--- tags: CharmVerse Grant Platform Adoption Proposal --- # The Graph Advocates Adopt CharmVerse to Power Grants ###### Authors: Bau, Alex Poon ### Abstract We propose The Graph Advocates consider migrating their Grants program to CharmVerse. CharmVerse wishes to equip Grantors and Grantees with a robust set of tools to simplify, streamline, and increase transparency for participants in the grants process. ### Motivation It is important The Graph Grants continue to incentivize builders to build on top of and support The Graph. The Grants program is a great way to attract high-quality builders and grow the ecosystem. This proposal is geared to The Graph Advocates, or stakeholders who want to see The Graph continue to thrive e.g. token holders, builders, and community members #### Why CharmVerse for The Graph Grants? Trusted by Safe, Optimism, and other grants programs, CharmVerse provides a highly configurable, end-to-end solution for web3 grants management.  - **Submission form**: step-by-step guide for applicants with fully customizable templates - **Modern Editor**: embed various elements like videos, NFTs, Dune Analytics, or other advanced data types - **Templates**: define specific criteria for grant applicants. Applicants auto-populate grant proposal with template that is best suited to their grant request - **Rubrics**: facilitate open and transparent rating of individual grant applications, applicants can track status of their application, based on comittee evaluation - **Integrated communication**: one place for community members and council members to view, comment, and suggest changes to grant applications - **Notifications**: applicants receive in-app and email notifications for key status updates and feedback from grants council - **Transparency**: role based access enables advanced permissioning, make applications publicly viewable or comment only and allow review/evaluation or vote - **Know the applicants**: member profiles auto-populate with applicants’ ENS, Lens, and other identities - **On-Chain Payments**: via Gnosis Safe signatures or wallet to wallet transactions. On-chain payments are possible through **Bounties** - **Milestones**: are used to break up Bounty payments into smaller chunks. Grantees submit proof of work to unlock milestones and reviewers release milestone payments. - **Flexibility** to configure the grant application and review process, including application intake, feedback, review, evaluation, and bounty payment. Simplify and consolidate the number of tools needed to run The Graph Grants to one - **Customization** Launch The Graph Grants with custom branding, member directory, or any of the core features offered by CharmVerse (see below) ### Specifications We propose The Graph Advocates augment the prevailing grants program by integrating CharmVerse for processing grant applications from members of The Graph community. The Graph Advocates will be able to continue disbursal of grant funds via The Graph Advocates "Grant [Multi-sig"](https://app.safe.global/home?safe=gno:0xA195Ff03CEFe2A3a437E8926990932d700BF7585), controlled by Members of the [core DAO](https://app.daohaus.club/dao/0x64/0x3f0ad15fb1ee96f649499c6198713d11781d93f2/proposals). --- ### Learn how CharmVerse is Helping Improve Grants for web3 Organizations - [Grants Home](https://www.charmverse.io/grants) - [Demo (Grants)](https://www.loom.com/share/ed3667a4151544329113ab34c51cf85c) - [Demo (Proposal Builder - CharmVerse module most used by Grants) ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F37KwZLS7gU) - [Safe on CharmVerse](https://app.charmverse.io/safe-grants-program/page-6263533219189241) - [Optimism on CharmVerse](https://app.charmverse.io/op-grants/page-701220845245208) - [Why OP chose CharmVerse](https://gov.optimism.io/t/the-rationale-behind-the-new-grants-council-platform/6081) - [Demos Page](https://app.charmverse.io/charmverse/page-8493615822010216?viewId=db242185-69ce-4708-a3a8-a33e3632f213) - [User Manual](https://app.charmverse.io/charmverse-community/page-649263016636265)