| PIP | Title | Description | Author | Discussion | Status | Type | Date | |-----|----------------|----------------------------|-------------------------------|------------|-------------|------------------------------------------|-----------------------| | | Napoli | Proposes the Napoli Hardfork |[Arpit Temani](https://) | | Draft | Core | --- ### Abstract This PIP specifies the changes included in the Polygon hard fork named Napoli. ### Specification - Codename: Napoli ### Activation - Activation block to be added when consensus for the change acheived. ### Included PIPs ### Included EIPs 1. [EIP-1153: Transient Storage Opcodes]([https://](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-1153.md)) 2. [EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction]([https://](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-5656.md)) 3. [EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-6780.md)