# Shadow Labrys 2.5 **HEY, LISTEN! This doc is not maintained anymore. Instead, please check out Shadow Labrys' dustloop page https://www.dustloop.com/w/P4U2R/Shadow_Labrys.** Notes on how to play Shadow Labrys aka Shabrys (not S.Labrys aka Shadow Type Labrys) in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (re-released on 18.03.2022). Nothing is optimized, everything is fun. Collected by me, Arnei. Got some comments or critique you want to share with me? Contact me on discord: Arnei#4037 ![](https://i.imgur.com/MfBm91J.png) ## So you want to play Shadow Labrys Hello and welcome to a little intro section for players new to Shadow Labrys. #### - Just gimme some combos Off to dustloop with you: https://www.dustloop.com/w/P4U2R/Shadow_Labrys/Combos. Sereni created a beginners section that should cover everything you need to start. If you'd rather stay here (please look at the dustloop), take a look at the [Combo Section](#Combos). Search for combos marked with *BnB* or *Beginner* (e.g. by using Ctrl+F shortcut) Combos marked with *BnB* can be considered staple combos. Depending on the situation there may be more optimal ones, but BnBs are a good place to start. Combos marked with *Beginner* are less optimal than *BnBs*. Since Shadow Labrys *BnBs* can be quite difficult (depending on your execution skill level), *Beginner* combos provide an easier alternative at the cost of less damage, meter or knockdown quality. As a general combo point, try to confirm into aerial juggles and end them with 214AB. There's other ways to get a hard knockdown, but this the easiest, and it's not like you're using the meter for anything else anyway. On knockdown, pressure with 236D (laser) or [4]6C (command grab) if you're comfortable with charge inputs. #### - How do I get used to this character? What should I look out for? - Get used to playing two characters. Both Shabrys and Asterius can be given commands at the same time, making for some truly unusal inputs. - Asterius has huge, high damaging hitboxes but is terribly slow. In neutral, cover him so he can get his moves out - If Asterius is blocked, be ready to take advantage of the enemy blockstun with Shabrys to force further mixups and avoid losing persona cards. - When blocking, get in the habit of holding down D (Asterius block button) to avoid losing persona cards. - Pay attention to which of your opponents moves break Asterius. Persona broken Shabrys is a sad Shabrys. - Some opponents (Margaret) will not allow to use Asterius in neutral. Keep him safe by pressing D, and rely more on Shabrys movement and B normals to force a block/hit, then attack in tandem with Asterius. #### - What moves should I try to hit with? - 8C is great against SirJumpsALots. - 2C is great against stationary opponents. Also in general in a lower levels. - 5A, 5B, j.A, j.B are all good as well. Use B moves to outrange character with stubby normals (Akihiko, Chie) and use A moves to outspeed the rest (e.g. a preemptive rising j.A against Adachi j.C). #### - How the hell do you play this character on pad? [See here](#How-the-hell-do-I-do-this-stuff-on-pad!?). #### - My opponent is just blocking all the time. How do I open them up? Off to the [Blockstring section](#Blockstrings) with you. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this section is not very beginner friendly, sorry. #### - Hit a combo and got a knockdown. What now? Off to the [Setplay section](#Setplay) with you. #### - I still don't know what the heck I'm supposed to be doing Then you might want to get inspired by [how others are playing](#Gameplay-Footage). Or check [other Resources](#Resources) for more helpful info. ## Resources - The ultimate 1.1 resource collection by Milpy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDopakYbBerQ77SXEhXLk74AR2D0ymqRN - Many of the info also applies to 2.5 - Not only a playlist, but also contains link to further resources! Pretty much all other 1.1 links in this doc can also be found here - Wiki page on dustloop: https://dustloop.com/wiki/index.php?title=P4U2.5/Shadow_Labrys - The framedata is out of date as of (23.03.2022) - User collected patch notes: https://dustloop.com/wiki/index.php?title=P4U2.5/Patch_Notes#Shadow_Labrys - Combo and Mixup Video by The Yambino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otbZe_rdJqY&t=9s - Focuses on experimenting with the changes made in 2.5 - TODO: Transcribe the useful stuff into the combo section ### Gameplay Footage Atlus West Invitational, BananaKen, 18.03.2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytdNjt-_tSU - VS S.Akihiko (Jona), YU (Grover), Minazuki (Doonpa) BananaKen Casual Streams - https://www.youtube.com/user/joellera/videos Tahichi Stream - 26.03.2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoeSRjQfXEI - BB vs Tahichi (Margaret, Yu) (offline!) Megaho Stream - 09.04.2022: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1450653057 - TODO: Link dead, find replacement - Various players, various matchups (Old) Japanese Replay Theater - http://horibuna.web.fc2.com/P4U2_v100/index.html - Mostly matches played on 2.0 I think (New) Replay Theater - https://replaytheater.app/?game=p4au - Pretty much all the stuff linked below I pulled from this neat website The Battle for Everyones Souls #7, Cony, 05.06.2022 - vs Adachi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9m6X1j_Zfk&t=4813s - vs Shadow Akihiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9m6X1j_Zfk&t=6716s - vs Kanji: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9m6X1j_Zfk&t=6948s The Battle for Everyones Souls #5, KillerKitty19, 24.05.2022 - vs Junpei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io53Y1N5Ihg&t=1330s - vs Kanji: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io53Y1N5Ihg&t=5319s - vs Yu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io53Y1N5Ihg&t=9170s - vs Yukiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io53Y1N5Ihg&t=10760s - vs Teddie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io53Y1N5Ihg&t=11387s Aoi GP #11, Ikegami, 03.06.2022 - vs Kanji: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsebpDtrYYk&t=3978s - vs Yosuke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsebpDtrYYk&t=6703s - vs Shadow Naoto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsebpDtrYYk&t=8080s Aoi GP #9, fever333_, 20.05.2022 - vs Margaret: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmY02lwy_7Y&t=5732s Migaki Stream, GRF-K, 01.06.2022 - vs Yukari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGGyLGHptFU&t=1838s Migaki Stream, fever333_, 27.05.2022 - vs Yukari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ4jQjjuqqg&t=434s Wara Stream, GRF-K, 31.05.2022 - vs Shadow Chie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC5okny2oXE&t=113s Renmizusaka Stream?, poko-mon, 31.05.2022 - vs Shadow Yukiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHArtK7IAWA&t=227s - vs Shadow Yukiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAkCS5R2nWc&t=232s Renmizusaka Stream?, Eclair_1568, ?.05.2022 - vs Shadow Yukiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYRxGYVsRo0&t=33s Renmizusaka Stream?, fever333_, 18.05.2022 - vs Shadow Yukiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NzJ5wg52lg&t=115s Stream?, Ikegami - vs Aigis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5ZxOIQsv1M&t=77s Stream?, gselica, 16.05.2022 - vs Shadow Yosuke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG1s90ZmhIE&t=213s Magu Stream, gselica, 15.05.2022 - vs Margaret: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRrEHNzZ-N0&t=1115s ## Neutral - There is no one way to play to neutral. - Familiarize yourself with Shabrys' moves, their properties and applications on dustloop https://dustloop.com/wiki/index.php?title=P4U2.5/Shadow_Labrys - [Various matchups, 1.1](https://www.evernote.com/shard/s71/client/snv?noteGuid=aed858f8-9ef0-4240-a2d6-7639dc0ee472&noteKey=67f2695cb15f6d7f&sn=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com%2Fshard%2Fs71%2Fsh%2Faed858f8-9ef0-4240-a2d6-7639dc0ee472%2F67f2695cb15f6d7f&title=Shadow%2BLabrys%253A%2BTotal%2BAnnihilation%2B%255BUPDATED%255D) by I think MixedMethods ### Player comments Weolafin on discord says: > Shabrys has a godlike Dragon Punch. Don’t use it on wake-up, and pay close attention to blockstrings When you see an opening use it Other than that You have a huge obligation to be using Asterius proactively and reactively Your opponent will not respect you if they aren’t afraid of Asterius 214D and C, 236D and C, 2C, and 6C can all be used to deny an area or bait an attack from someone Once they are afraid to attack asterius for fear of being punished That’s when you establish some respect It’s easier said than done, and there’s many solutions to problems Biggest thing is not being afraid to experiment If something stops working make a conscious effort to do anything else (Bearbeitet) That way you don’t build a panic habit or an autopilot reliance Little beginners guide to fighting against Shadow Labrys (me): > - You have to watch the persona (Asterius, the bull). If you just look at Shabrys, Asterius will hit you and it will hurt. > - Asterius moves are slow and have telling startup animation. Learn what is what so you can prepare for which move is coming. > - Attacks above a certain damage threshold break Asterius, others won't. Find out which of your attacks are useful for breaking. > - If Shadow Labrys blocks, Asterius will stop performing any commands, except 2C (if already underground), SB skills, and during Titanomachia. > - If Shadow Labrys gets hits, Asterius disappears > - Disrespect blockstrings without Asterius > - Disrespect setplay unless the Shabrys player is actually good > - More details in the [Anti-Tech Evernote](https://www.evernote.com/shard/s490/client/snv?noteGuid=5adbb711-1282-454f-911b-935e8a80d2a3&noteKey=1c79b2c7770c6d16ce193476d1f5eba7&sn=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com%2Fshard%2Fs490%2Fsh%2F5adbb711-1282-454f-911b-935e8a80d2a3%2F1c79b2c7770c6d16ce193476d1f5eba7&title=Shadow%2BLabrys%253A%2BAnti-Tech) > - Don't play Yukari Asterius fun facts corner (me): > - Asterius is always on screen > - Asterius can be given commands independently of what Shadow Labrys is doing, unless she is getting hit or blocking > - If Shadow Labrys blocks, Asterius will stop performing any commands, except 2C (if already underground), SB skills, and during Titanomachia. > - If Shadow Labrys gets hits, Asterius disappears until a bit after she stops getting hit. If Asterius was performing a move while she gets hit, you lose a persona card. > - Asterius normals (5C, 2C, 8C) can be cancelled into his skills and supers (214C/D, 236C/D, [4]6C/D, [2]8C/D, 236236C/D, 214214C/D) on hit or block > - Asterius breaks if hit by a move that does more than 400 damage in a single hit. He does not care about other moves. > - D effectively makes Asterius invincible. > - Asterius "eats" projectiles unless they break him. While the visual of the projectile stays on screen, the hitbox of the projectile will be removed once it touches Asterius. > - Asterius needs to be ready (not performing an action or recovering) for you to use a One More Burst ## Setplay ### 4[6], Bite, Biteloop, "The Unblockable" - Can be setup off of: Corner 5C, 214AB - Biteloop explained by ScaryYandere (1.1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4IOqQTbevc&list=PLDopakYbBerQ77SXEhXLk74AR2D0ymqRN&index=7&t=1s - How to avoid it: [Anti-Tech Evernote](https://www.evernote.com/shard/s490/client/snv?noteGuid=5adbb711-1282-454f-911b-935e8a80d2a3&noteKey=1c79b2c7770c6d16ce193476d1f5eba7&sn=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com%2Fshard%2Fs490%2Fsh%2F5adbb711-1282-454f-911b-935e8a80d2a3%2F1c79b2c7770c6d16ce193476d1f5eba7&title=Shadow%2BLabrys%253A%2BAnti-Tech). Right at the start - Bite + Safejump by BananaKen (1.1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gittAwsW3kg&list=PLDopakYbBerQ77SXEhXLk74AR2D0ymqRN ### 236D, Laser oki, LAZER OKI - Can be setup off of: Airturn Guillotine, Corner 5C, Throw(?) - Block, then wait for them to get or block. If they get hit, go fo the combo. If they block, they are not stuck in blockstun for a bit, so go for a blockstring - In the corner, IAD > j.A > j.B > 2A is very difficult to block. Switch up the block-switching timing by leaving out one or two moves or switch 2A with throw - If set up from Corner 5C the laser won't be meaty. Use backjump j.2B (which is a safejump here) to buy time. ### 236D, The other laser oki - Can be setup off of: Midscreen 5C - Aims to abuse the corner carry of the 5C ender (and does more damage compared to airturn guillotine) together with the push the laser. - Laser does NOT hit meaty. Jump outs can be covered with jA, if they respect you cross-up with roll or airdash since laser is a great starter. Or run up block for maximum corner carry. ### Single side cross-up with Asterius 5C/2C - Can be setup off of: Throw, 2AB, neutral - Time your Asterius attack of choice meaty, then cross-up by forward jumping, air dashing or rolling. Jumping will usually be preferred, as it allows you to block reversals or continue pressure with Shabrys if they blocked Asterius - Alternatively, jump back > airturn > air dash forward (using the backdash animation) > j.A/B - TODO: Find a good confirm for cross-up 5C ### Double side cross-up - Can be setup off of: Throw, 2AB, neutral - Jump forward and the air-backdash > j.A. Crossups are fun - Universal but powerful ### Safejump with j.A/j.2B - Can be setup off of: Pretty much any hard knockdown? - Used when there is no opportunity for anything better - Universal but powerful (against reversal happy opponents) ### Aerial Bite - Can be setup off of: Blocked Corner 8C against aerial opponents - New and shiny aerial command grab setup: https://twitter.com/BananaKen/status/1508460112612151301?s=20 - Hard to do and fairly specific setup - [2]8 > j.B+C > j.214A also works, making it a bit easier - Might need to piano the B and C? ## Blockstrings - The million dollar question. Shabs blockstring without Asterius are major garbage. The general idea is to use Shabs normals to keep them blocking long enough for Asterius attack to hit, so you can then go for a high/low mixup or a crossup. Asterius best moves for this are Kunckle Train (5C) and Flames of Hades (236C/D). Once you know they'll sit there blocking you can mix in throws and Massive Slaughters. - True blockstrings without Asterius: - 5A > 5AA > 5B > 236A - 5A > 5B > 236A - 2A > 5B > 236A - 2B > 2AB > 236A - 2B > 2AB > BD - Particularly, 5B > 2AB is NOT a true blockstring. However, since people either don't know about it or will be slow to react to the situation you can often get away with it. - 5A > 5AA and 5AA > 5B are NOT true blockstrings when the opponent instant blocks (IBs) them. But you usually get away with it, since only a select few know this and put it into practice. - Strings starting with 5A/2A can be prefaced by a falling j.A/j.B/j.2B - 5A and 2B are jump cancellable ## Blockstrings - Midscreen \>! means there is a gap ### 5A Blocked 5A > 5AA > 5B+C >! (5C hits) > late airdash > j.A > j.B HITS > 5B > 2B > yadda yadda - https://clips.twitch.tv/RamshackleRudeWalrusWOOP-TLp_4meZJ0pkdcrp Blocked IAD j.B > j.214B > OMC > 2A - Turns the unsafe aerial guillotine into a mean mixup Blocked 5A > 5B+C >! > (5C hits) > 7 > 236D > 2A HITS > 5B > 2AB > jump over opponent > j.B > j.A+C > j.214B > (5C hits) - Cool sandwich string - https://clips.twitch.tv/DiligentWimpyLocustYouWHY-iEP0fOjQmQTvSsKy Blocked 5A > 5AA > 4B+C >! 1AB > (5C hits) > [4]6D >! 66 > 5A > 5AA > 2B HITS jump out - Does only work near corner, else [4]6D misses - https://clips.twitch.tv/MuddyCrazyPoxMoreCowbell-_sZD1frlVWoSlrWa Blocked 5A > 5AA > 2A+C > j.B > 214A(1) > OMC > 2A hits > (2C hits) > yadda yadda - costs 50 meter - A good high-low mixup when you have 50 meter. Once they start to respect the OMC and start blocking low, simply omit the OMC for an overhead - https://twitter.com/M1ssConductor/status/1509227919884836874?s=20&t=J7dLFbCdkEN2OoyUbAQtQw Blocked 5A > 236D >! throw > 236D hits > yadda yadda Blocked 5A >! 214A+C > (214A hits) > 214C hits > yadda yadda - Punish people who expect 5A > 5AA or 5A > 5B. - https://twitter.com/BananaKen/status/1507687059254820864?s=20&t=TqKmnmIh6yoaLKP9xolwSA ### 5B 5B > 8C >! 2AB hits > (8C hits) 5B > 8C >! 214A hits > (8C hits) - Netplay high-low mix-up - Kinda fake, since even the A version of guillotine axe is somewhat reactable - Both routes can be reversaled - If you decide to use this, go for sweep more than guillotine, as it can be canceled to make it somewhat more safe on block ### 2C Blocked 2C >! 214C > 66 > (214C hits) > 5A > 5AA > 2AB+C > BD > (5C hits) > 236D > opponent escapes unless near corner - 5C push on block is huuuge - https://clips.twitch.tv/AgileLitigiousSpiderKappaRoss-OMiIilNHvsHiPHOa Blocked 2C > 5A+C (sideswitch) > 236D >! > 1C+D (backthrow) > (backthrow hits) > (236D hits) > 66 > j.B > jc.A > j.C > j.214A - https://clips.twitch.tv/ArborealTubularTubersKreygasm-Vkhe5ex3pdYDY02v ## Blockstrings - Corner ### 5A Blocked 5A > 5B+C >! 2AB > (5C blocked) > 236A+D > 5AA > 5B > 214A > (236D blocked) > falling forward j.B > back jc.A - Long pressure - 5ACorner_block_string_mug.mp4 Blocked 4A > 4B+C > 1AB > (5C blocked) > [4]6C > 2B > jc.A > ([4]6C hits) - Catch jumps with jc.A, slaughter blocking foes with [4]6C. - How good is this against DPs? - [4]6D won't connect unless Asterius is farther away than normal - Do 2B while [4]6 C for a grounded strike/throw mixup Blocked safe-j.2B+C > 2A > 5B > (2C blocked) > 236D > empty jump forward >! 2A hits > 5B > 2AB > (236D hits) > 2B > bj.2B > jc.B+[C] > j.BB > j.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits) - https://clips.twitch.tv/SpotlessFitDragonSuperVinlin-vN-UM0UDzlsGgkV5 Blocked j.A > 5A > 4AA > 4B+C >! (5C blocked) > 6C > 5A > delayed 5AA hits > 5B > 2B > yadda yadda - Delayed 5AA covers jump and backdash startup - https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11330&v=ytdNjt-_tSU&feature=youtu.be Blocked 5A > 5AA > 5B >! 2AB + 236C > 236A > (236C blocked) > falling 4j.B - Loops into itself, but has at least one obvious gap - https://twitter.com/Elite_Soba/status/1532186073685602305 ## Combos Combo collection, as well as some general ideas. Not all combos listed are "optimal". ## Combos - General Combo Theory ### Air combo enders - Aerial juggles usually end with aerial guillotine (j.214A/B), accompanied by one of Asterius moves, as they do not cause hard knockdown, resetting the situation to neutral. - 2C and 8C are used for extending the combo. 8C is lower damage than 2C, but is easier to input and easier to follow up on in some situations - 214A+C and 213B+D finisher cause knockdown, but don't give a lot of frame advantage. Not used, but easy to do. - Corner 5C can both extend or finish a combo. Gives good setplay. - Near-Corner 5C is also gives good setplay. - Midscreen 5C is okay, but airturn guillotine is probably better? The jourey is out on this one - 236D ? - 214AB gives hard knockdown all on its own for 25 meter - Aerial Guillotine also gives hard knockdown all on its own, for no meter. See the section below for more details. ### Airturn Guillotine - Explained by BananaKen (1.1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_DtcyA4h_s&list=PLDopakYbBerQ77SXEhXLk74AR2D0ymqRN - Inputs: sj. airturn > j.236BD > j.214A(1) - If it's too difficult, substitute it with j.214A+B (if you have 25 meter to spare) ### Managing Asterius While in most combos Asterius will just automatically be at the right position and do the right thing, sometimes a little extra effort is required - Macros involving C will cause Asterius to attack. This can be prevented by putting him on block with D. For example, in 5AAA > 2A+C combo starts, Asterius will perform a whiffing 2C and then not be ready for follow-up. To prevent Asterius from attacking due to 2A+C, hold D before inputting the hop and release it after. Alternatively, tap D just before the hop and tap it again after. - "Piano" inputs can also help avoiding unwanted actions. For example, to not automatically perform 5C when throwing (C+D), first input D and then right after input C. The throw will still come out due to the macro buffer, but the "startup" of D will prevent Asterius from doing 5C - In corner combos, try to keep your distance from the wall while Asterius is not doing anything to move him back a little bit. For example, for a corner 2B > j.2B, jump back instead of directly up. You might then need to move closer again by forwarding jumping for the follow up. This is to help ensure that Asterius is far enough from the corner to avoid his moves missing. ### Titanomachia - Go-to combo: 5C > 2C > 214C. All combo into each other without any need to help with Shabrys, so you can sit back and watch the fireworks (or charge your Brutal Impact). - Sometimes 5C > 2C may not land if the sliding knockdown from 5C pushes the screen too far. In this case, backdash or IABD with Shabrys to keep the screen from moving. - 5C causes sliding knockdown during Titanomachia (instead of the usual wallbounce) - To hit brutal impact (214214B), hold down B until the hellflames finisher hits, then release during the hit. (This may not always be the case) - In the corner, you can always add another brutal impact after the first, provided you have the meter. This is commonly referred to as "double brutal impact". Titano stuff > 214214B hits > [2]8D > ([2]8D hits) > roll > 214214B ### Miscellaneous - j.B can often be replaced with j.A to make combos more slightly consistent while slighty reducing damage - A combo ending with 5C in the corner can be extended with 214214A > [2]8D > 214214B - A combo ending with brutal impact in the corner can be extended with [2]8D > 214214B ### How the hell do I do this stuff on pad?! Shabrys combos can be difficult to execute, due to necessity of pressing weird button combinations (e.g. 5B+C) or needing to hold buttons (e.g. j.B[C] > j.BB > j.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits)). While it is perfectly possible to Shabrys with the default pad layout, some people find it easier to map C and/or D to shoulder buttons (e.g. C on R1 and D on L1). Alternatively, certain macros on the shoulder buttons can get the job as well. For example, the throw macro can be used for 5[C] inputs in combos, since Shabrys can't throw while attacking. ## Combos - Midscreen ### 5A - The 5A starter can generally be substituted for 2A - 5A can usually be preceeded by landing j.A or j.B 5A > 5B+C > 2A+B > (5C hits) > 66 > 2B > sj.B > j.214A > 8C > Airturn Guillotine - THIS MIGHT NOT ACTUALLY WORK??? - Maybe replace 2A+B > 66 > 2B with a simple j.2B - ~2800 DMG - BnB, but requires Asterius at the ready - Beginner (swap "Airturn Guillotine" with "j.214AB") - laser oki 5A > 5B+C > 2A+B > (5C hits) > 66 > 2B > sj.B > j.214A > 214214C (5C>2C>214C) > j.A > j.214A > (5C hits) > 214214AB > > (2C hits) > (214C hits) > release 214214AB, hits before hellflames > (hellflames hit) - 5493 DMG - costs 125 meter - https://twitter.com/zomzombie22/status/1505022695389675521?s=20&t=CO9QJQ2tNtXO7pabbB0i1w 5A > 5B+C > 2A+B > (5C hits) > j.2B > 66 > j.B > jc.A > jB+C > j.214 > (5C hits) - 2407 DMG - the j.2B is done while falling - sideswitch if done right - 5A_experiment1_neavy.mp4 - [0:38] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 5A > 5B > 2A+B > 236AB > 66 > 2B > j.A > jc.B > j.214A - 2117 DMG - costs 25 meter (50 with j.214AB for hard knockdown) - Beginner - works without Asterius 5A > 5B > 2A+B > 236A+B > iad j.A > j.214B > 8C > sj.B > j.214B+C > (214C hits) - 2239 DMG - costs 25 meter - Can probably substitute ender with airturn guillotine - Starts without Asterius and does not need a hop cancel - [0:59] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 5A > 5B > 2A+B > 236A+B > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc > j.A+C > j.214B > (5C hits) - 3044 DMG - [1:12] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 CH 5A > 2B > j.B > jc.B > j.2C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc.A+C > j.214B > (5C hits) - 3005 DMG - [1:38] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 ### 5AAA 5AAA > [D] > hop j.2B > ]D[ > 66 > j.B > jc.B > j.214B > (2C hits) > 236D > sj. airturn > j.236BD > j.214A(1) - ~2500 DMG - recommended BNB - 2C can be substituted with 8C. Easier, 2304 DMG - laser oki - Mug: https://twitter.com/Mug4Times/status/1504643844461121540 - 5AAA_1_mug.mp4 - 5AAA_3_mug.mp4 (8C version) 5AAA > [D] > hop j.2B > ]D[ > 66 > j.B > jc.B > j.214B > 8C > j.214AB - Beginner variant of the previous combo (arguably still somewhat difficult though) - costs 25 meter 5AA+CAA > IAD > j.A > j.2B > j.B > j.2B > jc.C > j.214B (5C hits) - 2599 DMG - Near corner - [0:26] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 5AAA > 214AB > 214214D (5C>2C>214C) > j.A > j.214 > (5C hits) > (2C hits) > IABD > 236236B > (214C hits) > (hellflames hit) > release 214214B, hits - 4511 DMG - costs 125 meter - Beginner - very suboptimal damage - Ethral: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZnznC7ymu8 5AAA > 214AB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > 214214C (5C>2C>214C) > 214B > (5C hits) > 214214B > (2C hits) > (214C hits) > (hellflames hit) > release 214214B, hits - 5339 DMG - costs 125 meter - recommended BNB - Delay the input for 214214C a bit to avoid getting just 214C - Mug: https://twitter.com/Mug4Times/status/1506759335770271746?s=20&t=TqKmnmIh6yoaLKP9xolwSA ### 2A See 5A ### 5B 5B+C > 2AB > (5C hits) > 66 > j.2B > 66 > j.B > jc.B+[C] > j.BB > j214 > ]C[ > (5C hits) - 3280 DMG - Requires you to be close enough to the corner - https://twitter.com/ConyXReaper/status/1506855954658349056?s=20&t=TqKmnmIh6yoaLKP9xolwSA 5B > 2AB > 236AB > microdash 2B > air stuff - Beginner, BnB? - See 5A section for a full example - Allows you do to better than 5B > 2AB at the cost of 25 meter. CH 5B > 2B > insert 2B combo here - Does not work on aerial hit CH 5B > 2B > j.B > jc.B+C > j.214B > (5C hits) > IAD j.2B > j.BB > jc.2B > j.C > j.214B > (5C hits) - 3570 DMG - Near corner - Funny corner carry combo - [3:40] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 FC 5B > 2B > j.B > jc.B > j.214B > 8C > j.B > jc.B > j.214B+D - Very easy + meterless, but won't work on CH - Beginner FC 5B > 2B > j.B > jc.B > j.214B > 5A > j.A > j.B > jc.B > j.214B > 214214A - No Asterius combo ### 2B - Depending on target height, the j.B > j.B follow-up has to be replaced with sj.B 2B > j.B > j.B > 2C > j.214B > (2C hits) > 214C > 2AB for oki 2B > j.B > j.B > 2C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > j.214A/AB CH 2B > falling j.2B+C > 214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc.A > j.214B > 8C > sj.B > j.214A+C - 4297 DMG - does not work on air hit? - [4:12] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 CH 2B > falling j.2B+C > 214B > (2C hits) > 66 > 214B > OMB > 214AB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > 214B > 236236C - 6117 DMG - costs 75 meter, OMB - https://twitter.com/BB02A/status/1574322703409958912?s=20&t=Oi_MIcHGoMgazBT9JUyK0g ### j.B (air-to-air) - Combos listed here are for air-to-airs. For j.B against grounded opponents see 5A CH j.B > 5A > j.A > j.B > jc.A > j.2C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc.A+C > j.214B (5C hits) - 2801 DMG - Opponent needs to be low to the ground - Also works off of j.A - [2:26] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 ### j.2B (air-to-ground) j.2B > 66 > j.B > jc.B > j.2C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc.A+C > j.214B > (5C hits) - 3639 DMG - [2:50] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 j.2B > 66 > j.B > jc.B > OMB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > 214AB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc.A+[C] > j.214A > ]C[ > (5C hits) > 236236C - 5833 DMG - costs 75 meter, OMB - https://twitter.com/BB02A/status/1574322703409958912?s=20&t=Oi_MIcHGoMgazBT9JUyK0g CH j.2B > 66 > 2B > sj.B > j.2C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc.A+C > j.214B > (5C hits) - 3863 DMG - [3:00] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 ### 2AB 8C > 2AB > (8C hits) > j.B > jc.A > j.214B > 8C > Aerial Guillotine - 2688 DMG - BnB - https://clips.twitch.tv/PatientModernLettuceWOOP-SLhqcZW1XbImz-34 ### 214A/B 214A+C > (214A hits) > (214C hits) > 5A > j.A > j.B > jc.B+[C] > j.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits) - 2921 DMG - Might have to input the initial 214C a little bit after 214A - Delay 5A a bit - BnB - https://twitter.com/BananaKen/status/1507687059254820864?s=20&t=TqKmnmIh6yoaLKP9xolwSA 5C > 214B > (5C hits) > IAD j.A > j.2B > j.B+C > j.2B > jc.214B > (5C hits) - 3140 DMG - Near corner - [2:01] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 214A+B > 214B > 8C > j.B > jc.A > j.214B+C - 3314 DMG - sideswitch optional - [2:16] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 ### 2C - At least one of these should be a BnB 2C > 236D > j.214B > (236D hits) > 66 > j.B > jc.A[C] > j.214A > (5C hits) - 3687 DMG - second part https://twitter.com/BananaKen/status/1505464605052706818?s=20&t=I6F3PBEswBlpkzamv9xwTw 2C > 236D > 214B > ??? - Time 214B with the apex of the opponents fall 2C > j.B > jc.A > j.2C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > jc.A+C > j.214B > (5C hits) - 3714 DMG - [4:52] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 FH 2C > 214B > 8C > sj.B > j.214B > 8C > sj.B > j.214A+C - 4353 DMG - [5:16] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 FC 2C > 214B > j.A > j.B > jc.B+C > j.214B > (5C hits) > IAD j.2B > j.BB > jc.C > j.214B > (5C hits) - 4870 DMG - Near corner - [5:00] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 FC 2C > 236D > 214A > (236D hits) > 66 > j.B > jc.B > j.214B > (2C hits) > 214214C (5C>2C>214C) > 214B > (5C hits) > 214214B > (2C hits) > (214C hits) > release 214214B, hits before hellflames > (hellflames hit) - 7268 DMG - costs 100 meter, burst - https://twitter.com/BananaKen/status/1505464605052706818?s=20&t=I6F3PBEswBlpkzamv9xwTw FC 2C > 214B > OMB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > 214214C(5C>8C>214C) > 214B > 214214B > (5C hits) > (2C hits) > (214C hits) > release 214214B, hits before hellflames > (hellflames hit) - 8231 DMG - costs 100 meter, burst - https://twitter.com/little0219/status/1505588254103707648 ### [4]6C/D Massive Slaughter [4]6C/D > j.A > j.2B > 66 > j.B > jc.A > 214B > (5C hits) - ~3300 DMG - The first j.A is falling - Can be extended with brutal impact - https://youtu.be/6VWSKMonyho?list=PLDopakYbBerQ77SXEhXLk74AR2D0ymqRN&t=16 [4]6C/D > falling j.2B > IAD j.2B > s.j2B > 214AB -~2748 DMG - costs 25 meter - does not work from farther away than midscreen ## Combos - Corner ### 5A 5A > 5B+C > 2AB > (5C hits) > 2B > j.2B > jc.5BC > j.BB > j.214B > (5C hits) - Can then go into laser or bite oki 5A > 5AA > 5B > 2B > j.2B > jc.5BC > j.BB > j.214B > (5C hits) - Can then go into laser or bite oki 5A > 5AA > 5B > 2B > j.B > j.BB > jc.2B+C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > j.BB > jc.C > j.214B (5C hits) - 3467 DMG - BnB - pushes Asterius too far offscreen for oki? - [1:24] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 5A > 5AA > 5B > 2B > j.2B > jc.5B+C > j.BB > j.214B > (5C hits) > 214214A > [2]8D > roll > 214214B - 4880 DMG - costs 100 meter - Mug: https://twitter.com/Mug4Times/status/1506759498827976726?s=20&t=TqKmnmIh6yoaLKP9xolwSA ### 5B CH 5B > 2B > j.BB > jc.2B+C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.BB > j.B+C > j.2B > j.214B > (5C hits) - 4018 DMG - [3:50] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 CH 5B > 236B > 5B > 2B > j.BB > jc.2B+C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B+[C] > j.2B > jc.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits) - 4041 DMG - If you really need those extra 23 damage - [4:00] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 CH 5B > 2B > OMB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > 214AB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > j.2B > jc.B > jc.BB+C > j.214B > (5C hits) > 236236D - 5993 DMG - costs 75 meter, OMB - dump resources to close the round - https://twitter.com/BB02A/status/1574306061342818304?s=20&t=8gAQzimuh3rv6cPKqvh4Fg ### 2B CH 2B > falling 7j.2B > 5B > 2B > sj.B > j.2B+C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B+[C] > j.2B > jc.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits) - 4365 DMG - [4:25] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 ### j.B (air-to-air) - Combos listed here are for air-to-airs. For j.B against grounded opponents see 5A CH j.B > land > j.A > j.B > j.BB > j.2B+C > jc.214B > (2C hits) > j.BB > jc.C > j.214B - 3703 DMG - [2:36] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 ### j.2B (air-to-ground) j.2B > 5B > 2B > sj.B > > j.2B+C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B > j.BB+[C] > jc.214B > > ]C[ (5C hits) - 4195 DMG - [3:14] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 j.2B > 5B > 2AB > OMB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > 214AB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > j.B > j.BB > jc.[C] > j.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits) > 236236D - 6492 DMG - costs 75 meter, OMB - [0:14] https://twitter.com/BB02A/status/1574306061342818304?s=20&t=Oi_MIcHGoMgazBT9JUyK0g ### 214A/B 214A+C > (214A hits) > (214C hits) > 5B > 2B > j.2B > jc.B > j.BB+[C] > j.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits) ### 2C FC 2C > 214B > 5B > 2B > j.2B > jc.B > j.2B+C > j.214B > (2C hits) > j.B+[C] > j.2B > jc.214B > ]C[ > (5C hits) - 5339 DMG - [5:30] https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26788231 FC 2C > 214B > 5B > 2B > j.2B > jc.B > j.2B+C > j.214B > (2C hits) > 214214C (5C > 2C > 214C) > 214B > (5C hits)> 44 > 214B > (2C hits) > 214214B > (214C hits) > (hellflames hit) > release 214214B during hellflames, hits > [2]8D > ([2]8D hits) > 66 > 214214B - 8522 DMG - costs 150 meter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR4qEOqU5_0 FC 2C > 214B > OMB > 2C > 214B > (2C hits) > 214B > 5B > 2B > sj.2BC > j.214B > (2C hits) > 214214C(5C>2C>214C) > 214B > 44 > (5C hits) > 214B > 214214B > (2C hits) > (214C hits) > (hellflames hit) > release 214214B, hits > [2]8D > ([2]8D hits) > roll > 214214B - 9322 DMG - costs 150 meter, OMB - 8272 DMG when cut short, 100 meter OMB - https://twitter.com/BananaKen/status/1505700138974695436?s=20&t=w7_DZz4BhZhkqAHCQumlsw