# Pete <> Mai <> Christina ## Resources - [Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-5n7a2wjCW_5d5x9rVuJcVjc66RZ8154doUKigdeRD0/edit#gid=0) compiling all digital nomad retreats - https://rebase.co/portugal This company helps high tech freelancers relocate to portugal. They state over 640,000 people are doing this a year! there is a 4 month waitlist to access there services. ## User stories - Wow... Take back every pessimism about interesting people in Lisbon... So far have only met interesting people... Just had a conversation with a PhD student about black skin white mask... ...in a room of like, 50 people who've all moved here within the last two months, doing interesting things! ### Full conversion - outbuildings and main buildings tavern - 2.5 yrs - this summer: - 4 bedrooms (tight doubles) - 1 main bedroom (6 working people) - ## feature - hiking - motorcross - mountain biking - watersports ### Tasks - [ ] Understand what the physical space needs are for - [ ] digital nomad communities - [ ] retreats for SMEs