# Berlin Science Hacking Stammtisch URL to this page: https://tinyurl.com/sciencehacking (works better on chrome...:/) On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SHD_Berlin Meetup group: http://www.meetup.com/de/Berlin-Science-Hacking/ --- ## 28 November, Stammtisch #36 ### Announcements - Open Science Hardware Assembly at 35C3 - Mozilla Open Leadership training, deadline 30th November ### Scott - https://kildall.com/ - sonaqua poluted water sonification project - sonaqua plant stabbing sonification - https://www.forbes.com/sites/andreamorris/2018/09/13/blazes-of-light-show-plants-response-to-being-eaten-video/#d17988e37cc1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lzq-wRHCTKc ### Victor - https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/04/bloomberg-spy-chip-murky-world-national-security-reporting/ that chinese spy chip story was a hoax from Bloomberg. Chinese stories often are, or at least very biased... eg CRISPR babies ### Robert Will bring his Sound lens to 35C3: 4000Hz through the lens, focus is a single spot 3-4m from the lens. Works well in the woods but not in a lab because too much reflection (70% of what we hear in regular situations is reflected). Anechoic chamber. ### Elias / Victor WLAN can be used to track movement in space (eg whether you're in your appartment) using passive radio. ### Lucy https://www.wikidata.org/ https://query.wikidata.org/ --- ## 26 September, Stammtisch #34 ### Announcements - it was just Lucy and Robert but we had a very nice chat about all kinds of things. ![](https://img.csfd.cz/files/images/film/photos/157/875/157875951_456dd0.jpg) --- ## 30 May, Stammtisch #33 ### Announcements - Welt-Mikroben-Tag, 17th June, Prinzessinnengarten https://www.facebook.com/events/638612173150903/ - OSCEdays Berlin, 14-16th June, EUREF Campus open source circular economy! http://2018.oscedays.berlin/ - Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Saturday 9th June https://www.langenachtderwissenschaften.de/ - DITseq - diybio DNA sequencing with a tiny tiny pocket nanopore minION sequencer https://www.meetup.com/Biotinkering-Berlin/events/250873097/ - who wants axolotl babies? ### Stream of Consciousness Winogradsky columns Terrarium Biodome Best russian inventions vodka Space suits https://gizmodo.com/50-years-ago-the-first-spacewalk-nearly-ended-in-trage-1692303108 ![](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--j85RZonE--/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/ivxjsupltj4vmsqtfnwu.jpg) ### Robert Wants to make an acoustic lens to focus a beep at a single point using a fresnel lens something like a zone plate ![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/97/Zone_plate.svg/602px-Zone_plate.svg.png) ...but made with small holes cut our of wood with a laser cutter (he has made a design). Was thinking of using a 1000 Hz tone, but it will mean making 4x4m lenses. Svein suggests go up to 4000 Hz and use less materials. ### CRISPR ascendence biomedical Aaron Traywick Josiah Zayner ### Would you rather have biological wings and no arms or EEG-controlled mechanical wings and keep your arms Possible solution... ![](https://biobabel.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ubx.jpg) ### If you could CRISPR yourself, what would you CRISPR? Robert hox gene experiment where you put eyes on your elbows. ### more stream of consciousness http://www.themachinetobeanother.org/ rubber hand experiment split brain studies hearing voices network tulpamancy https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/exmqzz/tulpamancy-internet-subculture-892 are you a different person in different languages? Mark Twain: "a german sentence starts with a noun at the beginning and a verb at the end something something something", "some german words are so long that they have a perspective" ### Norway ![](https://ekstrabladet.dk/incoming/wdl6wx/6720753/IMAGE_ALTERNATES/p900/63115325.jpg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLEo7H9tqSM ### Jean's tips http://www.onezoom.org/ https://www.memrise.com/ ## 25 April, Stammtisch #32 ### Gal Project (from the comment) I don't think I'll be able to make it to the meetup (earlier than 21 or so), however, I have an idea for a project, and wanted to know if anyone has any experience with it. My awesome boss keeps bouncing his foot in the floor with such force the whole office is shaking. I suggested putting a piezoelectric power generator under his foot to produce electricity, and he said he'd totally go for it. So I looked around and found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNGmpgIkIvc However, the last thing I need is also lights going on when this happens, so LEDs are out. My questions are: 1. If I come directly to the lab (do we still have one, by the way?), would anyone want to build one with me? 2. How should I harvest power with this? Attach it to a battery? To a battery charger? The currents I can get here are not amazing, but the voltage can be pretty high. Any ideas? Our comments: - how does it work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity - we suggest to connect it to crakshaft(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfQBedQHQxQ) sewing machine - or to a peaucellier lipkin mechanism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D30iFxhJTQA other randoms topics -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqB1jRVw7Bw ### Announcements Open call 2018: Creating Empathy. Submit proposals for contributions to Spektrum Berlin. More information: http://spektrumberlin.de/news/detail/open-call-2018-creating-empathy.html werkstattwochen in Futurium: https://www.futurium.de/ --- ## 28th March 2018, Stammtisch #31 ### Announcements - Maker Faire Berlin 25-27 May - still looking for makers: https://en.maker-faire.de/berlin/ - From Friday 6th April, Art Laboratory Berlin. Exhibition **Viscous Bodies** Sarah Hermanutz & Alanna Lynch http://www.artlaboratory-berlin.org/home.htm - Anna has a collaboration on a science opera with body suspension (Sweden) - using equipment developed by with Marco Donnarumma http://joahelgesson.net/js_events/eight-songs-mad-king/ - LABAE open call for artworks dealing with ideas of mothering, making kin, human/non-human relationships, synthetic biology http://www.labae.org/open-calls/#/mothersandfuturehumans/ - Humus Sapiens crowdfunding campaign https://wemakeit.com/projects/humus-sapiens - Orion Citizen Science Call: Make 100,000 EUR easy money. Application deadline 30. april: http://www.orion-openscience.eu/activities/co-creation/201802/funding-initiative-orion-citizen-science-call - Orion citizen science call - life science or biomedicine. MDC, Babraham Insitute, CRG Barcelona, http://www.orion-openscience.eu/activities/co-creation/201802/funding-initiative-orion-citizen-science-call ### what if we only have 100 years left - only 60 harvests left - bubonic plague (now new and improved drug resistant version): https://www.theguardian.com/science/2007/mar/21/medicineandhealth.uknews - multiresistance syphilis - let's watch some Japanese woodworking videos: [https://youtu.be/kFLt0duNrgc](https://youtu.be/kFLt0duNrgc) ### Anna David Avocado Woolfe https://www.facebook.com/DavidAvocadoWolfe/ - what to do about that...? ### Holger Has been developing a diy CO2 cell culture incubator. Open source / DIY scientific hardware - https://www.bento.bio/ - http://openhardware.science/ DIY fluoremeter http://berlin.sciencehackday.org/2017/12/shdb17-the-hacks/#fluorometer http://discourse.opentechschool.org/t/documentation-dna-measurement/2283 https://diy-fluorometer.github.io/documentation/ ### everyone how to get free/cheap STD testing - tell the doctor you are a massive slut. How did we get here? --- ## 28th February 2018, Stammtisch #30 ### Announcements - TechJam, TU Berlin [http://www.technik.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/fg301/Projekte/Plakat\_TechJam2\_IBBA.pdf](http://www.technik.tu-berlin.de/fileadmin/fg301/Projekte/Plakat_TechJam2_IBBA.pdf) - Alien Organs, Spektrum Berlin [http://spektrumberlin.de/events/detail/exhibition-14-sonic-vibrations-alien-organs.html](http://spektrumberlin.de/events/detail/exhibition-14-sonic-vibrations-alien-organs.html) - GOOGLE HACKATHON! [https://www.facebook.com/events/117561889071275/](https://www.facebook.com/events/117561889071275/) ### Svein 15g pistachios are enough to give you a serious dose of melatonin. Next best is cranberries BUT do you destroy it when you roast the nuts?? Gal: melatonin melting point is high (and other reasons)… probably ok. Josiah Zayner’s Fecal transplant [https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/553796/gut-hack-biohacking/](https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/553796/gut-hack-biohacking/) [https://www.openbiome.org/stool-donation](https://www.openbiome.org/stool-donation) Chlamydomonas swimming (dark field microscopy) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xo77Q09Brc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xo77Q09Brc) ### Chris Community-based lightning strike monitoring [http://en.blitzortung.org/live\_lightning\_maps.php](http://en.blitzortung.org/live_lightning_maps.php) ### Lucy Prinzessinnengarten is building a Biomeiler Gal - Kerosine-eating bacteria - bioZorb ### Gal Microbial fuel cells for wetland water retrieval if you add electron sink at the bottom you make it more efficient. You usually use pumps to aerate the water… with microbial fuel cell tech you don’t need to do that. Works really well for dairy waste water cleaning as they like lactate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbial_fuel_cell#/media/File:SoilMFC.png ### Gal’s cat hack Wants to make a tube version of this ![](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1XUn3k8DH8KJjy1zeq6xjepXar/Pet-Cat-Comb-Self-Grooming-Massage-Brush-Corner-Wall-Shedding-Hair-Remover-Combs-For-Cat-Brush.jpg_220x220.jpg) try this: [https://www.thevetstore.net/shop/silicon-pin-mat/](https://www.thevetstore.net/shop/silicon-pin-mat/) [https://www.diytrade.com/china/pd/7320918/Medical\_silicone\_rubber_mats.html](https://www.diytrade.com/china/pd/7320918/Medical_silicone_rubber_mats.html) ### Giulia Smartphone microscope [https://availabletechnologies.pnnl.gov/technology.asp?id=393](https://availabletechnologies.pnnl.gov/technology.asp?id=393) ### Robert Planning a projection mapping project on a big building of the TU. Showing different material processes on the surface of the building. --- ## 24th January 2018, Stammtisch #29 ### Announcements - Transmediale Vorspiel Recommendations? Alessandro is part of the Top Lab e.V. event 27th Jan: https://www.facebook.com/events/531406353894970/ - DIY urine testing. - Trend in Africa workshop application deadline 14th Feb. Open for applications to people already developing open source science hardware. http://trendinafrica.org/ (co-organised by Andre Chagas, https://prometheus-science.com/en_GB/) - Digital naturalism, application deadline 30th Jan. http://www.dinacon.org/ - brainscoop will be at MfN for a meetup on 27th Jan - rsvp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDaimppWZro Disco pudding many rants (Robert, Alessandro, joram, ) Peggy pitch ### Winnie Visiting from Belgium. Co-founder of http://www.rea.gent/ Out of this grew Magma Nova - company for biofabrication: http://magmanova.com/ Forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/biofabrication-belgium (soon to migrate to discourse) ![](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5410191ce4b04f85eb69ae5e/t/58ff0fce15d5db946b2b70b1/1493110782569/IMG_4014.jpg) Collection of Architects / Bioengineers / Designers working to figure out open source development of mycelial biofabrication Use different species depending on the available medium. Looks like fibreboard but has the weight and texture of styrofoam. Magma Nova is developing an open source manual with all their protocols (see website under education). Plan is to generally encourage open source development of mushroom biomaterials through a discourse-based forum, workshops (encourage others to run these also), they are also developing a 4-month masterclass targetting designers. In general, looking for ideas to pursue around biofabrication eg new techniques, new applications, new contexts, new materials - can support with expertise, time, maybe even a little financial support. Open invitation to visit project in Ghent. ### Joram diysciencepodcast.org is amaaaaaaaazing First podcast was about Dawn from EDGI, archiving environmental data taken down under current US administration. Next Podcast with Winnie about all the stuff he loves as long as it is DIY science. ### Rant#1: Alessandro Is consulting Telekom about strategy for connecting with DIY. They want to know how open science can integrate with telecommunications...? Lucy - what is their interest? why do they care about DIY? Commercial potential? direct-to-consumer biodata services? (Commercial landgrab of healthcare?) - storage? ultimate german privacy - do they also talk to institutional science? Open science discourse around commercial involvement in open science infrastructure... Winnie - They can check out Open Science Framework -> online tool to do open science, widely used. They offer free unlimited storage. How does that work? https://osf.io/ - The interest of DIY science communities lies more in decentralization and open source use of infrastructure than in closed access monopoly infrastructure ### Rant#2: Robert Working at university. Robert's boss is making pressure to write proposals for citizen science. How far can you stretch the concept of cit sci, to also include DIY science in the project? - Lucy: 'DIY science' IS citizen science. We just use the term to emphasise the difference between levels of agency of non-academic folks and to make it easier to talk about the different motivations and challenges you face if you're not part of an institution. You can totally write a proposal that centres DIY science, but please make it non-exploitative. Make sure DIY scientists get something out of it. - Lisa: could be about training in best scientific practice, peer review, experimental design etc for non-academics. - ### Rant#3: Joram HackAir!!!!!!!!!!! is totally luftdaten.info WHY are they reproducing (coopting?) a really successful civic project rather than collaborating with them?? Why are they wasting public funds on re-creating this? http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/199869_en.html ### Pitch: Peggy openMHA: openSource hearing aids based on off-the-shelf hardware allows to adapt the audio aid to personal needs in real life environments. Runs on a RPi3 with WiFi that enables sharing self-fitting profiles. This is however still a vision that needs to be further developed for example in hackathons in the future. Open source hearing aids or impairment aids give tools for self-aid to those who are not empowered to get help due to legal frameworks about health insurance reimbursments. Hackathon in July together with Science Hack Day (?) to develop the project further. [Github](https://github.com/HoerTech-gGmbH/openMHA) [website](http://www.openmha.org) How is it ok that people without the imparement decide what those with the imparement are supposed to accept... Neurodiversity movement: "never about us without us" --- ## 25th October 2017, Stammtisch #28 ### Announcements - HACKATHON: [Science Hack Day Berlin 2017](http://berlin.sciencehackday.org/), 17-19th November, will open registration **30th October** at **6pm**! Don’t be late! - CONFERENCE: [Art Laboratory Berlin](http://www.artlaboratory-berlin.org/html/eng-event-40.htm), Interdisciplinary Conference Nonhuman Agents in Art, Culture and Theory - TALK: [Sarah Hermanutz: Ill-at-Ease Seep](https://www.facebook.com/events/124830444857243/) at [Art Laboratory Berlin](http://www.artlaboratory-berlin.org), 28th October ### Vincent ![](https://bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ElectroMagneticPropaganda-667x600.png) Poster Electro Magnetic Propaganda 2010 by [Bureau d'Etudes](https://bureaudetudes.org/) [Dowload PDF](https://bureaudetudes.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/EM46x32.pdf) ### Chris ![](http://www.ekac.org/albagreen.jpeg) Eduardo Kac - GFP Bunny. Discussing different approaches on bio art. Is it ok to use life animal for scientific testing? Do you need to use hard science or can you fake science to stir up attention for bio science? ### Lucy Genome editing of human embrios. Despite the moratorium. First performed and published in China with many CRISPR off target effects. Later performed in the US with less. But media and scientific bodies negative reaction of second attempt in US much lower. While scientific bodies confirmed their firm stance on the moratorium they develop technologies that are part of the human genome editing pipeline 🏹 https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/08/peter-thiel-wants-to-inject-himself-with-young-peoples-blood ### Johannes DefCon project hacking QR codes. Could this be used to hack swimming pool cards. POD: this was done with Bart cards for the subway in NY, but they cottoned on quite quickly. ### Chris Non-human agents symposium, 24-26th November, Art Laboratory Berlin (mentioned above!) Ft. slime mold… [![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cbEirySHYXc/maxresdefault.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbEirySHYXc "Click to Watch!") [![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GY_uMH8Xpy0/maxresdefault.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY_uMH8Xpy0 "Click to Watch!") … and many other artists. ### Pablo Introducing http://xlterrestrials.org/ and [Citizen Kino](http://xlterrestrials.org/plog/?page_id=6501) next project "Bladerunner 2046". Looking critically at the (Ridley) Scott brothers. With the suspicion that his movies are mainly a technotopian advertisement. The film is based on the novel by Philip K Dick "Do androids dream of electric sheep", but skips a lot of the social commentary, focussing instead on making a beautiful noir dystopian thriller. eg it normalises the idea that robots would be working for the LAPD. ![](https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1484705348i/21743707.jpg) Vincent: Watch [The century of the Self](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s) by Adam Curtis. --- ## 27th September 2017, Stammtisch #27 ### Announcements - [Science Hack Day Berlin 2017](http://berlin.sciencehackday.org/), 17-19th November, will open registration 30th October at 6pm! Don't be late! - [Coding da Vinci](https://codingdavinci.de/) - hackathon for open cultural heritage data - opened registration this week. - Chaos Communication Congress. [Call for participation 34C3](https://events.ccc.de/2017/09/19/34c3-call-for-participation-and-submission-guidelines/) is now open. Deadline 15th October. - Art Laboratory Berlin vernissage and artists talks this weekend: http://www.artlaboratory-berlin.org/home.htm - http://trials-and-errors.com/call - CALL FOR TRIALS AND FAILED WORKS, PROTOTYPES, SAMPLES & PROJECTS to be presented in the frame of ATTEMPTS, FAILURES, TRIALS AND ERRORS project. ### Vincent Balloon Fest 1986 ![](https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/balloonfest-86-united-way-cleveland-balloon-disaster-6.jpg) They look like starlings in a murmuration. Very beautiful, but... ![](http://i.imgur.com/iTrxmad.jpg) Lesson: don't release millions of balloons into the air. Also because of the plastic polution and the waste of helium. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium#Helium_in_quantum_mechanics ### Tomya Wants to change properties of textiles using phase change materials (but not yet well developed) - could combine with thermochromic inks.... For the last years she has been working on a concept, "metamorphosis" - change colour/pattern(maybe even shape) of fabric using only heat through conductive yarns in the fabric (could also use magnets)... Could also combine with EEG/ECG or other biometrics so that it changes automatically. Has tested all components of the concept, but is looking for some support to put the whole thing together. Especially electronics, connecting with power so that you can differentially control how power is supplied to the conductive threads. ### Robert Pre-pitch for SHDB17 Backwards-flowing waterfall & Blooms [![](http://i.vimeocdn.com/video/505594453_1280x720.jpg)](https://vimeo.com/116582567 "Click to Watch!") Idea is to make a stroboscope effect that reacts to music - tune the frequency of the strobe to fit the bass. Like a real life physical VJ...!!!!! like a 3d zoetrope artichoke strobe [![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kpQFXtckUgI/maxresdefault.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpQFXtckUgI "Click to Watch!") ### Lucy Report from the Klöntal Biohack Retreat https://www.hackteria.org/workshops/biohack-retreat/ https://www.facebook.com/vanessa.lorenzo.758/videos/vb.100004852712618/786579098180507/?type=2&theater --- ## 23rd August 2017, Stammtisch #26 ### Announcements - Art laboratory Berlin - event with Theresa Schubert | The forestal psyche, plus many other events lined up through the autumn: http://www.artlaboratory-berlin.org/home.htm - 17-19th November - Science Hack Day Berlin - 16th September Futurium Open House event https://www.futurium.de/aktuelles/ein-tag-zukunft/ - Nordic biohacking network has a series of meetings... eg http://www.howto-things.com/Helsinki_meeting_2017 - codingdavinci.de kick-off event 21-22nd October - http://www.top-ev.de/ has events coming up in September ### Petya Turns out that moth larvae that infest your kitchen can digest small amounts of polyethylene. Scientists checked a bunch of different insects and found the meal worm was the best at digesting polystyrene. **Styroworm**: a snack bar worm farm for meal worms that flavours them and prepares them for cooking. **Miga**: there are a couple of artists **Chris**: there was no fungi in the carboniferous period, meaning that carbon was not released from wood and was able to form fossil fuels (coal). Had fungi been around there would be no coal. **Steffen**: it's plankton (underwater) that gave rise to oil - eg Saudi Arabia was under water. Land based carbon gave rise to coal - relates to the depth and therefore temperature/pressure under which they formed. **Svein**: are cows vegetarian? they are full of mites (or other animals), that they also 'eat'. *My sources for this - a friend of mine told me so - are probably unreliable, as I can't find any trace of this online.* **Robert**: eating spiders when you sleep is fake news ### Robert Robert and friend were asked to make a demo for a science communication project... https://www.facebook.com/xstageberlin/ - Schlieren photographie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schlieren_photography. Had to make a parabolic mirror... was tricky. Ended up using a large lens - Giant vortex cannon - Double pendulum - cladni plates - backwards-flowing waterfall - music visualised on an oscilloscope - harmonograph - https://vimeo.com/198605915 (using the same stroboscope as the waterfall) - **Lucy**: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4QFPbUjS9g&feature=youtu.be ### Miga http://www.top-ev.de/category/self-repair/ Has been working on different concepts of "self-repair" - cutting your own hair, making your own penicillin etc. Also inspired by story of Leonid Rogozov - Russian arctic scientist who performed his own appendectomy. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2011/03/antarctica-1961-a-soviet-surgeon-has-to-remove-his-own-appendix/72445/ Open invitation to anyone who would like to present a self-repair concept. - 19th September: diy PCR to diagnose genetic conditions, eg predisposition to cancer... - lichen workshop - symbiosis - pcr to study which organisms are present - Vilnius iGEM team http://2017.igem.org/Team:Vilnius-Lithuania **Chris**: http://maggic.ooo/ **Lucy**: https://fourthievesvinegar.org/blog/2016/09/introducing-the-epipencil, http://openinsulin.org/ --- ## 26th July 2017, Stammtisch #25 ### Announcements - Ramins last meetup - School of Ma: Closer https://www.facebook.com/events/369454760137478/ - https://criticalengineering.org/intensives/2017/ - lots of event at Spektum https://www.facebook.com/spektrumberlin/ - open talk from the open design team about biohacking, also streaming https://www.facebook.com/events/841839549317824/ - new civic game jam event http://berlingamescene.com/events/ ### Benjamin Skirlo Good Science Podcasts - in German: D Radio Forschung Aktuell, Bayern 5 aus Wissenschaft und Technik, Bayern 2 IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung, Raumzeit, Welt der Physik, alternativlos, forschergeist, methodisch inkorrekt - in English: Radiolab, the nacked scientists, skeptiks with k ### Random - voice language generators from deepmind https://deepmind.com/blog/wavenet-generative-model-raw-audio/ - biohacking group in Berlin: biotinkering Berlin, ### Agustina http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2017/07/taking-cells-out-to-the-movies-with-new-crispr-technology/ apparently facebook bought dna to back up data - Antibiotica strike http://www.crispr.kitchen/microbiome-editing-scenarios/biostrike - http://www.gaudi.ch/ - https://www.hackteria.org/ ### Ramin Soleymani Electronic Chaos Oracle https://www.facebook.com/electronicchaosoracle/ http://mrzl.net/electronic-chaos-oracle/ --- ## 28. June 2017, Stammtisch #24 ### Announcements - Open Source Circular Economy Days this weekend - CRISPR.kitchen, 7th July, FabLab http://www.crispr.kitchen/events-2017/index - March for Science - Keep on marching, 8th July, TU Berlin http://marchforscienceberlin.de/ - Artist Talk Karolina Sobeka, http://www.gravitytrap.com/ .... date tbc check http://lacunalab.com/ - http://balance-unbalance2017.org/ August 21 to 23 of 2017 in Plymouth, UK - Node Festival https://nodeforum.org/ ### Lucy Sub-irrigation planters built from trash challenge http://community.oscedays.org/t/challenge-upcycled-sub-irrigation-planters-for-container-gardening/6150 [![](http://img.youtube.com/vi/WIedTwRCoec/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIedTwRCoec) ### Open source HHO generator ### Vincent Recommends subscribing to and reading http://www.exponentialview.co/ Paper: Temporal patterns behind the strength of persistent ties Conversation about how Facebook is good at provoking bursts of engagement, but not sustained... Tinder is great for cinvincing people to go out and vote. DIscussion on http://www.nettime.org/ https://www.helloclue.com/ It is possible to narrow down to very few individuals from the kind of data tracked by clue. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/publiclab/kickstarter-gold-balloon-mapping-kits --- ## 24.May 2017, Stammtisch #23 ### Announcements - Maker Faire Berlin, June 11-12 - Mozilla Global Sprint, 1-2nd June https://mozilla.github.io/global-sprint/ - Spektrum workshops http://spektrumberlin.de/home.html - Lacuna workshop http://lacunalab.github.io/events/2017-06-04_gestural_instruments.html ### Lucy Will be running a project in the Mozilla Global Sprint: https://github.com/DIYScience/DIYScience - please give me feedback and/or join :) Suggestions https://www.scienceathome.org/ - Copenhagen (institutional) citizen science gamification agency http://www.scilifelab.se/ - life science academic service shop from the Karolinska Institute - you can get their services for free, but you can't patent anything that comes out. It all has to be open source! Some kind of partnership with Uni Oxford. ### Vincent Is into Polynesian embodied ancient knowledge of how to navigate the sea, find islands, find wind, find currents. Now virtually lost. Dipping their testicles in the water to detect slight temperature changes. ![](http://thenonist.com/images/uploads/stckchrt12.jpg) Polynesian stick chart: Owning one of these would be a serious status symbol for the chief. You make the map and you know how to read it (they are very personal). Being able to navigate gives you a lot of power - only certain families would have the knowledge. Knowledge is power. Inuit cartography ![](http://nuukmarluk.weebly.com/uploads/7/4/2/3/7423064/2044082_orig.jpg?667) Vincent has used these ideas to make a workshop on subjective/narrative maps and making - how you can use making to convey information. http://www.vincentvanuffelen.com/2017/03/29/flowing-with-rtd-2017/ Lucy: maybe talk to smell lab if you'd like to get into smell and space http://spektrumberlin.de/communities/smell-lab/about.html Svein: Moser (Nobel Laureat) gave a talk last week at the Leopoldina on Grid cells https://www.leopoldina.org/en/events/event/event/2450/ - fractal perspectives - space at different scales. As an aside... ![](http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience/wp-content/blogs.dir/474/files/2012/04/i-f6d455c8b9a8bc9dc181d489ee6bf099-Mould_Tokyo.jpg) ### Carl Works for http://www.edelmandeportivo.com/ His project: http://www.edelmandeportivo.com/projects/give-a-beep 500 bicycles in London got wifi enabled flik buttons on their bikes. They press the button everytime they get frustrated or felt insecure - registered their location and automatically sent an email to the mayor of london to say how shitty the situation was. Connected with London cycling campaign to do interviews with cyclists etc. Eventually the city (tfl?) reached out to ask for the data and make longer term plans. May roll out the project to other cities... (also uses flik as an emergency under-desk button to make his phone ring when an annoying person comes to annoy him at work) ### Robert Projects from his students at the TU Berlin - massive science demos as installations at music festivals http://xstage.github.io/ - BUT will have a new website soon eg backwards-flowing waterfall ![](http://xstage.github.io/img/portfolio/gallery/1060513.jpg) massive double vortex cannons smashing smoke rings at each other ![](http://xstage.github.io/img/portfolio/gallery/1060497-ANIMATION.gif) Lucy: Other science demo shows/music festival http://minkorrekt.de/ http://guerillascience.org/sgp-physics-v-chemistry/ ### Christina Startup to represent peoples' potential in the 4th industrial revolution Problems: not everyone has universal access to education there are many underutilised people who could be employed - shifts in employment patterns the CV is 535yrs old and hasn't changed Millenials don't use linkedin Solution e-portfolio based on psychometrics - dumping your head into a report Psychometric tests. Some not so good (free, online), some very good, eg Johnson O'Connor - tests natural aptitudes. Takes 3 half-days to do. Not available online. eg Burkmann test These things are being used on you behind the scenes anyway (facebook) Culture-fair, education-fair test (these tests natural aptitude even if you haven't had a high level of education). Many don't even know what their passions are. Having comleted a masters in business tells you nothing about what a person is like, what their ambitions are, what they need to be satisfied in their work. https://predictiveworld.watchdogs.com/en/ Concerns (not directed at Christina... but more generally about where our society is headed in this regard) cognitive discrimination - a new privileged class ![](https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrinknp_800_800/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAYtAAAAJDMwM2M5ZWFlLThhZjktNDI3Yi05ZDMzLTI3ZTAzZTJhMGQ0NA.jpg) ### Ivan https://primaverahacker.cl/ From a Makerspace in Santiago (de Chile) - invited to make an event about technology. First edition was not so great and a bit naive. His partner wrote the Telecommunist manifesto - essentially "Tech did not make society more free because it just protects and perfects the mechanisms of capitalism". Speaker: Ernesto Oroza - Technological disobedience http://www.ernestooroza.com/category/technological-disobedience-project/ This year they want to focus on how to develop a local approach to what is happening in latin america on technology and politics. It's a rather underdeveloped non-critical subject in the region (eg there is no latin america CCC) - want to build a network of more critical thinkers. Tor conference in Amsterdam had a section on "The Global South". Not wanting to seem ungrateful, but we have to be careful not to repeat the failures of colonialism all over again. Big global players can squish locally-growing more-suitable solutions. Decentralisation decentralisation decentralisation. Even in open source. --- ## 26. April 2017, Strammtisch #22 ### Announcements - 5th May - Artist Talk with Guy Ben-Ary, Art Laboratory Berlin. - 12 (€22) & 13th (free) May - Technosphärenklänge #3, HKW http://www.ctm-festival.de/calendar/concerts/2017/05/13/technosphaerenlklaenge_iii_talks/ - Biofabbing convergence, 10-14th May, Geneva http://citizensciences.net/biofabbing/ ### Zissi Now works here. www.infarm.de ![](https://mitvergnuegen.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/goodbank-1-3-680x510.jpg) ### Lucy Building this: https://publiclab.org/wiki/diy-indoor-air-quality-remediation-kit ### Jan Antxspert on quora. eg https://www.quora.com/How-long-can-ants-survive-underwater https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYcWPmD5JEs ### Chris Ant artist: http://www.kuaishen.tv/ Don't watch this video if you're squeamish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuKjBIBBAL8 So far we don't know of any fungi that zombify humans in this way - Jan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0HoqjxfvJ4 Biohacking in Berlin There are many groups... perhaps try this: http://www.top-ev.de/top/schillerpalais/ https://www.facebook.com/schillerpalais/ ### Chris Presented plans for a project to bring Lifepatch to Berlin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CqTzpS7yl8 July 2018 - Festival at ZKU ### Lucy Pink trombone https://dood.al /pinktrombone/ ![](http://archive.cnx.org/resources/2dbab497589efdf7e3a2b57201858bf087556ad6/LPC%20vocal%20tract%20model.jpg) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8scg3WW1uhc dear god... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmSYnOvEueo http://splab.net/APD/V100/index-e.html http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/mark/vowels/ --- ## 22. March 2017, Stammtisch #21 ### Announcements - Maker Faire 2017 - deadline for applications 31st March. Potential proposal from Science Hack Day to make workshops. Maybe combine with Back to Bio and make a shared DIY science stand...? - European Citizen Science Forum , Paris 25th March Grassroots pre-event at La Paillasse, Friday 24th March https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/diyscience - Prototype Fund, deadline 31st March - open source digital tools for civil society ### Lucy: Grassroots v.s. Institutions in Citizen Science Seems that the only way to access funding for grassroots citizen science projects is though institutions - we think it's unfair that institutions are the only gatekeepers to this funding as it's not accessible to everybody - favours those projects who's people already have institutional connections. This is not inclusive. Proposal from Robert to connect his TU undergrad course with the science hacking community - if students from his course join science hacking projects it might be possible to get some funding for materials. We are wondering whether the science hacking community could be a 'matchmaking agency' that puts grassroots projects in touch with Professors in order to hack access to funding through and institutional 'stamp of approval'. ### Philip Stefan Come exhibit at Maker Faire! Write for Make magazine! €100 per page. ### Robert Richter Experimental Stage Project, now funded to run lab:present course for any TU student (undergrad, postgrad etc). Robert is the former head of a lab at the TU where physics students could do practical experiments. Example projects Flammrohr (standing wave demo with fire hooked up to a DJ for parties) & Laserspion (performance using a laser sound capture device), several demos at teh Garbicz 2016 festival incl Vortexcollision, some stuff with non-newtonial fluids etc. Now have funding for lab:present – funding for students to develop projects to exhibit or bring to various events in Berlin (e.g. SHDB, STATE, Spektrum, Maker Faire, Futurium, Open Tech Summit, Hack your city...), the students also get creditpoints. TU has 4 different labs: Mintgrün (chemie), Projektlabor (Physik), Projektlabor (engineering), and one other... ### Alessandro Was at Fossasia in Singapore: http://2017.fossasia.org https://publiclab.org/ ### Katia Recommends: http://www.phaeno.de/index/ https://www.coursera.org/exploratorium https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/snacks-by-subject Has been doing an online course "Music as Biology", and made this: https://trouble-bc.github.io/www//sketch/treeringer.html ### Svein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NlI4No3s0M Also cool (via Katja): https://soundcloud.com/juan-segovia-777026999/how-to-draw-mushrooms-on-an-oscilloscope-with-sound-1 --- ## 22. Februar 2017, Stammtisch #20 ### Announcements - Art Laboratory Berlin - vernissage this Saturday: https://www.facebook.com/events/1752782845040210/ "Under-Mine solo SciArt exhibition by Australian Alinta Krauth looks at the effects of climate change on animal senses. There are many ways in which we recognise that a shifting climate effects creatures of all kinds - the most commonly understood is habitat disruption. But there are also many lesser-known effects, such as how it affects the senses, and thus a creature's ability to navigate and survive in their world. - Silent green - Transmediale: ecologies https://www.silent-green.net/programm/einzelansicht/cal/event/detail/2017/02/24/transmediale-ecologies.html ### Ramin Soleymani Latest work: collaboration with Marzel Schwittlick - Electronic Chaos Oracle http://mrzl.net/electronic-chaos-oracle-4/ for Lacuna Lab exhibition, "Serious Sparkles" as part of the Transmediale Vorspiel https://vimeo.com/202935881 next step maybe to include http://sacred-texts.com/ ### Svein Has a 5yr old project to build a DIY sound field microphone http://www.pvv.org/~sveinb/sfcalib/mike.html ![](http://www.pvv.org/~sveinb/sfcalib/_DSC1718.jpg) Picks up sound from all directions and can determine from which direction the sound is coming. Can be used to record sound for playing with good spatial fidelity on large speaker arrays or with VR. Thinking of reviving the project... From the shop they cost €1700 to €10 000. ### Lucy talked about the Human Interference Task Force, who dealt with the question: How do we communicate and warn future generations 10 000 years into the future of radiactive waste. http://www.theraycatsolution.com/#10000 Favorite solution: Genetically modified cats, could change their color depending of radiactivity and creating a cultural meme. A journalist picked the idea up later and Ray cats were born. http://99percentinvisible.org/episode/ten-thousand-years/ A clock that is built to last 10000 years. http://longnow.org/clock/background/ --- ## 25. January 2017, Stammtisch #19 ### Announcements - Transmediale Vorspiel - https://vorspiel.berlin/ - SciArt Cafe https://vorspiel.berlin/#overlay=node/36722/modal - Back to bio phage workshop https://www.facebook.com/events/960256234118485/ - KitchenLab workshops http://www.top-ev.de/schillerpalais/transmediale-vorspiel-proposal/ - Bio & Beers / Bio tinkering - Maker Faire Berlin https://en.maker-faire.de/berlin/ (Sign up now for your booth, workshop or talk until March 31) - Science Hack Day Vilnius http://vilnius.sciencehackday.org/ 11-12th Feb - School of Machines, Make, Make-Believe http://schoolofma.org/ ### Lucy brought some dangerous biology and it's glowing. They are alive and glow! ### Meredith Had a weird resonance experience - when humming at a certain frequency he found that Christmas lights on a Christmas tree started to swim in his vision. https://www.erowid.org/culture/references/other/1997_turmel_resproject_1.shtml https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8176050 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaX-22f8xPo https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/xercyn/slow-dance-a-frame-that-slows-down-time Visual Vibrometry: Estimating Material Properties from Small Motions in Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5apFqYEx5ew Bone conductance Life hack: if you're trying to talk to someone in a club and you can't hear them just touch heads ### Georg Response to Trump - environmental data has been backed up by a network of scientists and hackers. Using blockchain-type technology to ensure the data is always uniquely identifiable no matter where it is being stored. https://www.wired.com/2017/01/rogue-scientists-race-save-climate-data-trump/ ### Rachel & Meredith / School of Machines Making and Make believe Sneak preview of the upcoming Science Hack Day Berlin 2016 360 extravaganza movie * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yfDnFi40bM Idea: include the "quantum reality" hack – virtual reality experience from last SHDB – in the documentation http://berlin.sciencehackday.org/2016/10/science-hack-day-berlin-2016-the-hacks/#quantum ### Giulia question - how do Duoskin tattoos work? http://duoskin.media.mit.edu/ theoretically, it would be powered by a RFID reader in a phone in the wearer's pocket ### Rachel question Chladni Plate * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJAgrUBF4w ### Brett Soggydog short term weather prediction for avoiding showers on your bike. https://github.com/brettrd/soggydog Giulia asks for a Berlin version using: http://www.niederschlagsradar.de Project for the next HackLab Make a LED strobe for various purposes, including visualizing vibration of a string LED strip 555 Lucy's diddly bow & pick-up perspex fretboard lenticular film --- ## 23.November 2016, Stammtisch #18 ### Announcements - Open call Geek market at spektrum http://spektrumberlin.de/open-calls/detail/open-call-geek-market-2.html - science hacking and science comm meetup https://www.facebook.com/events/1256042744418217/ - genome hacking retreat http://www.crispr.kitchen/ ### Peggy https://www.bmbf.de/de/light-cares-wettbewerb-zehn-projekte-ausgezeichnet-3269.html ### Crispr software being able to access or collect data and make it generally accessable air quality database http://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/airbase-the-european-air-quality-database-2#tab-european-data dustino citizen science project http://aircasting.org --- ## 26.October 2016, Stammtisch #17 ### Announcements - Is anyone coming to CCC? We want to organise a science hacking table - State festival http://www.berlinscienceweek.com/ - 17 Nov. Technisches Museum, Kafka Cafe, Panel about Maker community http://www.berlinscienceweek.com/programme/european-stakeholder-round-table-on-citizen-and-diy-science-and-responsible-research-and-innovation-rri ### Sven Pr Runs a space meetup https://www.meetup.com/newspace/ & newspace.vision with talks from companies and startups (free beer and free food!!!) - check the future talks because they have some very cool speakers coming up. Are interested in doing DIY space hacks so he is planning to come to the next Science HackLab, 12th November http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Science-Hacking/events/231835748/ with some space pals to work on some space hacks. Come hack space with them! ![](http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cubesat/images/cove2.jpg) it's a lot about Cubesats Sven is also part of the Part Time Scientists http://ptscientists.com/ Will have the first Audi on the moon ;) - are still very much in the running for the Google LunarX prize ### Christina Is running the Julia users group - programming language for data science - everyone welcome https://www.meetup.com/Julia-Users-Group/ ### Matteo https://www.youtube.com/user/1veritasium * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2nQ8isf55s ### Brad Dude has 8 shipping containers in Ohio. Wants to turn them into hydroponics growspaces/growthchambers for basil (basil!). The problem he wants to solve is to have the lights move higher as the plants grow higher. Also thinking about how to automate harvest (chop the tops off) Joram works at MPI molecular plant science http://www.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/ advocates for LEDs rather than T5s (fluorescent) as they are less likely to burn the plants (many other factors as well, but primarily due to consistence of lighting for science reasons). Christina says there are clever ways to trick the plants into growth spurts by altering the daylight cycles. http://www.wsj.com/video/japan-tech-slump-yields-a-crop-of-unlikely-farmers/9BA28488-7E57-4C52-988A-C2F46C56B0CF.html ### Richard German Institute of Human Nutrition PhD project Update on the tongue twister: set-up for delivering tastants to the tongue to study how the signals are received in the brain using EEG. Left and right sides of the tongue are, from a nervous perspective, totally separate. We don't know where (physiologically or cognitively) those signals merge. Full project description here: http://hoechenberger.name/job ![](http://hoechenberger.github.io/images/EEG.jpg) This is how the experiment was done in the 70s. Really uncomfortable (made of wood) and low temporal precision ![](http://hoechenberger.github.io/images/Kroeze_1979.png) they need millisecond precision - have to automate tastant delivery. Have been designing a new setup using 3d-printed tongue-holder (the tongue twister). Spent the day in fablab prototyping different shapes and sizes. So far just prototyping with PLA (pure PLA is FDA approved so shouldn't be toxic). Are also still thinking about using medical silicon. Tastants: sucrose (sweet), quinine (bitter), citric acid (sour), NaCl (salty) - they don't use umami because it's not so culturally known in Germany. ![](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CvtRWphWIAAlig6.jpg) Tongue Machine Interface http://website.palette.io.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/instructions.html ### Ramin Soleymani The oracle. How algorithms are smarter than we are. https://retune.de/festival/2016/artists/#Schwittlick--Soleymani ![](https://retune.de/festival/2016/img/Schwittlick--Soleymani-02.jpg) ### Lucy works at Aerocene on Balloons which fly without energy, with solar energy (heat). Issue they are working on: Controlling the path of the balloon. The balloons are tracked using GPS which is sent over radio. Another part of the project is forcasting the route. https://earth.nullschool.net/ http://habhub.org/ Legal aspect: Who owns the air? ### Joram Crowd Sourced Protein folding http://fold.it/portal/ --- ## 7. September 2016, Stammtisch #16 ### Announcements - What is #SHDB16? Registration opening: 8th September 6pm - sign up! Some more posters to hang around - CCC call for proposals: https://events.ccc.de/ ### Lucy Singing Sand * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FYG-C-IVOg How does that work...? We'Re not entirely sure. THink it could be something related to the properties of non-newtonian liquids...? Conversation turned to sound in general (I still find it amazing that just shifts in the destity of air over space is the same as a "wavelength"). Project idea from Adam: take recorded sound and play it to a range of tuning forks – each fork will sound when they find their resonant frequency. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2awbKQ2DLRE ### Adam Went to a "German for programmers" course (how to learn German if you're a programmer) by Peter Meric, University of Michigan The course was delivered in English. He decided to write it in code (java) as a better language to teach in for programmers. ### Markus wine preservation system http://qikvin.com/ Those vacuum pumps are bad for storing wine because the tastiness of wine (volatile compounds) evaporates out under vacuum. What you have to do is make sure there is no air in contact with the wine. difficulties in making reliable bottles, looking into blow molding method. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blow_molding Discussion about how to make a perceived high quality product that fits the wine market aereopress for coffee ### Giulia @giu_pap DIY noise maker for testing whether different materials are condictive or resistant – to build with kids in a workshop. Helps them understand electronics. http://www.bareconductive.com/make/building-a-555-noise-maker/ * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYHxXUAFNCQ http://houseofjeff.com/555-timer-oscillator-frequency-calculator/ Giulia would like to find a way to adjust the sound to make it more pleasant/interesting. Kati suggests modify the sound with different DIY speaker ideas (eg toilet rolls) Moriz suggests check the safecast Geigercounter - they have had to solve a similar problem: http://www.makery.info/en/2014/11/04/ils-ont-concu-safecast-le-compteur-geiger-diy-pour-fukushima/ Kati did a similar project with the same circuit http://katihyyppa.com/noisy-crochet-workshop/ Another oscillator experiment: https://media.ccc.de/v/32c3-7549-20_oscillators_in_20_minutes#video --- ## 24. August 2016, Stammtisch #15 ### Announcements - SHDB16 posters - PublicLab Balloon mapping tomorrow! https://publiclab.org/notes/clauds/08-22-2016/balloon-mapping-in-berlin - Bio & Beers, also tomorrow! http://www.meetup.com/Biotinkering-Berlin/events/233530249/ ### Elki www.tiger-algebra.com : maths problems/equation solver for educational use, explaining step by step what it´s doing, free for all the users -> maybe adding folded steps or gamification for having students learning more ### Lucy diy fertility tracking - women fertile only during a brief period during there cycle, could be enpowering to know about?! hacking a webcam into a microscope - based on a project from hackteria. Workshop at festival startup: leaf of bellaby - leaf that supposely is tracking your period? foldscope from MIT ### Svein Funny video to share: petro vrellis - is it possible to build a machine for doing it? https://vimeo.com/175653201 ### Eric CRISPR intro. 3d Print of crispr. björk - hollow radiolab podcast on CRISPR http://www.radiolab.org/story/antibodies-part-1-crispr/ DIY CRISPR Kit, the Odin https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/diy-crispr-kits-learn-modern-science-by-doing#/ Went to a conference in November last year - Stanford law professor gave a talk about trying to define the structure/constraints for this kind of research - Eric asked whether the situation was REALLY under control - up on stage the guy said yes - later, after the talk, he grabbed Eric by the shoulders and said "We're fucked". Gene drives - ANTIgene drives are already being developed If you want to read any/all of the papers on CRISPR gene drives, you can find the original papers on http://sci-hub.cc/ Latest: "Design, synthesis, and testing toward a 57-codon genome" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/353/6301/819 http://www.nature.com/news/radically-rewritten-bacterial-genome-unveiled-1.20451 ### Yan Images of smart cities are absent of people - wants to engineer human interactions in public space. Builds devices (like pinatas) that hook (Trigor action reward investment) people in public spaces. ### Naga http://wissenswerkstatt-berlin.de/ https://www.facebook.com/PopScienceCafeBerlinGermany/ --- ## 22. June 2016, Stammtisch #14 ### Announcements - 23-26th June - Spektrum Exhibition: State of Matter https://www.facebook.com/events/1632834267041458/ - 7th-8th July - Speculative design/synthetic biology workshop with Valerian & Gosia: http://www.designtransfer.udk-berlin.de/projekt/living-objects/ - results will be presented at the UdK Rundgang - New system for recruiting collaborators for Hack Lab - Working on #Shdb16: any suggestion? - what would make it cooler? do you know some awesome people who would like to give some inspiring talks? or judges? - Hack the house ...maybe evil, but interesting http://www.hackthehouse.io/ ### Svein Update on his Cavendish torsion balance experiment (first done in 1798). Made molds to cast small lead balls, didn't get around to doing the big ones yet. Here's a blog post with pictures: https://torsionbalance.wordpress.com/2016/06/20/torsion-balance/ ### Lucy Slinky sounds - inspired by @Rick_Hall of @ignitefutures. Explanation from resident sound expert Svein: principle at play is dispersion of sound. Input to the system is a bang... as the sound travels through the spring, the high frequencies travel faster than the low frequencies and reach your ear first (provided the material it's travelling through is stiff). It's like a prism for sound. https://vine.co/v/5BDhWu5Od5n Question - would a paper cup telephone work better/different with a spring instead of a string? https://vine.co/v/5BImJOmQzj0 Suggestion from Giulia that she is also working on - diy speakers: http://www.instructables.com/id/Jungle-Speakers/ http://www.instructables.com/id/Paper-Plate-Speaker-1/ ### Adam Developed a basic genetic regulatory network game at a hackathon a coupl eof weeks ago: http://justaconcept.org/Gallery/Regulate/ Wants to develop further and maybe submit a proposal to Volkswagenstiftung The fund's details: https://app.trialect.com/4000/display ### Hubi https://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2009/09/the-big-bang-contained-in-a-tw.html ### Inspired by Isabelle - interspecies communication: PhD for yelling at fishes Video of some swarm-researchers yelling at their research subject: https://www.facebook.com/alex.jordan.37/posts/982425067321 The Internet of Cats / Music for Cats / Performance for Cats http://www.slate.com/articles/video/video/2015/11/musician_creates_perfect_music_for_cats_thanks_to_scientists_video.html https://vimeo.com/96734542 Birds making music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZQ4VmicDeM ### Ramin Soleymani Project to hack a digital microscope to the head of a 3d printer to make composite microscopic images or movies tracking through a microscopic landscape. https://vimeo.com/9679622 --- ## 25.May 2016, Stammtisch #13 ### Announcements - Hacklab at Open Source Circular Economy Days - Sponsor and Judges for Science Hack Day 2016 ### Felix project involving lenticulaire images at the fashion hack day : could you use it to create electricity just by wearing? lenticular images: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenticular_printing 3d printed prototype: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:255924 using piezo elements? or magnets and coils? maybe scaling down wave power generation schemes? Icosahedron Breadboard showed at the last stammtisch working and there! Calculator for LED voltage to not do the soldering by hand there should be a method for connections on 3d printed surface ### Gal building a cell battery: photos and documentation (also of the last science hacking lab) why do we eat and breathe? by moving electrons and protons to produce ATP! how? * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3y1dO4nNaKY set up: use: bedlight? wastewater treatment? ### Ran Light sculpture http://www.extralight.de/?p=273. projected out of plexiglas cylinder the same princple with laser, beaming in in glas with cristals: http://www.extralight.de/?p=139 : you can see interfence patterns -> looking for electronic solutions -> will be soon be seen at spectrum: exhibit state of matter ### Thorsten and Daniel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEYXd01vnG4 LED showing the energy levels of the tanks * Sound Circle at 31C3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsKr8l7NvPY --- ## 27. April 2016, Stammtisch #12 To celebrate being back at Spektrum for this Stammtisch we're taking the opportunity to connect with our friends from Smell Lab. They'll give us a little presentation about their community, their latest exhibition, their smelly hopes and dreams. If you have any smell science stories to share, this is your chance. ### What's on... - We'll be taking our Stammtisch to Re:publica, 4th May: https://re-publica.de/16/session/science-hacking-stammtisch - Also, we're doing some bits and pieces at the upcoming first conference of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) – Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy (#ECSA2016), 19-21st May. It will be a Citizen Science Disco (lightning talks about community science, drinks, snacks, hanging out and making new friends), and a ThinkCamp to co-concieve new citizen science projects. Register here for free: https://ecsa2016thinkcamp.eventbrite.de ### Sheraz Gave an introduction to the smell lab including some details of different smell-extraction methods - they generally use distillation but he also discussed Engfleurage method (below) ![](http://boisdejasmin.com/images/old/6a00d8341c706153ef0147e3fba505970b-pi.jpg) Terpenes molecules: the smell molecules ### Lucy Smelling the major histocompability complex. A little presentation about smell and mate choice in humans: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aYeCVkHh6Xt8KbED1HysWh7xeliLIN_q2w8cHnKvJ7E/edit?usp=sharing Josh: Found a related link today: http://nautil.us/blog/if-you-cant-smell-him-can-you-love-him ### Felix Icosaehdron breadboard Icosaehdron the platonic body with most sides. 3d printed out of 40% wood material https://all3dp.com/best-3d-printer-filament-types-pla-abs-pet-exotic-wood-metal/#wood To use to learn about circuits, as a wearable, with or without a microprocessor inside, and may other uses to be found for. ![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-idlb4KYk-Tc/U21VlQ0hzKI/AAAAAAAABf0/qZ3hO3L0OII/s1600/icosahedron.png) ### Svein latest project: old experiment to measure the gravitational constant with a Cavendish balance ![](http://demoweb.physics.ucla.edu/sites/default/files/demomanual/mechanics/gravitational_acceleration/cavendish_balance.gif) ![](http://milesmathis.com/cav5.jpg) Tungsten brought from http://www.martin-wagner.org/wolfram.htm Inspiration: Measurements of the gravitational constant vary wildly and no one's really sure why... http://phys.org/news/2015-04-gravitational-constant-vary.html ![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xgIwetL7M9c/VVN8Kf4rHMI/AAAAAAAAA7I/IMnNGOe_f-I/s1600/bigG.png) He plans to build a version of Cavendish experiment using electronics instead of lasers ### Forgot the name - sorry! Idea to build a portable solar-powered projector for projection mapping in the wild - question about whether it would be possible to use solar power. Comment that this could be like the tranditional German fairytale of the Schildburger who tried to catch light in a box. Dimitri mentioned project to stop light: * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8Nj2uTZc10 Portable projector set up: Graffiti research lab ### Margherita Xth Sense biocreative instrument - just launched on kickstarter - please support! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1814357959/xth-sensetm-the-worlds-first-biocreative-instrumen * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9f__Zi1d5w --- ## 23. March 2016, Stammtisch #11 - Microbiome Special! ### What's on... - This Saturday - We Make It #1 fundraiser event at Spektrum Berlin , organised by the MadeByUs community to raise funds for a new community MakerLab at Spektrum, with workshops (robotics, AI, projection mapping, 3D scanning & printing) and performances. - Spektrum open call: STATES OF MATTER - deadline 30th April - ECSA Conference 2016 (European Citizen Science Conference), 19-21st May - OpenTechSummit, 5th May ### Asem Hasna (@asem3d ) From the refugee open ware project, amongst other things is setting up maker/DIY electronics classes for refugee kids in Schöneweide - looking for a space and for hardware (microprocessors, sensors, computers etc.) - we would like to try and help!! Please share links or information you might think useful below or get in touch with us at shd@opentechschool.org refugees on rails, now in Berlin at G-tech Re:Fugee:ca festival in July ### Tarsh Bates Currently exhibiting at Art Laboratory Berlin. Talk "On being a Microbioartist". An introduction to microbiome, Candida albicans, and the thought processes and influences behind her artwork. After talk discussion, Biopolitics of the microbiome: http://www.earthmicrobiome.org/ Wojtek (dermatologist in training, studying atopic dermatitus) - example of complex relationship between different species in the microbiome ecosystem from skin microbiome: Propionibacterium acnes (bacteria responsible for acne) produces propionic acid which acts to supress the growth of Staphylococcus aureus - protective... no such thing as 'good microbes' and 'bad microbes'. ![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Propionibacterium_acnes.jpg) ### Misc Eating Human Flesh * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHvg8AR81-8 http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/man-tastes-his-own-flesh-by-cooking-thigh-muscle-removed-biopsy-1550988 "Disembodied Cuisine" - outcome of the TC&A Semi-Living Steak project. FIrst in vitro steak, 2003 http://www.tca.uwa.edu.au/disembodied/dis.html, http://lab.anhb.uwa.edu.au/tca/disembodied-cuisine/ Shit Burger * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDvSPQ7megQ https://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/when-life-gives-you-shit-turn-it-into-perfume --- ## 24. Februar 2016, Stammtisch #10 Jesus started discussion on ants quorum sensing and emergence: https://www.ted.com/talks/bonnie_bassler_on_how_bacteria_communicate?language=en pathfinding by ants with formic acid - Thorsten mentioned death spirals * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0HoqjxfvJ4 aluminium casting of ant hills ![](http://madartlab.com/files/2015/10/tschinkel_cast.jpeg) and semiconducters ### Jesus FingerBeam: https://github.com/chumo/FingerBeam convert any beamer projection into an interactive screen using a laser pointer and wireless mouse ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chumo/FingerBeam/master/images/MouseAdapter.jpg) Can be used for example with this app: https://github.com/chumo/Sinapsis Character generation with a neural network http://erikbern.com/2016/01/21/analyzing-50k-fonts-using-deep-neural-networks/ Graffiti research lab - using lasers and projectors to graffiti buildings http://farm1.static.flickr.com/123/396081005_aeeec1c854.jpg?v=0 http://www.graffitiresearchlab.com/blog/projects/laser-tag/#video Sketch2Photo http://cg.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/montage/main.htm http://cg.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/montage/figures/teaser.jpg Javascript library for physics simulation: http://brm.io/matter-js/ ### What's on... - Exhibition, Art Laboratoy Berlin: Non-human Subjectives - opens on Friday, Artist talk on Sunday http://www.artlaboratory-berlin.org/home.htm https://www.facebook.com/events/1553998534910759/ (Suggested interpretation of non-human subjectives: Animal selfies! ![](http://www.genericfairuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/monkey-selfie-cover.jpg) http://www.lovemeow.com/manny-the-cat-takes-selfies-for-him-and-his-dogs-with-a-gopro-camera-1608526665.html ![](https://assets.rbl.ms/4170455/980x.jpg) probably not quite what Art Laboratory Berlin were getting at ;) ) - Spektrum Call: STATES OF MATTER - deadline 30th April http://spektrumberlin.de/open-calls/detail/call-for-exhibition-states-of-matter-may-2016.html * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jtMNKG5F5w Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Domnitch CAMERA LUCIDA | 2003 | installation Within a transparent chamber filled with water, sound waves are transformed into light emissions by employing a phenomenon known as sonoluminescence http://www.portablepalace.com/camera_lucida.html ### Thorsten Rissom idea for next SHD! * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKXOucXB4a8 * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rWycBEHn3s WTF-Evolution: http://wtfevolution.tumblr.com --- ## 27. Januar 2016, Stammtisch #9 ### Stuff - Spektrum Open Call - States of Matter: http://spektrumberlin.de/open-calls/detail/call-for-exhibition-states-of-matter-may-2016.html Deadline 30th April - Upcoming/ongoing events - Re:publica, May: https://re-publica.de/en - Transmediale, Feb: http://2016.transmediale.de/ - Transmediale Vorspiel, Now: http://transmediale.de/resource/vorspiel/vorspiel-2016 ### Thorsten Rissom Presented his scientific database project. A small demovideo can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAOdfen3yqU ### Sven (Part Time Scientists) Sven ordered a Pavlok to try and make sure he gets to his lectures. Unfortunately you have to authorise the electric shock - "I may as well slap myself in the face". Does not recommend. http://pavlok.com/ ### Svein B. (http://harpex.net/) Mini teaser presentation of his project: microphone array AND loud speaker array. SPEAKER ARRAY Based on wave-field synthesis, Huygens principle: ![](http://www.fouraudio.com/files/wfs_tu_progress2_960_1.jpg) This ^ is the audimax at the TU Berlin. Large speakers are around 30cm apart, small speakers are a few cm apart - allows you to precisely control the spatial location of sounds in the room - you can walk around sounds. Human range soundwaves range from a few meters to 1 cm in wavelength - to control sound completely in this range you would need speakers 5mm apart. THis is a 1D array ^ - Svein plans to make a 2D array.... MICROPHONE ARRAY Same as speakers but in reverse. Spatially controlling where sound is detected. http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cag/mic-array/ The plan is to build a 2D array of both microphones and speakers over the ceiling of a space. Killer application would be to make sound reinforcement without feedback. He is building a prototype in his 25m^2 office. We started talking about hearing in general. Thorsten recommends a podcast on the ear from Chaos Radio Express (N.B. it's in German and 4 HOURS LONG!!!) http://cre.fm/cre206-das-ohr ### Sean (http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Science-Hacking/members/134696482/) Has built a physical representation of a computer - AND, NOT gates For example, could use to build a plc adder circuit ![](http://sub.allaboutcircuits.com/images/04476.png) There is a tour of a replica of the (arguably) first computer, the Zuse 2, at the Technical Museum on 21st Feb. http://www.sdtb.de/Die-ersten-Computer-der-Welt-in-einem-Raum.2066.0.html ### Sven (PT scientists) Is looking for people doing space stuff to collaborate with, especially people with expertise on gravity sensing. Like this company, which uses gravity for finding oil: http://www.gedex.com/ Berliner Glas is looking for somebody to do space hardware: http://www.stepstone.de/stellenangebote--Projektleiter-w-m-Produktentwicklung-Bereich-Weltraumtechnik-Berlin-Berliner-Glas-KGaA-Herbert-Kubatz-GmbH-Co--3588847-inline.html?cid=JaJob-japu-homepage-10-2014_as_1_0_offertitle&jacid=7407381-10-2014&nctid=20160127&intcid=jajob-recommend&bl=a For Sean: How to get a startup job in Berlin http://www.gruenderszene.de/jobboerse/ http://berlinstartupjobs.com/ ? https://www.xing.com/ http://www.siliconallee.com/ Universities/Institutes: TU Berlin, a whole bunch of places in Adlershof... --- ## 25. November 2015, Stammtisch #8 ### Stuff we talked about - Presentation from Tim Florian Horn, director of Zeiss Grossplanetarium Berlin from data vis meetup group, 18th November. "The planetarium is evolving in order to not show "only" data about the universe, but any creative content you might imagine, with a preference for scientific content. The idea is to use the giant, immersive display to show information which can help people to understand better our planet or our place in the universe. A sophisticated audio system will also be available. To put his vision in two words, they are aiming at creating a "scientific theatre" in Berlin. Here are some examples of experiments already done for this screen http://idl.fh-potsdam.de/projects/powerdome/" - wrap-up from Francesco, Data Vis meetup. Podcast in german with the same guy: http://cre.fm/cre207-planetarien - 4-5th December: Barcamp "Citizen Science – Gemeinsam Freies Wissen schaffen!" http://www.buergerschaffenwissen.de/barcamp - Thorsten Transparent solar cells. I want to stress the point, that a transparent solar cell is a complete waste of resources. Nevertheless there are some: Dye sensitzed cells (Yes, they really build a lamp) http://www.engadget.com/2008/12/11/sony-shows-off-stylish-hana-akari-solar-powered-lamp-prototype/, amorphous silicon (not really transparent, but can be produced in a way that the glass is only partially covered): http://www.rpc.com.au/pdf/Schott-Solar.pdf, perovskites (we did not talk about that): http://www.oxfordpv.com and transparent luminescent solar concentrator (TLSC): http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/188667-a-fully-transparent-solar-cell-that-could-make-every-window-and-screen-a-power-source. - Manipulating things with sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJolILUbdNw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz6UzqegA6Q - Nenad Popov's slime mold project, "Pulse, Flow" http://morphogenesis.eu/pulse,%20flow.html Slime Mould controlled robot face: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0i-Df4w4KY - How to make a chicken walk like a dinosaur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3e26Vh5gv4 - CRISPR https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/diy-crispr-kits-learn-modern-science-by-doing#/ a diy crispr cas kit (probably not good) Banana flavoured bacteria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzbgpYEhvz8 - Toxoplasma cat parasite is controlling humans (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/01/220113-sneaky-cat-parasite-takes-over-human-brains-science/ ) - ...and the Unicorn poop advertisement * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbYWhdLO43Q Things we didn't get around to talking about GROW Art/Science Dr. Filipe Natálio and Prof. Aart van Bezooijen (GROW platform www.growartscience.org), are looking for a "student who is interested in developing and exploring, both conceptually and practically, an innovative and sustainable material with unique properties (discovered at Dr. Natalio’s lab)" PLAY: "Transcendence - Einstein, Kafka and Planck vs. Time, Space and Conventions" http://www.etberlin.de/production/transcendence/ --- ## 7. October 2015, Stammtisch #7 ### Morris Wants to create an Arduino platform for bioengineering Links: https://benchling.com http://hackteria.org/ Your all-in-one lab: http://www.bento.bio/bento-lab/ Dremelfuge: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:148 ### Dominic _ 3x3x4 m interactive pseudoHologram you can step in (peppers' ghost magician trick) http://www.doda.me/#/installations/ Uses thin bulletproof glass - could maybe use shark tooth screen http://www.doda.me/ _ large building projection that turns you into a giant made of stars. _ Idea: Attach bluetooth. Arduino devices to objects around the city as clues - a treasure hunt that ends in a projection mapping Program touchdesigner: http://www.derivative.ca/ Documentary: "The institute, trailer kind of related: http://nuiverse.com ### Hazem Circular economy days challenge, Cairo 2015 Wudu’ water challenge How to save water when performing wudu (ablutions before prayer) - normally you would leave the tap running for 3-6 mins each time - used around 10liters per person per day Minimum you need is about 1.3 liters maybe the Ramune Soda trick can do the trick ### Sebastian talks about his interests: Artificial Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Blue Brain Project --- ## 23. September 2015, Stammtisch #6 ### Mindey infinity project: www.infty.xyz think tank to openly talk about needs, goals, ideas and plans. People collect goals(challenges) and try to solve them together. It´s possible to make money transactions (with cryptsy, paypal, aso) and pay for the time you spent on a project. ### Gabe Project of Science Hack Day 2014: feel the planet using seismic data to control the vibrations of a dildo (and other things) the same data has be used by a cyborg dancer, Moon Ribas, dancing when earthquake is happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Un4MFR-vNI project in another science hack day hack based on earth data - near object lamp: https://www.flickr.com/photos/arielwaldman/5216811957 , uses the twitter feed: https://twitter.com/lowflyingrocks ### Benji made a 3d model of a cable holder, uploaded it to thingiverse, I made my first thingiverse thing and it's been downloaded 50 times. WOOHOo! http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1000200/#files (not science) ### Lucy vodoo cat as part of the wearable festival in Berlin http://www.wearit-berlin.com/ - not science, but it we should think of a ### Maja Bayer biotechnology meets digital health hackathon - how to remove microplastics from the ocean Berlin iGEM team - flagellulose project http://2015.igem.org/Team:Berlin Scientists Call For A Ban On Microbeads idea to provide more information about recycling methods through a (bar-)code scanner ### Stuff BEEcosystem: Reconnect with Honeybees http://www.opb.org/news/article/could-a-mushroom-save-the-honeybee/ Researchers make a living circuit out of bacteria Music Video starring some microorganisms --- ## 26. August 2015, Stammtisch #5 ### Announcements - Who wants to join Science Hack Day at Maker Faire Berlin?? 3-4th Oktober (Sat/Sun, 10:00 - 18:00), Postbahnhof Berlin (next to Ostbahnhof). We have 9m^2 (3x3m) to fill on the 1st floor, opposite the FabLab stand. 2 tables (120x80cm each). - Science Hack Day Berlin is 23-25th October, FabLab! Next Stammtisch we'll ask for help with distributing posters to advertise SHDB2015. Registration will open about 2 weeks before the event. - New meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Open-Science-Meetup/ - did anyone go? - Oli (world brain): it was mainly about open access issues and peer review. ### Thorsten Rissom Develops a webapplication to manage scientific samples (example: solar cell samples, but could be used for anything). As an alternative to an application the Helmholtz Zentrum developed (https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/bin/elab/elab). Manages samples and processes they went through. Progress of experiments can be tracked. Written using Javascript with Angular.js, Java and PostgreSQL (Helmholtz uses Oracle and Perl). The application will be free for academic use and hosted by the user. If you are interested in this, please contact me under rissom at posteo .de. A little demonstration video can be found here: https://youtu.be/gAOdfen3yqU ### Oliver Sauter worldbrain.io A cross between Reddit, Quora, Wikipedia A base for arguments and evaluations of articles around topics. A platform for literate uncertain people. first example: GMOs ### Ben beestream: http://cam.paffhausen.eu:8081 (network source for vlc) Recording neuronal activity (electrophysiology) using a faraday cage. Performs tiny brain surgery on single antisocial forager bees, inserts a wire into a specific brain region. Acts like an EEG reading signals from neighboring neurons. Resolution can be high, but not possible to say which specific neurons are being read. Then look to see what triggers firing of these neurons in a natural hive situation. FU Berlin, Menzel Lab http://www.neurobiologie.fu-berlin.de/menzel/menzel.html Hack: stick very tiny magnets to single bees and use it as a signal to open a door, allowing the single bee to access thinks there are lots of interesting undiscovered thing s about bees, e.g. Conscious bee suicide when a situation is hopeless, different behavior to drosophila. Roboroach https://backyardbrains.com/products/roboroach Can I self-archive my closed-acces scientific paper? Sherpa-Romeo. Database of copyright agreements of different authorship - check here to find out if you can archive your paper straight away/after an embargo period/never: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/ --- ## 22. July 15, Stammtisch (remote) ### What's up this month We will be on Sommerpause for a month (back for the Stammtisch, 26th August), but it's ok because all of these fantastic things are happening! Please share if you know of other fantastic things... - ArtScience Slam 9 Jul 2015 | 19:00, ZKU (- this was great!) http://www.zku-berlin.org/de/event/the-artscience-slam-1/ - 17th July, Hybrid Plattform: Hybrid Talks »Best of 4 Years – Project Slam« - 19th July, SPEKTRUM: Screening Night #8 - The Unnamed Feeling: video experiments in Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (A.S.M.R.). Curated by Lily Benson - 21st July, SPEKTRUM: STATE Studio #1 - Theresa Schubert, book presentation "Experience the Unconventional - Science in Art" (http://experiencingtheunconventional.com/). - 6th - 9th August, Festival für Freunde - 7th August, SciArt Café! The Metacode Project and iGEM Berlinm. Synthetic biology and Bio-hacking http://www.betahaus.com/berlin/event/sciart-cafe/ - 13th - 17th August, Chaos Communication Camp Interesting topics for next Meetup: Air quality monitor: http://makezine.com/2015/07/29/quest-build-simple-air-quality-monitor/ DNA-Origami: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v523/n7561/full/nature14586.html --- ## 26. June 2015, Stammtisch #4 ### Markus IoT + Quantum computing. Looking for people. Part of exist (existenzgründung aus der Wissenschaft) http://www.release.teraki.com/ Compresses Data reduces Energy consumption. Possible smart city applications ### Jesus virtual reality idea. Remote raw reality (R3) - a bot-mounted camera avatar that tracks and replicates your head movements https://www.oculus.com/en-us/rift/ https://www.google.com/get/cardboard/ existing bot - DORA, from University of Pennsylvania: https://vimeo.com/124993083 http://vrfocus.com/archives/14500/dora-robot-mimics-humans-head-movements-using-oculus-rift/ http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/04/27/new-telepresence-robot-mimics-your-every-move-using-the-oculus-rift Android App: AAA VR Studio Telemetric Robot: https://www.suitabletech.com/ Flying Birdly http://somniacs.co/ clouds over sidra - immersive journalism http://vrse.works/clouds-over-sidra/ Oculus Rift prank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmRgW-jxwn8 Jibo robot: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jibo-the-world-s-first-social-robot-for-the-home/x/10567565#/story ### Steph http://www.medicalartandgraphics.com/ yes, there are four muscles behind the eyeball. She works from cadavers, textbooks + experts to update diagrams, can't just use photographs, some parts may not be high contrast. Looking for new ideas / people / scientists to work with. Very excited about starting to use new technologies, e.g. 3d ### Plan Bienen Seminar, Viewing. 26-28 Juni Art Labratory, Wedding http://artlaboratory-berlin.org/html/eng-events-archive.htm ### Thorsten Needs Thermometers for the second next Science Hack Lab (sorry, no time on July 11th). Climatechangedeniers (not to be taken seriously): http://www.ke-research.de/downloads/Klimaretter.pdf Article from an actual scientist: http://www.scilogs.de/klimalounge/der-anti-treibhauseffekt-herrn-ermecke/ latest attempt to reproduce Woods experiment: http://boole.stanford.edu/WooExpt/ ### Announcements - http://www.fastforwardscience.de/ Science Video Award for scientists, Artists and enthusiasts. - Community call for the German speaking Open Science Community: Donnerstag 2. Juli 2015 14:00 - 15:00. Konferenzsystem ist zoom.us. Logindaten demnächst hier. Themen können hier eingetragen werden: https://pad.okfn.org/p/Open_Science_AG_Public_Call_003 ### Stuff I found an interesting article for the evolution machine guys: http://www.nrel.gov/biomass/news/2015/18508.html --- ## 27. May 2015, Stammtisch #3 We are at Spektrum, http://spektrumberlin.de/home.html Spektrum is about building community around certain topics, for example, audio-visual. Will open 19/20 June. ### Announcements - attendance at Chaos Communication Camp? Every 4 years. Aug 13-17. we could do something together... http://events.ccc.de/category/camp/ - anyone interested in helping to organizing Science Hack Day Berlin? http://berlin.sciencehackday.org/ we need help with logistics, social media, fundraising, connections with potential speakers/judges, etc. Talk to us! ### Lucy Lemon and vinegar tasting https://scienceandfooducla.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/miracle-berries/ ### Anita http://www.inthelightofmovement.com/ http://www.anitaackermann.de/ http://anitaackermann.de/index.php?/projects/ultraviolet--vesselroom-project-21maerz-10april-/ ### Alfredo Plasma tube: build his own glass tube. Visualises 6-channel audio. Has plans to develop. Would be happy to find people who'd like to work on it with him... ![](https://i.vimeocdn.com/video/77725218_1280x720.jpg) http://www.sensoriale.info/# https://vimeo.com/13194240 Thorsten mentioned the Franck-Hertz Experiment ![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/51/Franck-Hertz-Neon-3.png/220px-Franck-Hertz-Neon-3.png) In later discussions we were talking about the "Especially Hard- and Soft Meeting" and two interesting talks from there. How to build a fusion reactor How to build vacuum tubes They can be found here: http://media.freitagsrunde.org/mirror/ehsm/2012/2012-videos/ (number 2 and 20). ### Samson Update to "Popcorn individuality: determinism or free will?" Jesus - "Popcorn Decay" - popcorn pops with some randomness - like radioactive nuclei? Samson - each kernel tells a story that determines its popping behavior? no correlation to mass, height, area, volume, density. But there is a correlation between the popped shape ("octopus", "blocky", or "blotchy") and popping time. Measure water content with NMR? Take cross-sections to determine internal structure? Determine water content by comparing weight of the popped corn kernel and pre-popped kernel? Influence of defects in kernel shell? ![](http://us-machine.com/images/popcorn-machine/23.jpg) ### Benjamin Mortal machines. Their death is planned. "planned obsolescence"? Where do machines go when they die? Their death is rather a part of their existence then planned. --- ## 22. April 2015, Stammtisch #2 ### Zissi, Dominik & Lucy UV bee-goggles/photography (though by now we're more excited about sexually UV-dimorphic birds). http://www.pnas.org/content/102/31/10942.long Having trouble with filters. Did some group googling and came up with the following: http://publiclab.org/notes/warren/4-28-2011/cheap-uv-photos-using-uv-pass-filter-cmos-camera http://datasheets.globalspec.com/ds/5571/EdmundOptics/1193551A-6483-4122-9E26-79AD921C970F ### Wing Solar-powered camera http://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/projects/self_powered_camera/ ### Christina Rambus lensless smart sensor demo - looking for ideas for application ### Hubi Inspired by Earth day https://soundcloud.com/hubi/to-the-moon-and-back-in-sound Shazam for birds, Warblr https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1190241008/warblr-an-app-that-recognises-birds-from-their-son?ref=nav_search ### Samson 'cloud chamber' water desalination project (top secret ;) ) ### Stuff to see / read World's Simplest Electric Train https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1MDOerruDU Electrical muscle stimulation and Motion tracking allows objects to communicate http://plopesorg/project/affordance-plus-plus/ --- ## 25. March 2015, Stammtisch #1 ### Simon underwater sensing - currently a temperature sensor in a plastic housing + rubber gasket. Could get down several hundred meters? Tested at 40 m next to volcanic springs ### Lucy #Cellfie-Station Based on: http://www.instructables.com/id/10-Smartphone-to-digital-microscope-conversion/ http://hackteria.org/wiki/index.php/DIY_microscopy commercial version: http://www.microphonelens.com/ Foldscope: http://www.foldscope.com/ DIY smartphone opthalmoscope photographs your retina reference by Johann to movie I Origins ### Johann "Evolution Machine" http://openwetware.org/wiki/Evolvinator https://depts.washington.edu/soslab/turbidostat/pmwiki/ ### Sheraz http://visualizingurbanfutures.com/ TeTo - friction and textures to sound: http://visualizingurbanfutures.com/2014/09/05/texture-to-sound-translator-teto-portfolio-arts-urban-planning-technology/ collaboration with sound psychologist, map as intuitive depiction of results: http://visualizingurbanfutures.com/2013/07/31/toronto-sound-prints-portfolio-arts/ mapping emotions? mapping happiness: http://www.mappiness.org.uk/ http://juliusvonbismarck.com/bank/index.php?/projects/stimmungsgasometer/ ### Alex http://www.formkind.de/ Furniture inspired by geometry / Buckminster Fuller http://www.grasshopper3d.com/