# Sharer Poll Results ### #1 Original Code The code is unique and didn't reuse anyone else's code. To SMS: - **10% SMS** ### #2 Your code is partially forked. But large changes are made and it is used on a new protocol. - **20% SMS / 20% Original Creator** ### #3 Your code is partially forked. Strategist has still undertaken the audit of the new protocol and has needed to do tests to make sure it works correctly. Some minor changes are needed to get it to work. An example would be adapting masterchef code to work with synthetix. - **20% SMS / 35% Original Creator** ### #4. Code is forked. Large changes are made. But it uses the same protocol as before. New strategist has not needed to audit for safety the underlying protocol. But they are making big changes or improvements. An example could be integrating a rebasing token. An example might be what @dudesahn is trying to do with IB curve. He has forked the basic curve strategy but is trying some innovative ideas to change the way we sell in order to reduce slippage. - **20% SMS / 40% Original Creator** ### #5. Code is forked. Small changes are made and it uses the same protocol as before. Strategist does not need to audit protocol and the changes needed are small. Maybe adding in safeApprovals to get it to work with USDT. Or upgrading to a different version of the Vault. - **20% SMS / 80% Original Creator** ### #6. No changes are needed. Either the code is just redeployed with a new want or cloned from an existing live strategy. Strategist has still taken the initiative to work on a want or protocol that has not been utilised already. And will need to still test and manage the live strategy. But no coding is needed. An example would be cloning gen lender to use on a new want. - **20% SMS / 80% Original Creator**