code.black {
color: #000000 !important;
code.orange {
color: #F7A004 !important;
## Get Started With Casper
### Task 1: Creating and deploying a simple smart contract
- Installed Rust and the various dependencies along with the casper
- Created a project named <code class="black">my-project</code>
- Build the contract and tested it using <code class="black">make test</code>
### Task 2: Multi-Signature Tutorial
- Cloned the keys-managerrepository <code class="black">git clone https://github.com/casper-ecosystem/keys-manager</code>
- Compiled the contract to create the keys-manager.wasm file
**Running the local network**
- Created the .env file to add the BASE_KEY_PATH and NODE_URL
- ran <code class="black">npm run start:atomic
**Client example output**
> Drag-n-drop image from your file system to the editor to paste it!
### Task 3: Multi-Signature Additional Scenario
Went with Scenario 1: signing transactions with a single key
- Changed the values of mainAccount's weight, Keys Management Threshold and deploy thrsehold to 1
### Task 4: Transfer Tokens to an account on Casper Testnet
- Installed the <code class="black">casper-clinet </code>
- Generated the secret_key.pem, public_key.pem, public_key_hex
- Funded the account using faucet and made a direct transfer using casper-client transfer
### Task 5: Delegate and Undelegate on Casper Testnet