# Data Structure - Stack in Python
###### tags: `DataStructure` `Python`
> Written by @Chihung0522
> [Reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVFnq4zbs-g&list=PL5tcWHG-UPH112e7AN7C-fwDVPVrt0wpV)
> > [time=Sun, Mar 29, 2020 9:06 PM]
The basic structure of stack in python object.
class Stack():
def __init__(self):
def push(self,item):
def pop(self):
index = len(self.items)-1
return self.items.pop(),index
def is_empty(self):
return self.items == []
def get_stack(self):
return self.items
def stack_look(self):
if not self.is_empty():
for index in range(1,len(self.items)+1):
print( "|" + self.items[-index] + "|" )
print(" - ")
def peek(self):
if not self.is_empty():
return self.items[-1]
return None
## Ex1 : Check for balanced parenthesis using stack
**Input a strin of parenthesis and check wheather all the parenthesis match up properly.**
| :--------: | :--------: |:------:|
| Input | A string of parenthesis |"[ { ( ) { } } ]" |
|Output | Balanced or not |True or False|
### Terminology
> [ ] : square bracket :
> { } : curly brackets,curly braces
> ( ) : Round brackets
> < > : Angle brackets
### Example
- balanced example : { ( ) }
- Non-Balanced example : { ( } , (()
### Step
- [ ] Loop through the string from the beginning,and analyze the character.
- [ ] If encounter a open parenthesis, push it to the Stack .
- [ ] If encounter a close parenthesis, pop the very top element of stack and check wheather it matched each other.
- [ ] If matched properly, pop up the previous parenthesis in the stack.
- [ ] If finally the stack is empty then the result is balanced.
### Code
Use the obj built previously.
from stack import Stack
def is_paren_balanced(paren_string:str):
s = Stack()
is_balanced = True
index = 0
while index<len(paren_string) and is_balanced:
check_paren = paren_string[index]
if check_paren in '[{(':
if s.is_empty():
stack_top = s.pop()
if not is_matched(stack_top,check_paren):
index +=1
return s.is_empty() and is_balanced
# check if it is matched
def is_matched(p1,p2):
if p1=='(' and p2==')':
return True
elif p1=='[' and p2==']':
return True
elif p1=='{' and p2=='}':
return True
return False
## Ex2 : Use stock structure to convert a integer values to binary
### Terminology
>Quotient : 商
>Reminder : 餘數
### Step
- [ ] Divide the integer by 2 until quotient is 0
- [ ] Put the reminder into a stack after every iteration
- [ ] If the loop is finished, pop up all the element in the stack
### Code
from stack import Stack
def IntToBinary(num:int):
s = Stack()
if num > 0:
while num >0 :
reminder = num % 2
num = num // 2
while not s.is_empty():
bin_str += str(s.pop())
return bin_str
return 0
## LeetCode practice 1 : [happy number](https://leetcode.com/problems/happy-number/)
### Code
Use the stack instance to solve it :
class Solution:
def isHappy(self, n: int) -> bool:
s = Stack()
global new_n
endless_val = set()
while not n in endless_val:
new_n = 0
for digit in str(n):
new_n += int(digit)**2
for num in str(new_n):
while not s.is_empty():
happy = True
pop_num,index = s.pop()
if index == 0 and pop_num =='1':
return happy
elif index == 0:
n = new_n
if index != 0 and pop_num!='0':
n = new_n
return False
But after solve it on my own,I found a very clean code that doing the same thing without redundant if-else statement.
def _isHappy( n):
while n not in stack:
for string in n:
if n=='1':
return True
return False
## LeetCode practice 2 : [Min Cost Climbing Stairs](https://leetcode.com/problems/min-cost-climbing-stairs/)
### Code
def minCostClimbingStairs(self, cost: List[int]) -> int:
prev, step = cost[:2]
for c in cost[2:]:
prev, step = step, c + min(prev, step)
return min(prev, step)