融生活 - Mel Gelderman](/r5nNR_hlQAeuxwMQ4aKRzQ)
- [Private communication with stake based rate limiting / 基於權益證明與限速機制實現的隱私通訊](/a3Bu0hbjTvKJCPi5AiL3DA)
## 13:55 ~ 14:25
- [Confirming - Ping Chen](/7Gta3nrLQHuLAGRlbtZrjQ)
- [VDFs Workshop: Introduction to VDFs / VDFs 原理介紹 - Po-Chun Kuo](/jDj4PprgTT2eafyfGN_TtA)
## 14:25 ~ 14:55
- [The tangent of code and law: Spin up legal containers on blockchain in 1 second for 1 dollar (DAI) / 用買杯咖啡的價格與時間,成立間美國公司! - Han Verstraete](/gV_JFQQIRJ6PrefN30LYvA)
- [VDFs Workshop: VDFs Applications / VDFs 應用介紹 - Dankrad Feist](/22xQEiA-RiilHXu62WP2pQ)
## 14:55 ~ 15:35
- [ [Panel] Developer Community Building: Challenges and Experience Sharing / [座談] 建立開發者社群:挑戰及經驗分享 - Chih-Cheng Liang](/KJ79yOsvQU67p6pTFyyOwA)
- [VDFs Workshop: Discussion / 討論時間 - Chang-Wu Chen](/bgAeDTctTGC81edATqwVFg)
## 15:55 ~ 16:25
- [Private key security and protection / 私錀的安全與保護 - Tim Hsu](/fOw61lbcRfGsqcHk-xyZ9w)
## 15:55 ~ 16:55
- [Building apps that can't be evil 從零開始,打造一隻永不「墮落」的Dapp - Larry Salibra](/IlBoYlwTQLShKjesuP93Eg)
## 16:25 ~ 16:55
- [Using DAOs to fundraise for your project / 如何使用 DAOs 為你的項目募資 - Luis Cuende](/zgh8AQSQRg2wkjWeJoc0Ag)
# Day 2 (10/20)
## 10:00 ~ 10:30
- [A secure state channels framework for Ethereum / 解析以太坊上的安全狀態通道 - Liam Horne](/hTkT21w8QE2-PLFFSePn5A)
## 10:20 ~ 12:20
- [ABC of writing Ethereum smart contracts / 手把手教你如何寫出以太坊智慧合約 - Alexander Praetorius, Nina Breznik](/CROB9_XZSjCHeaR4F4FYRA)
## 10:30 ~ 11:00
- [How to Build Generalized Applications on Layer 2 / 如何打造一般化的 Layer 2 應用服務 - Yuriko Nishijima](/nn7LVPZ_SlirqDSx1sSvUw)
## 11:10 ~ 11:50
- [Financial supply chain adapter with blockchain technology / 區塊鏈技術實現供應鏈金融接口 - Frank Kao](/rBj35tUfRAaOn_fNV8ujQA)
## 11:50 ~ 12:20
- [Own your private keys and privacy / 掌控你的私鑰與隱私 - Hankuan Yu, Hank Chiu](/Avs43CYISr27vBmPaAjqcA)
## 13:35 ~ 15:35
- [How to create a custom DAO / 如何打造屬於你自己的 DAO - Luis Cuende](/dkFLkQqMRLGzekpNK0YEZQ)
## 13:55 ~ 14:25
- [libp2p: Modular peer-to-peer networking stack / libp2p: 模組化的點對點網路協議 - Raúl Kripalani](/b1XWRVzmRbymgw8B2xIFJQ)
## 14:25 ~ 14:55
- [The anatomy of a basic Ethereum 2.0 client / 剖析以太坊 2.0 客戶端 - Adrian Manning](/zqc6M0ddR-2mmi6sh5GW5A)
## 14:55 ~ 15:35
- [[Panel] Ethereum 2.0: next step to Serenity / [座談] 以太坊 2.0:衝出寧靜號 - Hsiao-Wei Wang](/rwpUGahFTrOfx1zvCit3pQ)
## 15:55 ~ 16:25
- [Tokenlon - The quest to build a front-running- & trade collision-free DEX / Tokenlon - 探索如何建立無提前交易與無交易衝突的分散式交易所 - Philipp Seifert](/3eero15bRASghifd64XCrQ)
- [New BFT consensus algorithm in geth / geth 上的新型 BFT 共識演算法 - Tung-Wei Kuo](/qyTQ_521RzebyV6pNsDB5g)
## 16:25 ~ 16:55
- [eWASM VM - The next generation Ethereum Virtual Machine / eWASM VM - 次世代的以太坊虛擬機 - Hung-Ying Tai](/_WFlIGAHQqaRqN2ZH52V4A)
- [Ethereum PoA consortium chain to support inter-hospital data sharing / 使用以太坊 Proof-of-Authority 聯盟鏈進行跨醫院的資料共享 - Kung Chen](/AM7BiiMmSNegTUvkU7mY-Q)
###### tags: `crosslink2019` `bookmark`
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Crosslink 2019 共同筆記
Day 1 (10/19)
10:00 ~ 10:40
10:40 ~ 11:10
11:20 ~ 11:50
11:50 ~ 12:20
13:55 ~ 14:25
14:25 ~ 14:55
14:55 ~ 15:35
15:55 ~ 16:25
15:55 ~ 16:55
16:25 ~ 16:55
Day 2 (10/20)
10:00 ~ 10:30
10:20 ~ 12:20
10:30 ~ 11:00
11:10 ~ 11:50
11:50 ~ 12:20
13:35 ~ 15:35
13:55 ~ 14:25
14:25 ~ 14:55
14:55 ~ 15:35
15:55 ~ 16:25
16:25 ~ 16:55
tags: crosslink2019