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# [`Crem`](https://github.com/tweag/crem)
## Composable Representable Executable Machines
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tweag/crem/main/logo/crem-transparent.png" width="200">
![the picture that explains everything](http://marcosh.github.io/img/the-picture-that-explains-everything.png)
### <span style="color: orange">Domain events</span>
Events relevant for domain experts
### <span style="color: dodgerblue">Commands</span>
User intentions/actions/decisions
### <span style="color: lightyellow">Read models</span>
![read model](https://github.com/marcosh/ddd-machines-dddeurope/raw/main/images/the-picture-that-explains-everything-read-model.png)
Data needed in order to make decisions
### <span style="color: yellow">Aggregates</span>
Decide what happens on commands
### <span style="color: orchid">Policies</span>
Reactive logic that takes place after an event
### <span style="color: lightgreen">Projections</span>
Aggregate data from events
## <span style="color: yellow">Aggregates</span>, <span style="color: lightgreen">projections</span> and <span style="color: orchid">policies</span> could be implemented as state machines
### <span style="color: yellow">Aggregates</span>
From <span style="color: dodgerblue">commands</span> to <span style="color: orange">events</span>
### <span style="color: lightgreen">Projections</span>
From <span style="color: orange">events</span> to <span style="color: lightyellow">read models</span>
### <span style="color: orchid">Policies</span>
From <span style="color: orange">events</span> to <span style="color: dodgerblue">commands</span>
## How should we encode a state machine?
### Mealy machines
```haskell [1|2|3]
data Mealy state input output = Mealy
{ initialState :: state
, action :: state -> input -> (state, output)
### [Mealy machines](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/machines-0.7.3/docs/Data-Machine-Mealy.html#t:Mealy)
```haskell [1|2-4]
newtype Mealy input output = Mealy
{ runMealy
:: input
-> (output, Mealy input output)
## Machines are composable
:: Mealy a b
-> Mealy b c
-> Mealy a c
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
direction LR
a --> b
b --> c
:: Mealy a b
-> Mealy c d
-> Mealy (a, c) (b, d)
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
direction LR
state fork <<fork>>
(a,c) --> fork
fork --> a
fork --> c
a --> b
c --> d
state join <<join>>
b --> join
d --> join
join --> (b,d)
:: Mealy a b
-> Mealy c d
-> Mealy (Either a c) (Either c d)
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
direction LR
eitherac: Either a c
state fork <<choice>>
eitherac --> fork
fork --> a
fork --> c
a --> b
c --> d
state join <<choice>>
b --> join
d --> join
join --> eitherbd
eitherbd: Either b d
:: Mealy a [b]
-> Mealy b [a]
-> Mealy a [b]
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
direction LR
a --> b: []
b --> a: []
## This encoding can only be run
note: Once we defined a machine, the only way to extract information about it, is to run it, giving it inputs and observing its outputs
### What about documentation?
### What about invariant enforcement?
## Strengthening the type
data Machine
(topology :: Topology vertex)
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
newtype Topology vertex = Topology
{ edges :: [(vertex, [vertex])] }
### Topology
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
NoData --> CollectedUserData
CollectedUserData --> CollectedLoanDetailsFirst
CollectedUserData --> ReceivedCreditBureauDataFirst
CollectedLoanDetailsFirst --> CollectedAllData
ReceivedCreditBureauDataFirst --> CollectedAllData
### Adding the `Topology` in the type
Allows us to enforce execution of allowed transitions
```haskell [1|2|3|4-8]
data Machine topology a b =
forall state. Machine
{ initialState :: InitialState state
, action
:: forall initialVertex
. state initialVertex
-> a
-> ActionResult topology state initialVertex b
<!-- .element: class="machine" -->
```haskell [1|2|4|3]
data ActionResult topology state initial b where
:: AllowedTransition topology initial final
=> (b, state final)
-> ActionResult topology state initial b
<!-- .element: class="actionresult" -->
Allows us to retrieve information about our state machine without running it
```haskell [1|7-8|9|3-5]
:: forall vertex topology a b
. ( Demote vertex ~ vertex
, SingKind vertex
, SingI topology
=> Machine (topology :: Topology vertex) a b
-> Topology vertex
baseMachineTopology _ = demote @topology
<!-- .element: class="topology" -->
### But...
### Composition becomes harder
:: Machine t1 a b
-> Machine t2 b c
-> Machine ??? a c
Requires computation at the type level
Breaks usage of standard typeclasses like `Arrow` or `Category`
## Can we get the best of both worlds?
data StateMachine input output where
```haskell [1|2-4]
data StateMachine input output where
:: Machine topology input output
-> StateMachine input output
```haskell [1|2-3]
foo :: StateMachine input output -> a
foo stateMachine = case stateMachine of
Basic machine -> _
```haskell [3-6]
data StateMachine input output where
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine b c
-> StateMachine a c
```haskell [3-6]
data StateMachine input output where
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine c d
-> StateMachine (a, c) (b, d)
```haskell [3-6]
data StateMachine input output where
:: StateMachine a b
-> StateMachine c d
-> StateMachine (Either a c) (Either b d)
```haskell [3-6]
data StateMachine input output where
:: StateMachine a [b]
-> StateMachine b [a]
-> StateMachine a [b]
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
graph TD
A[Alternative] --> B[Parallel]
A --> C[Sequential]
B --> D[Machine 1]
B --> E[Machine 2]
C --> F[Machine 3]
C --> G[Machine 4]
## Composable
```haskell [1|2|4]
instance Category StateMachine where
id = Basic identity
(.) = flip Sequential
```haskell [1|2]
instance Strong StateMachine where
second' = Parallel id
```haskell [1|2]
instance Choice StateMachine where
right' = Alternative id
## Executable
:: StateMachine a b
-> a
-> (b, StateMachine a b)
```haskell [1|2-3]
run (Basic machine) input =
_ -- use the `action`
-- with `initialState` and `input`
```haskell [1|3-4|5-6|8-9]
run (Sequential machine1 machine2) input =
(output1, machine1')
= run machine1 input
(output2, machine2')
= run machine2 output1
( output2
, Sequential machine1' machine2'
```haskell [1|3-4|5-6|8-9]
run (Parallel machine1 machine2) input =
(output1, machine1')
= run machine1 (fst input)
(output2, machine2')
= run machine2 (snd input)
( (output1, output2)
, Parallel machine1' machine2'
## Representable
```haskell [1-2|4]
newtype Mermaid = Mermaid
{getText :: Text}
render :: StateMachine a b -> Mermaid
```haskell [1|2]
render (Basic machine)
= renderTopology (topology machine)
```haskell [1|3|4|6-8]
render (Sequential machine1 machine2) =
mermaid1 = render machine1
mermaid2 = render machine2
<> Mermaid " --> "
<> mermaid2
### We can draw our machines
<img alt="risk manager" src="https://mermaid.ink/svg/pako:eNqlVF1PwjAU_SvkPmkyCGCBbQ8mCvqkxkj0wSwhzXad1a4lXUdAsv9u9-HcCMgMfepOz73n3PbubsGXAYILsaYaZ4yGikbd1dATHbNysEPDUGGY7bYFnK0KXDzIGdX0BZXG9b7zqeQcfY3Bc4yqJfVOUjFDTRmPb5mK9eGQJ_SRrTCYKgyYvk4U0iQTORJWKV1x_renenmdbvfyxMqa1EMJ29ffLvGpt7TfzyH3R--0hZ1_5E7rzbqUnPmbeqcWyOLsvMH-bepMqOAUJ2WGhn5DQckPY4VJ0VCp0MWciZDjYwXs8bqjXlHrOpEvhU91XaSEdmupOcrSlSywIEIVURaY3ztP4oF-xwg9cM02oOrTA0-khpcsA6N4Y95CKnDfKI_RAppoOd8IH1ytEvwhlSOiYi2peJWy8Q3uFtbgkv6oN7ZtZ0xscjEZWbABdziY9IjjODaZkMFw0HdIasFXHt_vGQrmFu6LkZRPpvQbS36R_g" height="600">
## Demo time
![the hobbit](https://ready64.org/giochi/full/h/hobbit_01.png)
[The Hobbit code](https://github.com/tweag/crem/blob/main/examples/Crem/Example/TheHobbit.hs)
[The Hobbit map](https://mermaid.live/edit#pako:eNp9ksFuwjAMhl-l8rlFUNrS5rDLNmkHkKZtpykXi3gQkTqoTdEY4t0Xyqhox3aKrf-L_Sf2AZZWEQioHTp60LiqsIx2sWTJbw0zmbne0BMaI3lufYqsai9V1pj63hBWmleSX_SOWNGJWuja7Re2YYeaL-QzunV3C3c0LB5E0V1wVb8LW-FPI2d14KWft8iVvRvqtcWOvFm6rw5e2ktvtz31-MfzUD5_VBf_MgshlFSVqJUf4EFyEEhwaypJgvChwmojQfLRc81W-fk-Ku1sBeIDTU0hYOPs656XIFzV0AX6WYKO2iK_W9vLQRzgE0RUTIpsNB4XsyzN4jSEPYikiEdpPomLPI_9kR5D-GpvF6NZkuTTdDpJsmk-G3ucWjuL8wK2e3j8Bgbo5M8)
`cabal run hobbit-game`
`cabal run hobbit-map`
## That's all!
## Questions and feedback
:scroll: [marcosh.github.io](http://marcosh.github.io/)
:bird: [@marcoshuttle](https://twitter.com/marcoshuttle)
:elephant: [@marcosh@functional.cafe](https://functional.cafe/@marcosh)