# FEM Ring Toolkit
## Rules and definitions
**Ring** is...
* BM: a long running group that meets regularly to move discussion, education, and standardization and other items forward around an area of focus
**Breakout Session** is...
* BM: a one off discussion to discuss a particular topic.
**Gathering** is meeting of the ring.
**Outcome** is the goal of the gathering of the ring.
**Output** is a documentation of rings' progress on achieving it's goals.
Each ring sets desired **outcome** for it's gathering. These can be further broken down into smaller elements, and each part can be addressed in a dedicated session. Each session should produce certain outputs. Ideally, these outputs are predefined and the whole session is designed in the best way to produce these.
For outputs, I would suggest you prepare the format in advance (questions, topics, highlights of the meeting..). This way it will be easier for participants to understand what they need to produce. It's much easier filling in the existing format than coming up with the format and then filling it up, all during the workshop.
# ✨Individual Ring Meeting Checklist ✨
*This is a checklist for the leader of the Individual Ring Meeting and should be checked off ✅ after every meeting❗️Make sure to check off everything to have the best experience from the meeting and all participants. After every meeting, the leader needs to sign this paper and return it to Anett Rolikova or Jamie Pitts.*
Name of the meeting (main topic / EIP..) :
Leader of the meeting (+sign) :
- [ ] I let Anett or Jamie know that this meeting is happening (must be in “Council Topics & individual ring meetings” sheet) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16pYOZSjzDhOO5BTb7a3u_pBmU0529OsZPlgRw2DLkI0/edit#gid=0
- [ ] I wrote down the names of all participants in the notes document (or FEM names)
- [ ] I made sure that someone was taking notes (and using our template)
- [ ] I made sure someone recorded the meeting
- [ ] I made sure that all participants were okay with recording the meeting
# Template for Individual Ring Meeting Notes
Template: https://hackmd.io/@Bnkhqf0tSbi1lX2Xc-WXYQ/notestemplate