# 2024q1 Homework1 (lab0)
contributed by < `yqt2000` >
## 開發環境
$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
$ lscpu
Architecture: x86_64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Address sizes: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 8
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-7
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
Model name: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40GHz
CPU family: 6
Model: 140
Thread(s) per core: 2
Core(s) per socket: 4
Socket(s): 1
Stepping: 1
CPU max MHz: 4200.0000
CPU min MHz: 400.0000
BogoMIPS: 4838.40
在終端機執行 `export LC_ALL=C` 再執行上述命令,可得英語訊息,目前的中文訊息用語不精準。
::: success
已修正 by `yqt2000`
1. 無論標題和內文中,中文和英文字元之間要有空白字元 (對排版和文字搜尋有利);
2. 文字訊息避免用圖片來表示,否則不好搜尋和分類
## 針對佇列操作的程式碼實作
### q_free
使用 `list.h` 中的巨集 `list_for_each_entry_safe` ,並搭配 `queue.h` 的 `q_release_element` 逐一釋放佇列中的物件。
element_t *entry, *safe = NULL;
list_for_each_entry_safe (entry, safe, head, list) {
### q_insert_head/q_insert_tail
在佇列開頭/尾端 (head/tail) 插入 (insert) 給定的新節點 (以 LIFO/FIFO 準則);
原本想使用 strncpy 來初始化節點的值,與同學討論後發現有 strdup 這個函式,以下引用[strdup - cppreference.com](https://en.cppreference.com/w/c/experimental/dynamic/strdup)的函式敘述
> ```c
> char * strdup( const char *str1 );
> ```
> Returns a pointer to a null-terminated byte string, which is a duplicate of the string pointed to by str1.
> The returned pointer must be passed to free to avoid a memory leak.
> If an error occurs, a null pointer is returned and errno may be set.
此函式可幫助檢驗錯誤,當錯誤發生時會回傳空指標,但是為避免發生記憶體流失 (memory leak) 須釋放(free)這個回傳的指標,其中 q_release_element 中已包含其實作,因此使用 strdup 可使整體程式更加簡潔有品味,故使用 strdup 替代 strncpy 來實作 。
if (!(e->value = strdup(s))) {
return false;
list_add(&e->list, head);
在實作 q_insert_head/q_insert_tail 中差異部份僅為上文程式碼中,將 list_add 更改為 `list_add_tail`
### q_remove_head/q_remove_tail
功能簡述:在佇列開頭/尾端 (head/tail) 移去 (remove) 給定的節點;
避免過多的中英文混用,已有明確翻譯詞彙者,例如「鏈結串列」(linked list) 和「佇列」(queue),就使用該中文詞彙,英文則留給變數名稱、人名,或者缺乏通用翻譯詞彙的場景。本例的 pointer to character 就是「字串」。
參照 C 語言規格書和 Linux man pages,亦即要用 https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/ 的超連結。
::: success
已更正 by `yqt2000`
此部份使用 strncpy 將欲移除節點的值複製至 sp 這個字串中,其中引用 [strncpy(3p) — Linux manual page](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strncpy.3p.html) 中的部份函式敘述
::: info
The stpncpy() and strncpy() functions shall copy not more than n bytes (bytes that follow a NUL character are not copied) from the array pointed to by s2 to the array pointed to by s1.
If the array pointed to by s2 is a string that is shorter than n bytes, NUL characters shall be appended to the copy in the array pointed to by s1, until n bytes in all are written.
顯然在以下程式碼中,在呼叫 strncpy 時,將所有能用的空間 bufsize 全用上了(如上述描述未使用的記憶體空間會填補 `\0` ),這並不是一個節省空間的行為,因此尚有改進的空間。
element_t *q_remove_head(struct list_head *head, char *sp, size_t bufsize)
if (!head || list_empty(head))
return NULL;
element_t *e = list_first_entry(head, element_t, list);
if (sp) {
strncpy(sp, e->value, bufsize - 1);
sp[bufsize - 1] = '\0';
return e;
### q_delete_mid
功能簡述:移走佇列中間的節點,詳見 [LeetCode 2095. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List](https://leetcode.com/problems/delete-the-middle-node-of-a-linked-list/description/)
middle node 的敘述如下:
> The middle node of a linked list of size n is the ⌊n / 2⌋th node from the start using 0-based indexing. If there're six elements, the third member should be returned.
此實作關鍵部份為如何找出 middle node ,以下為使用快慢指標實作的部份程式碼,然而因為此 doubly lined list 是 circular 的,移動fast指標須謹慎檢查是否為head,否則容易進入無窮迴圈。
struct list_head **slow, *fast;
slow = &head;
fast = head->next;
while (fast != head) {
slow = &(*slow)->next;
fast = fast->next;
if (fast != head) {
fast = fast->next;
### q_delete_dup
在已經排序的狀況,移走佇列中具備重複內容的節點,詳見 [LeetCode 82. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II](https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list-ii/description/)
使用 `list_for_each_entry_safe` 遍歷整條list,其中使用該巨集可存取下個 entry (s),當entry c 與 entry s 值為相同時,移除 entry c 於 list 的連結並釋放其記憶體空間,並且使用 bool dup 協助移除該次重複數值的最後一個節點。
element_t *c, *s = NULL;
bool dup = false;
list_for_each_entry_safe (c, s, head, list) {
if (&s->list != head && strcmp(c->value, s->value) == 0) {
dup = true;
} else if (dup) {
dup = false;
return true;
### q_swap
交換佇列中鄰近的節點,詳見 [LeetCode 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs](https://leetcode.com/problems/swap-nodes-in-pairs/description/)
善用 `list.h` 中 list_move 功能,將節點往後接一個節點,程式碼兼具簡潔即可讀性。
for (struct list_head *c = head->next; c->next != head && c != head;
c = c->next) {
list_move(c, c->next);
### q_reverse
if (!head || list_empty(head) || list_is_singular(head))
struct list_head *n, *s;
list_for_each_safe (n, s, head) {
list_add(n, head);
後來發現其指令同 list_move 故作其更改
- list_del(n);
- list_add(n, head);
+ list_move(n,head)
### q_reverseK
類似 q_reverse,但指定每 k 個節點為一組,進行反向順序排列,詳見 [LeetCode 25. Reverse Nodes in k-Group](https://leetcode.com/problems/reverse-nodes-in-k-group/description/)
首先計算要進行 reverse 的 group 的個數,使用 cutHead 及 cutLast 兩個指標指向該 group 的前一個 node 和最後一個 node ,依序裁切各個 group 進行 reverse 後,再接回原本從 list 切斷的位置
void q_reverseK(struct list_head *head, int k)
// https://leetcode.com/problems/reverse-nodes-in-k-group/
int times = q_size(head) / k;
struct list_head *cutLast = head;
struct list_head cutList;
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
struct list_head *cutHead;
cutHead = cutLast;
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
cutLast = cutLast->next;
list_cut_position(&cutList, cutHead, cutLast);
list_splice(&cutList, cutHead);
cutLast = cutList.prev;
### q_ascend/q_descend
參閱 [LeetCode 2487. Remove Nodes From Linked List](https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-nodes-from-linked-list/)
/* Remove every node which has a node with a strictly greater value anywhere to
* the right side of it */
int q_descend(struct list_head *head)
// https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-nodes-from-linked-list/
if (!head || list_empty(head) || list_is_singular(head))
return 0;
element_t *e = list_first_entry(head, element_t, list);
element_t *s = list_entry(e->list.next, element_t, list);
for (; &s->list != head;
e = s, s = list_entry(s->list.next, element_t, list)) {
// check element e, if e<s delete it and move e to previous node
while (&s->list != head && strcmp(e->value, s->value) < 0) {
if (s->list.prev != head) {
e = list_entry(s->list.prev, element_t, list);
} else {
return 1;
### q_sort
這邊值得注意的是,會先將雙向鏈結串列的 last 暫時先指向 NULL 避免在 mergeSortList 函式中進入無窮迴圈,另外 mergeSortList 函式實作的想法是僅排序節點 ,其中並不是傳入合法的雙向環狀鍊結串列,因此在結束該函式後,必須將節點串列重新接回 head 和重新連接 previous link (list_head *prev)。
/* Sort elements of queue in ascending/descending order */
void q_sort(struct list_head *head, bool descend)
if (!head || list_empty(head) || list_is_singular(head))
head->prev->next = NULL;
head->next = mergeSortList(head->next);
// reconnect the link(prev)
struct list_head *cur;
for (cur = head; cur->next; cur = cur->next)
cur->next->prev = cur;
cur->next = head;
head->prev = cur;
if (descend)
// ascending
struct list_head *mergeSortList(struct list_head *head)
if (!head || !head->next)
return head;
struct list_head *slow = head;
struct list_head *fast = head;
while (fast && fast->next) {
slow = slow->next;
fast = fast->next->next;
slow->prev->next = NULL;
struct list_head *l1 = mergeSortList(head);
struct list_head *l2 = mergeSortList(slow);
// merge sorted l1 and sorted l2
return mergeTwoSortedList(l1, l2);
在 mergeTwoSortedList 中,當 l1, l2非空時,接在 `head` 尾端,此部份僅作相接,並不是合法的雙向鏈結串列,因此如上述描述會再重接 previous link。
// assume l1, l2 are ascending and return the asending merge result
struct list_head *mergeTwoSortedList(struct list_head *l1, struct list_head *l2)
struct list_head head;
while (l1 && l2) {
element_t *e1 = list_entry(l1, element_t, list);
element_t *e2 = list_entry(l2, element_t, list);
if (strcmp(e1->value, e2->value) <= 0) {
l1 = l1->next;
list_add_tail(&e1->list, &head);
} else {
l2 = l2->next;
list_add_tail(&e2->list, &head);
if (l1) {
head.prev->next = l1;
l1->prev = head.prev;
if (l2) {
head.prev->next = l2;
l2->prev = head.prev;
return head.next;
避免過多的中英文混用,已有明確翻譯詞彙者,例如「鏈結串列」(linked list) 和「佇列」(queue),就使用該中文詞彙,英文則留給變數名稱、人名,或者缺乏通用翻譯詞彙的場景。
### q_merge
/* Merge all the queues into one sorted queue, which is in ascending/descending
* order */
int q_merge(struct list_head *head, bool descend)
// https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-k-sorted-lists/
if (!head || list_empty(head))
return 0;
queue_contex_t *q1 = list_entry(head->next, queue_contex_t, chain);
queue_contex_t *qnode = NULL;
if (list_is_singular(head))
return q1->size;
list_for_each_entry (qnode, head, chain) {
if (qnode->id == q1->id)
list_splice_tail(qnode->q, q1->q);
qnode->size = 0;
q1->size += qnode->size;
q_sort(q1->q, descend);
return q1->size;
### Valgrind + 自動測試程式
以下為執行 make valgrind 的結果
使用 make valgrind ,利用原先於 `traces` 資料夾中17個 `.cmd` 測資檔案進行測試,並檢查是否有記憶體流失(momory leak)的問題,得到的結果如下
--- TOTAL 100/100
## 引入 [lib/list_sort](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/lib/list_sort.c) 到 `lab0-c` 專案
### `void *priv`
在 [lib/list_sort](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/lib/list_sort.c)中 `void *priv` 有著以下的描述。
@priv: private data, opaque to list_sort(), passed to @cmp
在我們的專案中不會使用到這部份,所以將其移除並不會影響排序結果,因此將其從函式引數及相關程式碼中移除,以下舉其中一函式為例,另外還有 `merge_final`, 和`list_sort` 也有傳入此引數 `priv`。
- __attribute__((nonnull(2,3)))
- void list_sort(void *priv, struct list_head *head, list_cmp_func_t cmp)
+ __attribute__((nonnull(1,2)))
+ void list_sort(struct list_head *head, list_cmp_func_t cmp)
另外 `__attribute__((nonnull(1,2))` 參考 [5.24 Declaring Attributes of Functions](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.2/gcc/Function-Attributes.html) 有以下描述
> nonnull (arg-index, ...)
The nonnull attribute specifies that some function parameters should be non-null pointers. For instance, the declaration:
extern void *
my_memcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t len)
__attribute__((nonnull (1, 2)));
> causes the compiler to check that, in calls to my_memcpy, arguments dest and src are non-null. If the compiler determines that a null pointer is passed in an argument slot marked as non-null, and the -Wnonnull option is enabled, a warning is issued. The compiler may also choose to make optimizations based on the knowledge that certain function arguments will not be null.
### add command in the queue console
欲在實作的佇列命令視窗(console)中加入 `lsort` 這條命令,首先須在 `console_init` 函式中加入以下這行
ADD_COMMAND(lsort, "Sort queue by linux kernel like list_sort", "");
並仿照 `do_sort` 函式,添加 `do_lsort` ,將函式呼叫改為引入的新函式 `q_list_sort`
bool do_lsort(int argc, char *argv[]){
- q_sort(current->q, descend);
+ q_list_sort(current->q, descend);
即可於 `.cmd` 的測試檔中呼叫 `lsort` 來使用引入的 `list_sort` 進行排序。
### 對 linux kernel like list_sort 與 implemented merge_sort 進行效能分析
仿照 [2024q1 第 1 週測驗題測驗二](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/linux2024-quiz1#%E6%B8%AC%E9%A9%97-2) 的 timsort 測驗程式進行改寫,細節程式碼紀錄於 [commit d90e226](https://github.com/yqt2000/lab0-c/commit/d90e2268e1fef66e4976ac929912404455f97ab4)
對於隨機生成的樣本數為 10000 的雙向鍊結串列進行排序。
| sorting algo | cpu cycles | cmp nums |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| linux kernel like list_sort| 730 | 120999 |
| implemented merge sort | 836 | 120428 |
其中並未考慮資料分佈問題,因此接續進行 shuffle 的實作
### 在 qtest 提供新的命令 shuffle
比照 [lab0-d](https://hackmd.io/@sysprog/linux2024-lab0/%2F%40sysprog%2Flinux2024-lab0-d) 在qtest 中提供新的命令 shuffle, 實作的 shuffle 演算法為 Fisher–Yates shuffle 細節程式碼請參照 [Commit f287e75](https://github.com/yqt2000/lab0-c/commit/f287e7531d5a453bae45ee5d60cda178ad5409d2)
// To shuffle an array a of n elements (indices 0..n-1):
void FYshuffle(struct list_head *head){
// for i from n−1 down to 1 do
// j ← random integer such that 0 ≤ j ≤ i
// exchange a[j] and a[i]
if (!head || list_is_singular(head))
int len = q_size(head);
struct list_head *node_i = head->prev;
for(int i = len-1; i>0; i--){
int r = rand() % (i+1);
struct list_head *node_j = head->next;
for(int j=0; j<r; j++) node_j = node_j->next;
node_i = node_j->prev;
Expectation: 41666
Observation: {'1234': 41652, '1243': 41399, '1324': 41729, '1342': 41727, '1423': 41761, '1432': 41756, '2134': 41315, '2143': 41691, '2314': 41993, '2341': 41282, '2413': 41651, '2431': 41846, '3124': 41547, '3142': 41810, '3214': 41796, '3241': 41363, '3412': 41871, '3421': 41332, '4123': 41143, '4132': 41699, '4213': 41932, '4231': 42077, '4312': 41952, '4321': 41676}
chi square sum: 33.6128738059809
## 整合網頁伺服器