# Lecture 5 - Splay Tree, Link/Cut Tree and ET-Tree
###### tags: `Algorithm`
## Dynamic Data Structure
+ Supporting following operations
+ $Search$
+ Priority queue only support finding minimum
+ $Minimum/Maximum$
+ $Predecessor$/$Successor$
+ $Predecessor(i)$: maximum element smaller than $i$
+ $Successor(i)$: minimum element greater than $i$
+ $Insert$
+ $Delete$
### Binary Search Tree (BST)
#### Definition
+ A rooted binary tree with a key stored at each node
+ The key in each node must be greater than all keys stored in the left sub-tree, and smaller than all keys in the right sub-tree
#### Property
+ Binary tree in **sorted** order
+ Maintain ordering property for **all** sub-trees
+ List all elements in sorted order
//In-order traversal
void list(x){
if (x!=NULL){
#### Operation
+ $Search$, $Maximum$, $Minimum$ operations are trivial
+ $Successor$
+ If $x$ has a right child, then return the minimum of its right child
+ When $x$ does not have a right subtree
+ If $x$ is the left child of its parent, then successor is its parent
+ If $x$ is the right child of its parent
+ $x$ is the largest in the subtree rooted at it
+ We want to find the successor of $x$’s parent in the tree without the subtree rooted at $x$
Node* Successor(x){
if (x->right!=NULL)
return min(x->right);
Node* y=x->parent;
while (y!=NULL && x==y->right){
return y;
+ $Insert$
+ Trivial insertion
+ However, the BST built in this way may be not balanced
+ $Delete$
+ If $z$ has no child, simply delete it
+ If $z$ has one child $y$, simple replace $z$ by $y$
+ If $z$ has two children, then we can find the $z$’s successor $y$
+ $y$ must be in $z$’s right subtree
+ Replace $z$ by $y$, and the rest of $z$’s right subtree as its right subtree
#### Time Analysis
+ All operations are $O(h)$, where $h$ is the height of the binary search tree
+ Self-balancing binary search tree
+ **Definition**: A data structure keeping the height of the binary search tree small
+ **BST is balanced if $h=O(\log n)$**
+ $n$: number of elements in BST
+ **$Insert$ and $Delete$ to keep BST balanced**
+ For example: AVL-tree, Red/Black-tree, B-tree
### Splay Tree (*Sleator-Tarjan* 1983)
#### Basic introduction
+ Self-adjusting BST
+ Most frequently accessed items are close to root
+ Tree automatically reorganizes itself after each operation
+ No balance information is explicitly maintained
+ Tree remains nicely balanced, but height can potentially be $n -1$
+ Sequence of $m$ ops involving $n$ inserts takes $O(m \log n)$ time
##### Theorem (*Sleator-Tarjan*, 1983a): Splay trees are as efficient (in amortized sense) as static optimal BST
##### Theorem (*Sleator-Tarjan*, 1983b): Shortest augmenting path algorithm for max-flow can be implemented in $O(mn\log n)$ time
+ Sequence of $mn$ augmentations takes $O(mn\log n)$ time
+ Splay trees used to implement dynamic trees (link/cut tree)
#### **Operation**
+ $ZIG$: left rotation
+ $ZAG$: right rotation
+ $Splay(x, S)$: Reorganize splay tree $S$ so that **element $x$ is at the root** if $x\in S$; otherwise the new root is $max\{k\in S|k<x\}$
+ Do following operations until $x$ is root
+ $ZIG$: If $x$ has a parent but no grandparent, then rotate $x$
+ $ZIG-ZIG$: If $x$ has a parent $y$ and a grandparent, and if both $x$ and $y$ are either both left children or both right children
+ $ZIG-ZAG$: If $x$ has a parent $y$ and a grandparent, and if one of $x$, $y$ is a left child and the other is a right child
+ For example
+ $Splay(1, S)$
+ $Splay(2, S)$
+ $Find(x, S)$: determine whether element $x$ is in splay tree $S$
+ Call $Splay(x, S)$
+ If $x$ is root, then return $x$; otherwise return NO
+ $Join(S, S')$: join $S$ and $S'$ into a single splay tree, assuming that $x < y$ for all $x ∈S$, and $y ∈S'$
+ Call $Splay(\infty, S)$ so that largest element of $S$ is at root and all other elements are in left subtree
+ Make $S'$ the right subtreeof the root of $S$
+ $Delete(x, S)$: delete $x$ from $S$ if it is there
+ Call $Splay(x, S)$ to bring $x$ to the root if it is there
+ Remove $x$, let $S'$ and $S''$ be the resulting subtrees
+ Call $Join(S', S'')$
+ $Insert(x, S)$: insert $x$ into $S$ if it is not already there
+ Call $Splay(x, S)$ and break tree at root to form $S$ and $S''$
+ Call $Join(Join(S', \{x\}), S'')$
+ $Split(x, S)$: partitions $S$ into two trees, $S_1=\{y\in S| key(y)≤x\}$ and $S_2=\{y\in S| key(y)>x\}$
+ Call $Splay(x, S)$
+ $S_1$: left subtree of root
+ $S_2$: right subtree of root
#### Analysis
##### Definition
+ Let $S(x)$ denote subtree of $S$ rooted at $x$
+ $|S|$: number of nodes in tree $S$
+ $\mu(S) = rank = \lfloor \log |S|\rfloor$
+ $\mu(x) = \mu(S(x))$
##### Splay Invariant
Node $x$ always has at least $\mu(x)$ credits on deposit, which means the potential function $\phi(S)=Σ_{x∈S}\mu(x)$
##### Splay Lemma: Each $Splay(x, S)$ operation requires at most $3(\mu(S)-\mu(x))+1$ credits (amortized time) to perform the splay operation and maintain the invariant
+ Let $\mu(x)$ and $\mu'(x)$ be rank before and after single $ZIG$, $ZIG-ZIG$, or $ZIG-ZAG$ operation on tree $S$
+ We show invariant is maintained (after paying for low-level operations) using at most
+ $3(\mu(S) -\mu(x)) + 1$ credits for each $ZIG$ operation
+ $3(\mu'(x) -\mu(x))$ credits for each $ZIG-ZIG$ operation
+ $3(\mu'(x) -\mu(x))$ credits for each $ZIG-ZAG$ operation
+ Thus, if a sequence of of these are done to move $x$ up the tree, we get a telescoping sum $⇒$ total credits $≤ 3(\mu(S) -\mu(x)) + 1$
###### $ZIG$
+ Amortized cost: $1+\mu'(x)+\mu'(y)-\mu(x)-\mu(y)\\=1+\mu'(y)-\mu(x)\\\leq 1+\mu'(x)-\mu(x)\\\leq 1+3(\mu'(x)-\mu(x))\\=1+3(\mu(S)-\mu(x))$
+ Use extra credit to pay for low-level operations
###### $ZIG-ZIG$
+ Amortized cost: $1+\mu'(x)+\mu'(y)+\mu'(z)-\mu(x)-\mu(y)-\mu(z)\\=1+\mu'(y)+\mu'(z)-\mu(x)-\mu(y)\\= 1+(\mu'(y)-\mu(x))+(\mu'(z)-\mu(y))\\\leq 1+(\mu'(x)-\mu(x))+(\mu'(x)-\mu(x))\\=1+2(\mu'(x)-\mu(x))$
+ If $\mu'(x)>\mu(x)$, then can afford to pay for constant number of low-level operations and maintain invariant using $≤ 3(\mu'(x) -\mu(x))$ credits
###### Nasty case: $\mu(x)=\mu'(x)$
+ We show in this case $\mu'(x) +\mu'(y) +\mu'(z) < \mu(x) +\mu(y) +\mu(z)$
+ Don't need any credit to pay for invariant
+ $1$ credit left to pay for low-level operations
+ For contradiction, suppose $\mu'(x) +\mu'(y) +\mu'(z)\geq \mu(x) +\mu(y) +\mu(z)$
+ Since $\mu(x)=\mu'(x)=\mu(z)$, by monotonicity $\mu(x)=\mu(y)=\mu(z)$
+ After some algebra, it follows that $\mu(x)=\mu'(z)=\mu(z)$
+ Let $a=1+|A|+|B|$, $b=1+|C|+|D|$, then $\lfloor \log a\rfloor=\lfloor\log b\rfloor=\lfloor \log(a+b+1)\rfloor$
+ WLOG, assume $b\geq a$
+ $\lfloor\log(a+b+1)\rfloor\geq\lfloor \log(2a)\rfloor\geq 1+\lfloor\log a\rfloor>\lfloor \log a\rfloor$
###### $ZIG-ZAG$
+ Argument similar to $ZIG-ZIG$
##### Theorem: A sequence of $m$ operations involving ninserts takes $O(m\log n)$ time
+ $\mu(x)≤\lfloor\log n\rfloor\to$ at most $3\lfloor\log n\rfloor+1$ credits are needed for each splay operation
+ $Find$, $Insert$, $Delete$, $Join$, $Split$ all take constant number of splays plus low-level operations (pointer manipulations, comparisons)
#### Optimality of Splay Tree
+ Static splay tree: no insertion or deletion, only accessing, so the tree will becomes more balanced
+ Let $1,…,n$ be the elements in the splay tree
+ A sequence of $m$ accesses, in which item $i$ appears $q(i)$ times
##### Theorem: If $q(i)>0$ for $1≤i≤n$, then the total access time is $O(m+\sum_{i=1}^n q(i)\log(\frac{m}{q(i)}))$
+ In the amortized analysis, **assign weights $w(x)$ to each node $w$**
+ $S(x)$ is the subtree rooted at $x$, $\mu(x) = \mu(S(x))= \lfloor\log(\sum_{y\in S(x)}w(y))\rfloor$
+ Total potential $\phi(S)=\sum_{x∈S}\mu(x)$
+ You can check all steps in the previous proof work
Splay Lemma: Each $Splay(x, S)$ operation requires at most $3(\mu(S)-\mu(x))+1$ credits (amortized time) to perform the splay operation and maintain the invariant
+ **So amortized time for accessing $i$ is $≤3(\log m-\log q(i))+1$**
+ The total potential drop is $\leq\sum\log(m/q(i))$
+ This bound reaches *Shannon* entropy, thus optimal (to a constant factor)
#### Dynamic Optimality Conjecture
+ $s$: any sequence of dictionary operations starting with any $n$-node BST
+ $OPT$: optimum off-line algorithm on $s$
+ $OPT$ carries out each operation by starting from the root and accessing nodes on the corresponding search path, and possibly some additional nodes, at a cost of one per accessed node, and that between each operation performs an arbitrary number of rotations on any accessed node in the tree, at a cost of one per rotation
+ Then, $C_{SPLAY}(s) = O(n+C_{OPT}(s))$
## Dynamic Trees Structure
Goal: maintain a forest of (rooted) trees
+ Operation
+ $MakeTree(v)$: creates and returns singleton tree with vertex $v$
+ $Link(v,w)$: add an edge between $v$ and $w$ (**$v$ and $w$ are not in the same tree**)
+ $Cut(v,w)$: delete **tree edge** $(v,w)$
+ $FindRoot(v)$: returns the root of the tree containing $v$ (**to check whether two nodes are in the same tree**)
+ Application
+ Network flows
+ Static and dynamic graph algorithms
+ Computational geometry
### Link/Cut Tree
#### Definition
+ We build a structure to represent this tree T
+ Every node has $0$ or $1$ **preferred child**
+ **Preferred edge: the edge between a preferred child and its parent**
+ The original tree $T$ can be partitioned into **preferred path**
##### Preferred Path
+ Each preferred path is an ancestor-descendent path
+ We use a splay tree to represent a preferred path
+ Keyed by its depth
+ Left subtree: higher nodes
+ Right subtree: lower nodes
+ Every splay tree (preferred path) has a pointer to its parent
+ From the root of the splay tree
#### Operation
+ $Access(v)$
+ All operations are implemented by the $Access(v)$ subroutine
+ When calling $Access(v)$, the path from $v$ to the root becomes **preferred path**
+ Previous preferred edge associated with nodes on this path becomes unpreferred
splay(v) in the splay tree containing v
remove v’ preferred child
(split the splay tree and change the pointer)
while v is not the in the preferred path containing the root
let w be the nodes v points to splay(w) in the splay tree containing w
switch w’s preferred child to v
v ← w
splay(v) in the splay tree containing v
+ For example: $Access(N)$
+ Make $N$’s preferred child unpreferred
+ Find $N$’s preferred path’s parent by $N$’s pointer
+ $Splay(I)$ inside the splay tree
+ Switch $I$’s preferred child and union the two splay trees
+ $I$ points to $H$, so call $Splay(H)$
+ Switch $H$’s preferred child to $I$, change the splay tree accordingly
+ Call $Splay(N)$
+ $FindRoot(v)$
+ $Access(v)$
+ Find the smallest element in the splay tree containing $v$
+ $Cut(v, parent(v))$
+ $Access(v)$
+ Split v from the splay tree
+ For example, $Cut(N,L)$
+ $Link(v,w)$
+ $Access(v)$
+ $Access(w)$
+ Let $w$ be $v$’s right child
+ Since after calling $Access(v)$, $v$ doesn’t have left child
+ So the preferred paths are linked together
#### Complexity Analysis
+ Real running time of $Access(v)$ depends on the number of preferred edge changes
+ Not bounded in one operation
+ what about amortized time?
+ $size(v)$: number of nodes in $v$’s subtree (original tree)
+ **Heavy edge**: an edge $(v, parent(v))$ is heavy if $size(v)>\frac{1}{2}size(parent(v))$
+ Otherwise, it is a **light** edge
##### Preferred Edge Changed
+ Consider the preferred edges changed on the path
+ light-to-light or heavy-to-light: $\leq\log n$ times
+ Since each time the size of the subtree at least doubles
+ What about **light-to-heavy**?
+ Amortized $O(\log n)$ times
+ No heavy-to-heavy edges
+ In a long operation sequence, number of switches bounded by $O(\log n)$ per operation
+ In each preferred edge change we need to update the splay trees, so amortized $O(\log^2n)$ time
+ We can prove an $O(\log n)$ time bound by given the potentials in the splay tree: $\phi(S)=Σ_{x∈S}\lfloor \log(s(x))\rfloor$, where $s(v)$ equals number of nodes in $v$’s subtree, including the splay tree and all its descendent in the **represented tree**
+ Then the cost for one splay operation is $3(\log(s(u))-\log(s(v)))+1$, where $u$ is the root of $v$ in the splay tree
+ If $w$ is the parent of the root of auxiliary tree containing $v$, then we have that $s(v) ≤ s(u) ≤ s(w)$
+ So sum over all splay trees changes: amortized $O(\log n)$ time
+ Thus, $O(\log n)$ time for both splay tree and preferred edge changes operations
#### Conclusion
+ It is a dynamic trees
+ $O(\log n)$ amortized time per operation
+ But hard to traverse all nodes in a tree, since no pointer to child splay trees
### Euler-Tour-Tree (ET-Tree)
#### Technique
+ Tree do not have Euler tour
+ Replace each $\{u,v\}$ into $(u,v)$ and $(v,u)$
+ Resulting graph has an Euler tour
+ It can use a sequence to represent Euler tour (not unique)
+ It solves the dynamic connectivity problem in forests
+ **High-level idea**: Instead of storing the trees in the forest, store their Euler tours
+ Each edge insertion or deletion translates into a set of manipulations on the Euler tours of the trees in the forest
+ Checking whether two nodes are connected can be done by checking if they're in the same Euler tour.
#### Property
+ The sequence of nodes visited in an Euler tour of a tree is closely connected to the structure of the tree
+ Begin by directing all edges away from the first node in the tour
+ **Claim**: The sequences of nodes visited between the first and last instance of a node $v$ gives an Euler tour of the subtree rooted at $v$
#### Operation
+ $Reroot$
+ The subtrees defined by ranges in Euler tours on trees depend on the root
+ In some cases, we will need to change the root of the tree
+ To reroot at $r$
+ Pick any occurrence of the new root $r$
+ Split the tour into $A$ and $B$, where $A$ is the part of the tour before $r$
+ Delete the first node of $A$
+ Concatenate $B$ and $A$
+ Append $r$
+ $Link$
+ Given two trees $T_1$ and $T_2$, where $u\in T_1$ and $v\in T_2$, executing $Link(u,v)$ links the trees together by adding edge $\{u,v\}$
+ To link $T_1$ and $T_2$ by adding $\{u,v\}$
+ Let $E_1$ and $E_2$ be the Euler tours of $T_1$ and $T_2$ respectively
+ Rotate $E_1$ to root the tour at $u$
+ Rotate $E_2$ to root the tour at $v$
+ Concatenate $E_1$, $E_2$ and $\{u\}$
+ $Cut$
+ Given a tree $T$, excuting $Cut(u,v)$ cuts the edge $\{u,v\}$ cuts the edge $\{u,v\}$ from the tree (assuming it exists)
+ To cut $T$ into $T_1$ and $T_2$ by cutting $\{u,v\}$
+ Let $E$ be an Euler tour for $T$
+ Spilt $E$ at $(u,v)$ and $(v,u)$ to get $J$, $K$ and $L$, in that order
+ Delete the last entry of $J$
+ $E_1=K$
+ $E_2=J,L$
#### Implement
+ **Goal**: Implement $Link$, $Cut$ and $FindRoot$ as efficienty as possible
+ By representing trees via their Euler tours, can implement $Link$ and $Cut$ so that only $O(1)$ joins and splits are necessary per operation but $FindRoot$ is $O(n)$
+ Use splay tree to maintain the Euler tours then all operations are $O(\log n)$
+ Balanced binary tree ordered by ET-list
+ For each vertex in graph, store its first and last appearance in the ET-list
+ Then its predecessor and successor is its parent in the original tree
### Summary
+ All in $O(\log n)$ time
+ $FindRoot(v)$
+ $Link(v,w)$
+ $Cut(v,w)$
+ Link/Cut tree are good at aggregation over path
+ The sum of edge/node values on the path to the root
+ Minimum value on the path to the root
+ ET-Tree are good at aggregation over subtrees