tags: 讀書會
title: BOWR#23 Five Desires, Five Demands
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BOWR #23
Five Desires, Five Demands
1/5(四)晚 7~8:30
> These scholarly and activist literatures have thus taken up environmental questions from different angles, sometimes alongside or in response to ecofeminist conversations: Afrofuturist and Indigenous futurist work has long shown up the ways in which race, colonialism, and gender are at the heart of human stewardship of planetary futures (see Butler 1996; Schalk 2018; Okorafor 2015; Wright 2013; Erdrich 2017).
> Hamilton and Neimanis, 2020, Five Desires, Five Demands
### 原來如此
#### Okorafor 2015 ➜ Xenophobia and different bloodline of SF: Afrofuturalism 異類恐懼與不同的科幻血脈:非洲未來主義
上回我們討論了水體引言中的第一個註腳,關於不同的「後人類」血脈,如果不是從傅科,而是更激進地,從黑人女性主義者(還活著、高齡 93 歲的) Sylvia Wynter 來追溯,Wynter 為那些「不被視為夠資格做人的」主體做辯護—— N.H.I.美國警察對來自貧民窟無業者的註記 No Human Involved。這次,從 Astrida 與友人 Jeniffer Hamilton 在 2019 年合寫的 Five Desires Five Demands,談到她們想要什麼樣的生態女性主義,其中第二點「一個超女性主義式的方法」中,提到非洲未來主義、原主民未來主義的書寫為範例,像是 Nnedi Okorafor 的科幻小說 《鳳凰之書》(The Book of Phoenix)
這裡有 Nnedi Okorafor 談到她小時候很不喜歡讀科幻小說,因為裡面充滿了白人對異類的恐懼(Xenophobia),她寫的科幻真實呈現生活的窘境
#### 原住民未來主義1 Wright 2013 ➜ Alexis Wright, 2013, The Swan Book
can be read parcialy here https://books.google.com.tw/books?hl=en&lr=&id=uBR5DAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&ots=ZG0L5UevgK&sig=0v47evD4NzuSqITHMZ67ARrYD0U&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
Alexis Wright (born 25 November 1950) is a land rights activist from the Waanyi nation in the highlands of the southern Gulf of Carpentaria. Wright’s father, a white cattleman, died when she was five years old and she grew up in Cloncurry, Queensland, with her mother and grandmother.[6]
When the Northern Territory Intervention proposed by the Howard Government in mid-2007 was introduced, Wright delivered a high-profile 10,000-word speech, sponsored by International PEN,[7] in which her identification of an ethos of national fear in Australia came to be portrayed in the national media as a characterisation of the feelings of Indigenous peoples associated with the Intervention.— from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Wright
#### 原住民未來主義2 Erdrich 2017, Future Home of A Living God
A short interview about the bookstore she run, and new book written amidst pandamic and killing of George Floyd
Questions of technological entanglements have emerged differently in feminist science and technology studies (Haraway 1988), and in its specifically queer and decolonial uptakes (see Cipolla et al. 2017; TallBear 2017).
發現這本選輯中,除了哈洛威的文章 1988 年的「處境知識」,其他的文章也很精彩 Table of contents https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9781003001201/feminist-theory-reader-carole-mccann-seung-kyung-kim-emek-ergun?refId=fb43470f-fec7-4ae4-9fa8-31955f20b8bb&context=ubx