# **Ape-X Buying/Bridging Guide for Apes** <center> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/zQwpEN7.png" alt="drawing" style="width:400px;"/> </center> --- Greetings, apes. Greetings, plebs. Want to buy some Ape-X but don't know where to start? Can't make your way around a computer? Can't make your way around a cellular telephone device? Don't be ashamed. We were all you once. I have something made up real special like. Just for you. Free of charge. Follow along with this guide and you'll be apeing with the best of 'em in short order. I know you can do it because you are a smart, capable pleb, and you believe in yourself. Pick your head up. There's no time to waste. ## **How to Install and Set Up Metamask** ### **Download/install the Metamask app/extension on your device/browser of choice using the following links** - [**Chrome/Brave**](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn) 1. Click Add to Chrome/Add to Brave 2. Click Add Extension. Simple as that. It will appear in your extensions bar as a fox icon (typically the upper right corner of your browser) 3. Tip: Pin Metamask for easier access - [**Firefox**](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ether-metamask/) - Same directions as Chrome/Brave - [**iOS**](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/metamask/id1438144202?_branch_match_id=959962816246043682) - [**Android**](https://metamask.app.link/bxwkE8oF99) ### **Set Up Your Metamask Account** 1. Click on the Metamask icon 2. Click **Get Started** **Note: If you have a wallet you'd like to import, use steps 3-6. If you are creating a new wallet, skip to step 7** 3. If you have a wallet already that you'd like to import, click **Import Wallet** 4. Click **I Agree** 5. Type/paste your Secret Recovery Phase associated with that wallet in the provided window. - I recommend ALWAYS typing in your recovery phrase/private keys by hand instead of copying and pasting. Clipboard hacks are a thing and you don't want to be clipboard hacked. Trust me, I know. 6. Create a new STRONG password and type it into the **New password** and **Confirm password** windows. Check the Terms of Use box and click **Import**, and you're done! 7. To create a new wallet, click **Create a Wallet**, duh. 8. Click **I Agree** 9. Create a new STRONG password and type it into the **New password** window. Type your password again into the **Confirm password** window and proceed... 10. If you're new to this, I'd recommend watching the video regarding wallet security. If you know what you're doing, click **Next**. 11. Reveal your secret backup phrase. Guard these words with your LIFE. Write them down on at least two pieces of paper, hide them, lock them, whatever. If you're going to store them on your phone or computer, you should store them using an encrypted service such as [Keybase](https://keybase.io/). Do not store them anywhere on your electronic devices without encryption. 12. Click **Next** 13. Confirm your secret backup phrase by clicking the words in the correct order. Click **Confirm**. You're done! <center><iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/lbbXowMJ59w0o" width="600" height="387" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/monkeys-apes-senta-berger-lbbXowMJ59w0o">via GIPHY</a></p></center>center> --- ## **How to Add Avalanche Network (C-Chain) to Metamask** **Automatic:** 1. Go to https://chainlist.org/ 2. Type in AXAX in the search window 3. Find Avalanche Mainnet (ChainID 43114) and click **Connect Wallet** 4. Click **Add to Metamask.** Done. **Manual:** 1. Open Metamask 2. Click on your user icon (upper right on browser extension, upper left on app) 3. Click **Settings** 4. Click **Networks** 5. Click **Add Network** at the bottom 6. Enter Avalanche Network details as follows: - Network Name: Avalanche C-Chain - New RPC URL: **https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc** - Chain ID: 43114 - Currency Symbol: AVAX - Block Explorer URL: **https://cchain.explorer.avax.network/** <center> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/SHoG5J9.png " alt="drawing" style="width:300px;"/> </center> 7. Click **Save**. Done! <center><iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/MCWzaCPShWEZ0FfSHA" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/coldplay-adventure-of-a-lifetime-MCWzaCPShWEZ0FfSHA">via GIPHY</a></p></center> --- ## **How to Bridge Funds from BSC to Avalanche** **Note: You must have ELK (BSC) in your BSC wallet and bridge for ELK (AVAX) for this transfer. There will be better ways soon, but this is the best one as of now. You will also need Binance Smart Chain added as a network if you haven't. To add the BSC network, follow these steps (same as Avalanche instructions above, different variables):** **Automatic:** 1. Go to **https://chainlist.org/** 2. Type in BSC in the search window 3. Find Binance Smart Chain (ChainID 56) and click **Connect Wallet** 4. Click **Add to Metamask.** Done. **Manual:** - Network Name: Binance Smart Chain - New RPC URL: **https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/** - ChainID: 56 - Symbol: BNB - Block Explorer: **https://bscscan.com** ### **Bridging BSC > Avalanche** 1. Open Metamask wallet and connect to Binance Smart Chain by clicking the upper middle button and clicking Binance Smart Chain 2. Go to [**ElkDex here**](https://app.elk.finance/#/swap), connect wallet, and swap BNB for ELK (BSC version) 3. Go to [**the ElkNet bridge here**](https://app.elk.finance/#/elknet). Connect wallet. - There are other bridges, [**Anyswap**](https://anyswap.exchange/bridge) being the main one, but it's not functioning properly currently. There are several other unofficial bridges as well. 5. Click **Select Target Chain** and select Avalanche. 6. Enter the amount of ELK you want to bridge (4.36 in my example) 7. **Check** Swap $ELK 1 for gas. You're going to need this on Avax unless you want to beg in the chat. <center> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/UpW7uyF.png " alt="drawing" style="width:300px;"/> </center> 9. Click **Approve**. Confirm in wallet. 10. Once approved, click **Transfer**. Confirm your transaction in your wallet. 11. After a few minutes (could take a bit) switch to Avalanche/Avax network (whatever you named it) in your Metamask wallet. If you see AVAX in your wallet, it worked. 12. Using ElkDex again, this time connected to Avalanche, **Approve** ELK and **Swap** ELK for AVAX. It may tell you that you need 225 gwei for gas. Ignore it. Default should work fine. Confirm transaction in your wallet. 13. Wait a few seconds for tx to confirm and you're done. You now have a bunch of AVAX and you're ready to ape and ape hard. <center><iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/K0ClvyocTTiHm" width="400" height="477" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/gorilla-chest-charges-K0ClvyocTTiHm">via GIPHY</a></p></center> --- ## **How to Bridge Funds from Ethereum to Avalanche** Much easier than bridging from BSC to Avalanche, but a little pricier (Eth fees...). You are bridging wETH, so you're going to need some wETH (other tokens can be bridged but you should check prices and slippage on both chains. wETH or ETH is always ideal.) 1. Connect wallet to Ethereum Mainnet (top middle button in wallet). 2. Go to the [**OFFICIAL Ethereum-Avalanche bridge**](https://bridge.avax.network/) and connect your wallet to the site. 3. In the From field, type or select **ETH** or **wETH** <center> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/2LD0cBY.png " alt="drawing" style="width:300px;"/> </center> 4. Type how much you want to bridge or click Max to send all of it because you're an ape. If you sent more than $75 in ETH/wETH, you will receive **free AVAX** on Avalanche for gas. Do it. Do it not and you might be begging or digging for an AVAX faucet to have some gas. 5. Click **Transfer** 6. If you haven't wrapped your ETH into wETH, the prompts will say you must and will offer you the option to do so. Follow the prompts and confirm wrapping transaction in your wallet. 7. Once complete, confirm actual transfer. Note: you will be receiving wETH-e on Avalanche. 8. Once transaction is complete, switch to Avalanche network (top middle button again) and if you see your wETH-e (and AVAX if you bridged $75+), you're done. Omg, you are so close to getting your ape on. <center><iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/OUAlkNhuv4bJu" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/fight-intense-gorilla-OUAlkNhuv4bJu">via GIPHY</a></p></center> --- ## **How to Connect your Metamask Wallet to TraderJoeXYZ** Easiest step yet here... 1. Connect wallet to Avalanche (upper middle button of extension/app) 2. Go to the [**Ape-X/Avax swap page on TraderJoeXYZhere**](https://www.traderjoexyz.com/#/trade?outputCurrency=0xd039C9079ca7F2a87D632A9C0d7cEa0137bAcFB5). 3. Import token if prompted 4. Connect your wallet to the site in upper right 5. You're now connected to TraderJoeXYZ. And you know what that means... ## **How to Ape Ape-X** 1. To ape like nobody has ever aped before, you must first make sure **AVAX** is selected in the **From** field and **Ape-X** is selected in the **To** field, just in case it's not already set that way. 2. Change your slippage to 12%+ by selecting the **Settings icon** right above your AVAX balance and manually entering 12% or more. <center> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/5sFv7oH.png " alt="drawing" style="width:300px;"/> </center> 3. Exit out of Settings and it's time... You can type in the amount of **AVAX** you want to swap (Ape-X field will auto-populate), but let's be real... You're an ape and you want to hit **MAX**. What else would you do? Slow down a second though. You wanna leave yourself a little gas. Take 0.01+ off your MAX so you have a little gas left for future swaps. I've made this mistake too many times... 4. Beat your chest, let out a primal scream, and click **Swap**. Confirm your transaction in your wallet. <center> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/4d0MSE9.png " alt="drawing" style="width:300px;"/> </center> 5. Wait for your transaction to complete and you're done. You have made the transformation. You are now officially an ape. **Congratulations, ape. You smell terrible**. <center><iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/145h77wVHg6i4g" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/gorilla-chest-beating-145h77wVHg6i4g">via GIPHY</a></p></center> To add and view your Ape-X in your Metamask wallet, follow the [**add custom token instructions here**](https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489031-How-to-add-unlisted-tokens-custom-tokens-in-MetaMask) using the Ape-X token address below. - Ape-X token address: **0xd039C9079ca7F2a87D632A9C0d7cEa0137bAcFB5** - [**Ape-X C-Chain Explorer**](https://cchain.explorer.avax.network/tokens/0xd039C9079ca7F2a87D632A9C0d7cEa0137bAcFB5/token-transfers)