<style> code.black { color: #000000 !important; } code.orange { color: #F7A004 !important; } </style> ## Get Started With Casper ### Task 1: Creating and deploying a simple smart contract - Installed Rust and the various dependencies along with the casper crates - Created a project named <code class="black">my-project</code> - Build the contract and tested it using <code class="black">make test</code> ![](https://imgur.com/vFDvJ4y.jpg) ### Task 2: Multi-Signature Tutorial - Cloned the keys-managerrepository <code class="black">git clone https://github.com/casper-ecosystem/keys-manager</code> - Compiled the contract to create the keys-manager.wasm file **Running the local network** ![](https://imgur.com/0mWw4z4.jpg) - Created the .env file to add the BASE_KEY_PATH and NODE_URL - ran <code class="black">npm run start:atomic </code> **Client example output** ![](https://imgur.com/zFgb6wD.jpg) ::: > Drag-n-drop image from your file system to the editor to paste it! ### Task 3: Multi-Signature Additional Scenario Went with Scenario 1: signing transactions with a single key - Changed the values of mainAccount's weight, Keys Management Threshold and deploy thrsehold to 1 ![](https://imgur.com/Xv5Sx2Y.jpg) ![](https://imgur.com/Z21aNgZ.jpg) ### Task 4: Transfer Tokens to an account on Casper Testnet - Installed the <code class="black">casper-clinet </code> - Generated the secret_key.pem, public_key.pem, public_key_hex - Funded the account using faucet and made a direct transfer using casper-client transfer ![](https://imgur.com/IX5TvAB.png) ![](https://imgur.com/6WWx2JS.jpg) ### Task 5: Delegate and Undelegate on Casper Testnet **Delegate** link:https://testnet.cspr.live/deploy/d689d25c35c258417ca4573ead4d5450b4995aef6a3d00f3d2beb11933f0423d ![](https://imgur.com/AfV1Im5.jpg) **Undelegate** link:https://testnet.cspr.live/deploy/d2ba4abd95bd94f921ab8d87e08668474fb77f6e88571c18a83cf36c87392c27 ![](https://imgur.com/W9CUQat.jpg)