--- tags: lamnua title: climate justice link: https://hackmd.io/@BOW/climate_justice --- climate justice === 12/2(六)#climate justice 我可以把《風化田野指南》小誌多做幾本放在引用吧,這陣子有人想看、想玩,就可以留言、繪畫,創作自己的氣象站。 ### A Field Guide for Weathering: Embodied Tactics for Collectives of Two or More Humans 風化田野指南:一份為兩人以上團體所寫的具身策略書 <img src="https://i.imgur.com/CjgO2RV.jpg" height=500> We are playing this game in order to get closer to the question of if want feminist, anti-colonial, accessible spaces, **what, whom, why and how we care for and being (in love) with**, *here and now*? 此時此刻,如果我們要女性主義、反殖民、無障礙空間,我們該照料、同身在側(甚至是慾望)的對象為何?該怎麼做? --- [教案中譯本(試譯版)](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ZcUBcuPIJ9-psmH-r1FodByJXEYhxbV/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=105543434166701768067&rtpof=true&sd=true) --- Reference Hamilton, Jennifer Mae, and Astrida Neimanis. "A Field Guide for Weathering: Embodied Tactics for Collectives of Two or More Humans." The Goose, vol. 17 , no. 1 , article 45, 2018, https://scholars.wlu.ca/thegoose/vol17/iss1/45 ### Readings - Christina Sharpe, 2016, [In the wake: On Blackness and Being](https://www.dukeupress.edu/in-the-wake), Duke University Press - :::spoiler Grief and Grievance: Art and Mourning in America {%youtube 4R6egDTWOP4%} 災難的尺度 文學研究者克莉絲緹娜.沙爾佩(Christina Sharpe)表示,新冠疫情下的美國,黑人社群宛如另一個世界,一個不曾也不會被當做優先處理順序的世界,在密西根底特律的弗林特(Flint),貧窮的黑人勞工被政府忽視,當勤洗手被廣泛宣傳為防疫途徑的同時,他們的水源被切斷,沒有乾淨的飲用水。密西根的人口有百分之十四為黑人,但卻佔了高達四成新冠肺癌死亡病例。在紐約的街上有存放遺體的冷凍卡車,申請失業補助的人口連續兩個禮拜超過六百萬人,人民在承受苦難的同時,國會卻決議通過五千億美元只針對公營事業的「紓困方案」,在災難中卻再次目睹了一貫的利益分配邏輯。 近年來非裔美籍創作者、詩人、學者開始討論黑人對於這些災難回應的必要「尺度」(scale)不僅在散佈的廣度,以及日常化上,都是即時且新興的發展。這些藝術家告訴我們必須以個人且集體的方式來做出回應,而困境正是誘發想像新生活的必要,需要重新組合可行方案。而這些回應就像行星一樣,心中需謹記著「尺度」,這個詞在英文的使用語境橫跨了以下的含意:公正的一種屬性、樂理中的音階、大小與持續性的相對性比例、程度、也是攝影曝光度的術語。就像拉托亞.魯比.弗拉澤爾(LaToya Ruby Frazier)在弗林特的紀實攝影作品,就具有反身性與社會影響力的尺度,藉由家族的凝視,可見幾個世代以來的黑人居住者在此不利於生存、環境污染土地上謀生的刻痕。從空照圖來看,整個聚落被巨型的鋼鐵工廠佔據,鐵砂與廢棄物被裝在白色塑膠袋中囤放滿數個隱密的街廓,沒有人一個善待人的生活環境,留下的只剩資本主義者的生產機具。 傑克.惠騰1964年的作品〈伯明漢〉也反應了過去暴力與死亡比率的不平均分配,取材自1963年白人至上主義者到黑人禮拜堂的槍擊事件,後來警察與聚集在教堂前的示威民眾發生衝突,七個月後更發生了恐怖攻擊的爆炸案。傑克.惠騰在2015年回溯道:「建構一個可行的世界觀需要花很大的工夫,並充滿風險。最終,美國人必須問一個最基本的問題:『我們想要一個什麼樣的世界?』我知道我想要一個沒有種族主義毒害、沒有對身為白人或黑人浪漫幻想渲染的世界!」惠騰在〈伯明漢〉使用一位年輕黑人被警犬攻擊的新聞剪報,這張照片從一片黑色紙板、錫箔紙、絲襪構成的畫面中央破口顯露出來。惠騰表示,使用絲襪覆蓋照片的手法是向杜波依斯(W. E. B. Du Bois)致敬,在「關於我們靈魂的鬥爭」中他提出黑人在出生時就已經被附上一層「雙重意識」(Double Consciousness)的面紗,代表了「用他者的眼睛觀看自身;或用世界的尺度丈量自己的靈魂,以一種可笑的輕蔑與同情的目光」。 --- ### 風化日記 Process Journal ### 2022 8/9 Start translation & making lucky dip envolp. shared it on [FB](https://www.facebook.com/ren.yu.505/posts/pfbid02ypmZLfAWy11FNLuc8B8XXSgeiuras6GKUNXbhFRzZJcCiCGTRxQj3XKHwgXcs4mfl) ### 8/14 play with family around lunch table in a Thai resturant. brother said it is too abstract 🤔 ### 8/16 my high school classmate played “a field guide for weathering”. She said weather for her is 心情 the mood. She feel imaginative embodiment (envelop B) is more difficult and fun. She choose her plant as weather map. 「天氣對你來說是什麼?」 「心情。」 made a reel with bilingual caption on Instagram. But she don't like her face to be shown. So wait for me making a transcript one day... ### 8/16 encounter a magazine issue on coastline waste 今周刊:海洋垃殺記 How government have been dealing with this issue toxic waste and historical resistance ### 8/18 encounter a weather station at the edge of Taichung park. so many different measurment instruments... ### 8/24 make a papercut and printed out 4 copies of the translated booklet to bring to Taipei to test out. ### 8/25 third time I played with Fei. her weather map is skin on the back of her hands. Didn't get the chance to play with others I meet today. ### 9/22 "Is earthquake part of the weather?" we asked each other, with MJ and TC in the botanical garden, for two hours, we barely went through six questions from "a field guide for weathering" folded in envelopes. but the unexpected amount of learning emerge, flow through each other, things, happenings, observations and feelings we didn't know before. While earth had a major turning and quivering last Sunday, eighteenth September p.s. the question MJ got is the image I show on [IG post](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciy-WBYLFxixh4XXNQ3wd9jyRDcu_gJ2b4o1Cw0/) while TC got "what is the weather like on the day you die?" mesmerizing ### 12/23 upcycling market {%hackmd B1PQgaifo %}