# Qeblak Qeblak is considered the oldest faith by the Skrell. By human theologians, it may be classified as a middle point between a proper system of worship and a philosophical or political school of thought. It posits that the vast depths of space represent a "perfect system" that will never collapse, and thus a society must also become perfectly repeating and predictable, lest it may eventually destroy itself. Qeblak has become extremely ingrained in the Skrellian culture as it got traction by propagating through the Skrellian Wake, with many traditions formed around it that were not present in original Qeblak writings. Besides that, Qeblak as a philosophy also invites discussion, and many new works are written and still considered to be Qeblak texts, no matter the author or date. The first Qeblak text, Mu'xi Xequla (usually translated as "Us and the Cosmos"), essentially was a forerunner to all modern Skrellian political thought. To this day, Qeblak remains the government's official ideology. Qeblak texts are taught as a compulsory subject in colleges, though not all Skrell may identify themselves with the faith. Those who do are called Qeblakites in Basic, an Qebla-mu in Nral'Malic. ## An excerpt from a canonical Qeblak text https://hackmd.io/@CarpeVenenum/H1ZxiYHz_ --- In the millenia that it has existed, several distinct thoughts have come to form the main tenets of Qeblak. ## Qeblak on authority and government Authoritarian rule is espoused by many Qeblak works as being the perfect form of governence. This is largely due to fears of Skrellian society collapsing due to unknown variables cascading into systemic flaws. However, the degree to which the society should be run on authoritarian principals may vary on the particular Qeblakite you ask. The Jargon Federation's current iteration is in many ways the preferred state of affairs for Qeblakites, with its planned economy and a strong leader supported by a carefully selected government body. However, many hardliners push for Jargon to become an autocracy, or for job choice forced by the government rather than the individual. ## Qeblak on society and the individual Qeblak merely acknowledges the individual as a part of many bigger systems. While an individual may, and is encouraged to conform and to excel, failure to do so is perceived more as a fault of the society as large than anyone in particular. However, Qeblak does not support rehabilitative justice - instead, failing elements, even if they are the fault of the system, should be *forcibly removed* if possible to do without disruption. ## Qeblak on personal virtue In an individual, virtues are described as follows: being dilligent in your studies (Wa'pii) and in your service to society (Wa'qeb), being obedient to your betters (La'qiq) and to the current order (La'qeb), and being patient for better things to yet come in the times of need (Nlaq'Wo). These virtues are especially discussed in the context of applying them to future government leaders. ## Qeblak on Quya Qeblak considers Quya to also be a system, and imperfect systems in a state of constant shift are viewed by Qeblakites as inferior. Qeblak usually frowns upon Quya changing members, but views it as a problem in the union rather than the individual members in it. On the other hand, Quyas that stay consistent and do not dissolve are praised as exemplary. ## Qeblak on other races While the first Qeblak text obviously has no mention of aliens, since their appearance, Qeblak philosophers have split. The two most popular positions are that alien societies should just be ignored in favor of further perfecting the Skrellian society, or, as a more radical belief, that they a threat to the Skrellian existence if allowed to meddle in Jargon affairs. When it comes to Dionae and the C'thur Vaurcae currently residing in Jargon, Qeblak faith is usually very skeptical - while their presence can be beneficial for now, they are not influenced by the Wake and therefore can't really be controlled with the same certainty that Skrell can, which makes them a threat to the current established order - after all, something so unknown and alien as to not even have a Wake signature may never truly be understood, and may retaliate at any moment. Overall, the current most accepted position is that other races are non-essential and the best way to deal with them politically is just isolate the Skrellian society from their influence, especially government affairs, but new works keep being written on the subject, expressing a variety of beliefs. --- While it has a philosophical backing, another side of Qeblak is its position among Skrell laymen and those who choose not to involve themselves with its more political side, and the various traditions that have formed around practicing its more culturally-oriented tenets. Qeblak texts essentially praise the outer space and the vast number of celestial bodies as one of the most perfect and sophisticated manifestations of the universe. Thus, one of the most praised activities is to dedicate your life to the study of its intricate details and movements perfect in their predictability. Another very worthy line of study is philosophy, and adding to the Qeblak texts, with an especially exciting new field being finding a Qeblak solution to external politics with other races. ## Qeblak as a system of worship ### Qeblak on psionics Particularly psionically gifted individuals are traditionally considered to be touched by "the greater powers of the universe", gifted with an unique perspective on things, and by a "starry gaze into the outer void". They may be often recruited into the clergy, and enjoy special treatment by its members, being the only ones allowed to conduct certain important ceremonies. ### Clergy - Qyu-Nyala Those who decide to dedicate their whole life to the study of Qeblak as a philosophy join the clergy, the Qyu-Nyala. Essentially, only clergypersons are allowed to publish new Qeblak texts - otherwise, the text must be peer-reviewed by every single Starchanter in the Federation, which may take up to several decades, and usually ends up declined anyway. Usually, the clergy resides in a Xebla, a building the name of which can be translated both as "church" and, literally, as "knowledge-house". #### Qe'Puu - Starsquires The Qe'Puu are fresh college graduates who have chosen to pursue Qeblak philosophy as a primary field, though not necessarily for their whole lives. This rank is usually joined at around 30 years old. The higher ranks of the clergy are expected to teach the Qe'Puu in the fields of logic, politology, management, spiritual studies, and psionics. Unlike colleges, these studies may last from 20 to 40 years depending on the student's own aptitude, with clergy members themselves deciding when a student is finished. After the studies are complete, the Qe'Puu faces a choice - either continue their studies and work in the field, becoming a Qe'Naho, or leaving the clergy with the newfound knowledge, usually to become government officials. #### Qe'Naho - Starkeepers The Qe'Naho comprise the majority of the clergy, and may pursue a various array of activities. All these activities are equally worthy, and the freshly ascended Qe'Naho may choose one for themselves. When off-duty, the Starkeepers are also expected to do various menial tasks around the Xebla, and manage provisions, in rotational shifts. ##### Qe'Naho'Lei - Starkeepers, of Wisdom The Qe'Naho'Lei are those who choose to devote themselves to studying philosophy, and writing new Qeblak works. The experienced Qe'Naho'Lei are also expected to take up teaching duties, and pass on wisdom to the Qe'Puu. ##### Qe'Naho'Lu - Starkeepers, of the Abyss The Qe'Naho'Lu are those who choose to devote themselves to the study of celestial bodies. ##### Qe'Naho'Juq - Starkeepers, of the People The Qe'Naho'Juq are those who choose to devote themselves to being counselors to the wider populace, and advisors to local authority. ##### Qe'Naho'Nlom - Starkeepers, of the Wake The Qe'Naho'Nlom are those who choose to devote themselves to the field of psionics, and conduct ceremonies, such as inducting new Starsquires and Starkeepers. #### Qe'Bqak - Starchanters The Starchanters are the second highest-ranking members of Qeblak. They may come from any Starkeeper specialization listed above, and each developed Skrellian colony is expected to have its own council of Starchanters, consisting of eight members - two of each branch of Starkeepers. If a Starchanter dies, a new Starchanter is inducted from the ranks of Starkeepers. They serve as a religious authority of the entire planet, especially in the context of overseeing the work of Starkeepers - before a new Qeblak work is published by a Starkeeper, the it must be reviewed by the Starchanters of the planet. #### Qe'Bqak'Kea - Grand Starchanter On Qerrbalak, in addition to the Starchanter Council, a Grand Starchanter is chosen from the ranks of Starchanters of Wisdom. They serve as a personal religious advisor to the Grand Councillor themselves. The current Grand Starchanter is **Xel-Mirk Memua**. Born in 1988, Xel-Mirk was thrice studied in the field of pure mathematics before deciding to pursue Qeblak philosophy, which they have now pursued for more than four hundred years, during which they have published 190 written works on internal politics and leadership. They possess an exceptional memory, and it has been said that they are able to flawlessly recite the entirety of Mu'xi Xequla when prompted to do so. However, they are somewhat shy about public appearances, only very rarely giving speeches, and usually discussing matters with the Grand Councillor in private. ### Observatory Domes > Members of Qeblak coming together on a biweekly basis at an Observatory Dome. It is a structure that tends to exist in urban centres, with the Jargon Federation doing its best to ensure all citizens have reasonable access to. They are typically hosted by Starkeepers, who ensure the maintenance of the dome and host events whereupon members of the community gather for an in-depth demonstration of a galactic entity ranging from stars, planets, nebulae and so on, all using the latest available holographic projects, permitting attendees to experience what is being covered. Many non-Skrell describe the experience as ethereal. ### Quya formation ceremony [paste wiki excerpt here except i would change "Pairing of the Stars" to something less monogamy-implying like "Grand Celestial Formation"]