# A Comparison Of FUE and FUT Hair Transplant: Which is Better? <p>Many folks find baldness stressful, but thanks to medical advancements, hair restoration methods are now readily accessible to restore their self-image and self-worth. Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation are two of the most common hair transplant methods. It is often argued that <a href="https://www.panaceahairservices.com/hair-transplant-cost.htm"><strong>FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Delhi</strong></a> is more than FUT but effective results are neglected. In this post, we will look at the distinctions between these two procedures and why FUE is considered a superior choice.</p> ![](https://i.imgur.com/9VilStq.jpg) <p><strong>Definition of FUT?</strong></p> <p>FUT is a hair restoration method that requires extracting a strip of skin from the scalp's rear. Follicles are then removed from the skin strip and transplanted into the balding regions of the scalp. The treatment is done under local anaesthetic, and the incision is closed with stitches.</p> <p><strong>Meaning of FUE?</strong></p> <p>FUE is a hair restoration procedure that uses a tiny punch instrument to extract individual hair roots from the recipient site. The follicles are then transplanted into parts of the scalp that are balding. The treatment is done under a local anaesthetic and no sutures are used.</p> <p><strong>FUT and FUE Differences:</strong></p> <p>Harvesting is the fundamental distinction between FUT and FUE. FUT involves extracting a strip of skin from the scalp, while FUE involves using tiny punch equipment to remove individual follicles.</p> <p><strong>Scar Visibility in the treated area:</strong></p> <p>FUT results in a linear scar on the backside of the head where the skin strip was extracted. If the patient chooses to trim his or her hair short, this scar will be visible. FUE, on the other hand, causes very small circular marks on the scalp that are almost invisible. Panacea Global Hair Clinic is famous for having an FUE <strong><a href="https://www.panaceahairservices.com/">Hair Transplant in New Delhi</a>. </strong>This is because they have conducted thousands of successful hair transplants in the past years.</p> <p><strong>Recovery period:</strong></p> <p>Because of sutures and the wider incision size, FUT requires a longer recovery period. For many days after surgery, patients may experience pain and swelling. FUE, on the other hand, offers a quicker recovery period and allows patients to return to regular routines within a few days.</p> <p><strong>Donor area retention:</strong></p> <p>When individual follicles are removed, leaving adjacent follicles intact, FUE preserves donor areas. This implies that if additional hair is required in the future, it may be retrieved from the donor location. In comparison, FUT eliminates a piece of skin from the donor location, limiting future hair harvesting.</p> <p><strong>Why is FUE considered superior?</strong></p> <p>FUE provides significant benefits over FUT, making it a superior choice for most patients. The absence of visible scars is the biggest advantage. Even with short hairstyles, FUE creates barely noticeable circular marks on the scalp that are nearly unnoticeable. FUT, on the other hand, creates a noticeable linear scar at the rear of the head. This could pose a major issue for patients who prefer to keep their hair short. Panacea has a knowledgeable team that provides the <strong><a href="https://www.panaceahairservices.com/blog/295/hair-transplantation-or-prosthetic-hair-is-there-a-clear-winner.htm">Best Hair Transplant in Delhi</a>.</strong> Moreover, the Doctor at the clinic has exceptional knowledge about the instruments and techniques for excellent results.</p> <p>FUE also heals faster. Individuals may resume their usual activities after a few weeks of the operation since FUE does not need sutures. FUT, on the other hand, requires a prolonged recovery period, during which patients may endure pain and swell for many months.</p>