# How to decode NFT file from ERC-721 using etherscan A quick how to magic behind NFTs. How to find NFT using tokenID and contract link using Etherscan. - Find NFT on OpenSea which is minted as ERC-721. [Example](https://opensea.io/assets/0x7bd29408f11d2bfc23c34f18275bbf23bb716bc7/12347) How to recognise if NFT is minted as ERC721? Go to "Details" on OpenSea and Token Standard have to be ERC721. - Click on the token address ([this action will open etherscan](https://etherscan.io/address/0x7bd29408f11d2bfc23c34f18275bbf23bb716bc7))> contract > [read contract](https://etherscan.io/address/0x7bd29408f11d2bfc23c34f18275bbf23bb716bc7#readContract) > scroll down to find tokenURI (line 25) - Go back to NFT on Opensea, copy TokenID (the number - 12347) > paste it to tokenURI on etherscan (line 25) and click query - Copy paste the URL starting https:// to new window in browser - https://meebits.larvalabs.com/meebit/12347 - Copy paste this code into left window of JSON Parser - this one works amazing https://jsonformatter.org/json-parser On the right window you can see decoded link and metadata of the NFT If you want to play with this you can put any number into tokenURI, paste the code into JSON parser and find cool NFT. This tutorial works only with OpenSea ERC-721 NFTs.