Python小應用 ======================== ## user檔案比較與更新 ```python= import os, time, sys ##批量檔案內容更新 ##記得更新版本號 def fileExists(file1, file2):#確認兩檔案是否皆存在 ### FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: ### 確認版本號或路徑是否更新 print(str(os.path.exists(file1))) print(str(os.path.exists(file2))) if os.path.exists(file1) and os.path.exists(file2): return True else: return False def compare(file1, file2, lineSave, strS, strS2, look = True):#比較兩檔案內容差異並列出 lineNum = 1 #確認檔案存在 print ('兩檔案皆存在...' + str(fileExists(file1, file2)) +'\n') if not fileExists(file1, file2): print ('不存在該檔案,將自動新增...\n') f2 = open(file2, 'x', encoding = 'utf-8') f2.close() f1 = open(file1, encoding = 'utf-8') f2 = open(file2, encoding = 'utf-8') #讀入各自變數 flist1 = [x for x in f1] flist2 = [y for y in f2] #得出資料長度 flines1 = len(flist1) flines2 = len(flist2) #對兩串列作等長處理以比較 if flines1 < flines2: flist1[flines1:flines2+1] = ' ' * (flines2 - flines1) elif flines1 > flines2: flist2[flines2:flines1+1] = ' ' * (flines1 - flines2) #輸出比較結果 if look: print ('%s和%s比較結果:\n' % (file1, file2)) for y in zip(flist1, flist2):#字典化合併處理 if y[0] == y[1]: lineNum +=1 continue if y[0] != y[1] :#發現相異內容就呈現 if look: print('第%s行: %s <--> %s\n' % (lineNum, y[0].strip(), y[1].strip())) lineNum +=1 lineSave.append(lineNum-1)#保留相異資訊的行號 strS.append(y[0]) strS2.append(y[1]) #未有內容呈現,回報兩檔案相同 if len(lineSave) == 0: print ('%s 和 %s \n內容和排版完全相同!' % (file1, file2)) def contentModify(fileO, fileM, lineSave, strS, strS2):#進行內容修改(以fileO為準修正fileM) #確認有內容要更新 if len(lineSave) == 0: print ('沒有要更新的內容!') return #開啟兩檔案,一個讀取,一個寫入 file = open(fileO, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') file2 = open(fileM, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') lineN = 0 for line in file:#修改內容回報 if(lineN < len(lineSave)) and strS2[lineN] in line: print ('修正第%s行內容...' % lineSave[lineN]) lineN += 1 #print(line) file2.write(line) #隨手關檔 file2.close() file.close() #回收空間 lineSave.clear() strS.clear() strS2.clear() def addNote(file, note, jum = True):#追加註記 if not jum: return #開啟檔案 f = open(file, 'a', encoding = 'utf-8') #寫入註記 note = '\n##' + note + '\n##' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + '秒 註\n' f.write(note) print ('完成註記\n') #隨手關檔 f.close() def keyHandle(file, n): key = ['test','吳俊廷-195','李重瑩-196','鄭宇軒-197','連士謙-198'] file = open(file, 'r+', encoding = 'utf-8') fileCon = fileCon = fileCon.replace('keyname = \'test\'', 'keyname = \'%s\'' % key[n]),0) file.write(fileCon) file.close() if n > 0: print('\n' + str(194 + n) + '=======成功修正關鍵字!=======') else: print('\n' + 'test' + '=======成功修正關鍵字!=======') def update(new, files, li, note, strS, strS2, p, ju, look): compare(new, files, li, strS, strS2, look) print ('=====================開始更新======================') contentModify(new, files, li, strS, strS2) ##print ('==============更新結束,比對更新結果===============') ##compare(new, files, li, strS, strS2, look) keyHandle(files, p) addNote(files, note, ju) print ('\n完成%s更新!\n' % files) ### li = []#行號 strS = []#對照檔 strS2 = []#待修正檔 ju = True #跳過註解 ''' stdFile = 'K:/tuser/' files = ['C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/user-t/'] ''' stdFile = 'K:/tuser/' files = ['C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/user-t/','C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/user-195/', 'C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/user-196/', 'C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/user-197/', 'C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/user-198/'] ans = input('\n先進行校對檢視?') if ans == 'y' or ans == '1': for j in range(len(files)): print('===================================================') print ('===================核對第%s個檔案===================' % str(j+1)) print('===================================================') compare(stdFile, files[j], li, strS, strS2) elif ans == 'n' or ans == '0': print ('取消校對') pass ans = input('\n進行批量更新?(y/n)') if ans == 'y' or ans == '1': note = input('\n更新內容註記:') if note == '': ju = False #計時開始 start_t = time.time() for i in range(len(files)): print ('===================更新第%s個檔案===================' % str(i+1)) update(stdFile , files[i], li, note, strS, strS2, i, ju, False) print ('完成批次更新!') #計時結束 end_t = time.time() #v顯示計時結果 print ('\n花費時間為 %s 秒' % str(end_t - start_t)) elif ans == 'n' or ans == '0': print ('取消更新') pass print('按任一鍵結束...') os.system('pause') ``` ## 多行內容翻譯處理 ```python= from googletrans import Translator import os, sys ##多行內容翻譯處理 ''' py3 中,input()只能输入一行 但 sys.stdin.readlines() 僅需 按下换行键後輸入 ctrl + z 才能 按 enter 鍵结束輸入 pip install googletrans ''' def tranStr(tString, cut):#去掉換行與銜接 ###'':'%', afterStr = '' for p in range(len(tString)): afterStr += tString[p][0:len(tString[p])-1] + ' ' ##print(afterStr) if cut == 'c' or cut == '1': aStrlist = [None] aStrlist = recutStr(afterStr) return aStrlist else : return afterStr def recutStr(cString):#逐一分句 aStr = [] starStr = 0 endStr = 0 for p in range(len(cString)): if cString[p] == '.' or cString[p] == ':': endStr = p + 1 aStr.append(cString[starStr:endStr]) starStr = endStr + 1 ##print(aStr) return aStr def gTranStr(tContext, cut):#接收輸入並翻譯 ''' 別妄想要寫爬蟲來爬結果,因為每筆資料都有個tk 值尾隨,那個計算和取得的工程浩大 放棄吧! ''' translator = Translator() googleAns = tranStr(tContext, cut) if cut == 'c' or cut == '1': for i in range(len(googleAns)): response = translator.translate(googleAns[i], dest='zh-TW').text print('\n' + '-' * 30 + ' 第 ' + str(i+1) + ' 句 ' + '-' * 30 + '>>') print(' ' + googleAns[i] + '\n') print(response) else : response = translator.translate(googleAns, dest='zh-TW').text print('\n ' + googleAns + '\n') print(response) ### cut = input('是否需要逐句翻譯?(輸入 c 或 1 為是,否則按 Enter 鍵,之後不會再追問)') if len(cut) == 0: cut = '' while True: beforeString = '' print('輸入欲翻譯的內容,按下最後一次換行鍵後,輸入 ctrl + z 再按 enter 鍵才算結束輸入:') ''' #多行讀入的寫法 for line in sys.stdin: beforeString += line 但 cmd 時會有無限輸入的麻煩 ''' beforeString = sys.stdin.readlines() ##print(beforeString) print('=' * 28 + ' 翻譯結果 ' + '=' * 28) gTranStr(beforeString, cut) print('\n' + '=' * 28 + ' 翻譯至此 ' + '=' * 28) re = input('\n輸入 n 離開,' + '不輸入按 Enter 鍵重新開始,' + '輸入 # 反轉上次的逐句翻譯設定並重新開始\n') ## + '輸入 @ 清空版面並重新開始\n') if re == 'n' or re == '0': break elif re == '#': if cut == '': cut = 'c' elif cut == 'c': cut = '' pass ''' elif re == '@': os,system('cls') 就算改 clear 亦沒有作用,都會閃退,奇怪... ''' os.system('pause') ``` ## 爬取學校的活動系統 ```python= from requests import get from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import os ##爬取學校的活動系統 ''''h3.r a')中的h3為標籤名稱.為class屬性, 所以.後面接class名稱也就是r,# 為 id屬性。 soup.prettify() 印出網頁原始碼 ''' actUrl = "" ## def adjust(infList, aP, bP, add = False):#調整串列內容 if add: infList[aP] += ' ' + infList[bP] else: infList[aP] += infList[bP] infList.remove(infList[bP]) def spicalSet(adList, num): #自行定義調整後的串列,參數的串列不會被更改,會由另一個串列回傳 backList = adList #進行次數 i = len(backList) - 1 while(i): adjust(backList, 0, 1, True) i -= 1 return backList def check(p, tarStr, clist):#核對統計結果並輸出 #預設不寫入 w = False afterList = [] for i in range(len(clist)): if i % 7 == 0:#找到資料組(7個一組)的頭並核對欄位 if clist[i + p] == tarStr: w = True else: w = False ##print(str(i) + ' ' + str(w) + ' ' + clist[i + p]) if not w:#不符則跳過不繼續寫入 continue afterList.append(clist[i]) return afterList def crawlbug(url, appoint = False):#預設將不能報名的淘汰,但會一併呈現'未開始'的 #取得網頁資料 r = get(url) #將網頁資料以html.parser soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,"html.parser") #找到各欄位資料 allData ='table#GridView1 td') ''' 各欄位資料如下: 每 7 個為一筆資料循環,記得加.text.split()保留純文字,不然會連html都跑出來 ''' ''' 開啟布林參數(appoint)並設定數字參數(point),將對資料進行單一過濾 ''' allresult = []#首輪輸出結果,未調整 result = []#最終輸出結果 sta = []#儲存統計值 jump = True #決定跳過該輪資料寫入 point = 7 #指定欄位指標 allDis = False #是否全顯示 #指定欄位顯示 if appoint: print('0 -活動名稱') print('1 -報名對象') print('2 -主辦單位') print('3 -錄(備)取人數') print('4 -活動起迄日期') print('5 -報名起迄日期') print('6 -報名狀態') point = input('輸入指定報名狀態(數字):') point = int(point) if point < 0 or point > 7: point = 7 default = input('\n是否完全顯示所有報名狀態(涵蓋\'已截止\'、\'已額滿\',預設自動排除)?(y/n)') if default == 'y' or default == '1': allDis = True elif default == 'n' or default == '0': allDis = False else: print('\n例外選項,自動回歸預設處理...\n') #進行預設(排除'已截止'、'已額滿')整理 for i in range(len(allData)): if i % 7 == 0: if appoint == True and i < len(allData) and allDis == False: if allData[i + 6].text.split() == ['已截止'] or allData[i + 6].text.split() == ['已額滿']: jump = False else: jump = True if not jump:#決定是否寫入 continue data = allData[i].text.split() ##print ('%s %s' % (i, data)) adData = spicalSet(data, i % 7) ##print (str(i) + ' ' + adData[0]) allresult.append(adData[0]) #寫入過濾條件 if point != 7 and i % 7 == 6: if i < 7: if sta.count(allresult[point]) == 0: sta.append(allresult[point]) else: long = len(allresult) if sta.count(allresult[long - 1 - (6 - point)]) == 0: sta.append(allresult[long - 1 - (6 - point)]) if point != 7:#列出指定欄位下的選項 print('\n目標代號如下:') for j in range(len(sta)): if j < 10: print(str(j) + ' ' + sta[j]) else: print(str(j) + ' ' + sta[j]) print('-') #選擇該選項 numP = int(input('\n輸入代號:')) #進行核對輸出 result = check(point, sta[numP], allresult) else: result = allresult #確認無資料顯示 if len(result) == 0: return print ('\n沒有可顯示的資料!\n') #為顯示資料組間作分隔 for i in range(len(result)): if i % 7 == 0 : print ('<===================第%s筆資料===================>\n' % str(int(i/7) + 1)) print (result[i]) print ('\n') #資源回收 result.clear() ## ans = input('是否有指定欄位與內容?(y/n)') if ans == 'y' or ans == '1': crawlbug(actUrl, True) elif ans == 'n' or ans == '0': crawlbug(actUrl) else: print('\n例外選項,自動回歸預設處理...\n') os.system('pause') ``` ## 動態進度點 ```python= import time import sys, os ##動態進度點 #該效果限在 cmd 時才看的到喔! for i in range(101): time.sleep(0.005) sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" % i) sys.stdout.flush() print() print('跑開心的,沒什麼用途~~') os.system('pause') ``` ## 連線程式client端 ```python= import socket, time, os, struct ##連線程式client端 ''' ''' HOST = "" PORT = 20 choose = '' keyname = 'test1' def DownLoad(choose): sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockfd.connect_ex((HOST,PORT)) print (HOST,"建立連線") b = choose.encode() sockfd.sendall(b) fileinfo_size = struct.calcsize('128sl') buf = sockfd.recv(fileinfo_size) if buf: filename, filesize = struct.unpack('128sl', buf) fn = filename.strip(b'\00') new_filename = os.path.join(b'./'+ fn) print ('檔案名稱為 {0}, 大小 {1}'.format(new_filename,filesize)) recvd_size = 0 # 定義已接收檔案的大小 fp = open(new_filename, 'wb') print ('開始接收') while not recvd_size == filesize: if filesize - recvd_size > 1024: data = sockfd.recv(1024) recvd_size += len(data) else: data = sockfd.recv(filesize - recvd_size) recvd_size = filesize fp.write(data) print ('下載中...') fp.close() print ('下載完成') print ("與",HOST,"結束連線") sockfd.close() def punch(name, choose): sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockfd.connect_ex((HOST,PORT)) print (HOST,"建立連線") b = choose.encode() sockfd.send(b) time.sleep(0.5) #送出名稱 print ('你好! ',name,' 歡迎來到網路實驗室!') txtData = name Cbyt = txtData.encode() sockfd.send(Cbyt) print ('送出打卡訊息') #等待回覆 response = sockfd.recv(1024).decode() print(response) print ("與",HOST,"結束連線") sockfd.close() ###主介面 #sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: #連線 #sockfd.connect_ex((HOST,PORT)) #print (HOST,"建立連線") while True: print ('----------------------------------------' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())) #主畫面 print ("(1)download -下載記錄檔") print ("(2)punch -打卡") choose = input("請輸入想操作的內容: ") #需要連線伺服器的功能才要這兩行 #byt = choose.encode() #sockfd.sendall(byt) if choose == '1': DownLoad(choose) elif choose == '2': punch(keyname, choose) #暫停以檢視 print ('按任一鍵結束...') os.system('pause') except socket.error as msg : print (msg) print ("連線中斷or失敗,倘若仍有操作尚未完成,洽相關人員~~:)") #暫停以檢視 print ('按任一鍵結束...') os.system('pause') ``` ## 郵件檢視 + 隱藏密碼輸入 ```python= import imaplib, email, base64, quopri, binascii, getpass from os import system ##郵件檢視 + 隱藏密碼輸入 ''' payload = "測爽沒" b =base64.b64encode(payload.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8") print(b) c = base64.b64decode(b.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") print(c) b =quopri.encodestring(payload.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") print(b) c = quopri.decodestring(b.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") print(c) GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal. Warning: Password input may be echoed 因為 getpass 效果僅限於 cmd 介面喔! ''' def selfbase64(string):#實作base64 ''' 只能轉英文不能轉中文,會亂碼 找不到轉中文的對應辦法,有夠爛 網路上各種互抄,還只抄轉出去的,沒抄轉回來的 ''' base64Table = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' stringFirst = '' for i in range(len(string)): point = base64Table.find(string[i]) pointStr = str(point) if len(pointStr) < 2: pointStr = '0' + pointStr stringFirst += pointStr #print (point) strSecond = '' for j in range(len(stringFirst)): if j % 2 == 1: continue num = int(stringFirst[j:j+2]) #print(str(num)) numStr = '' for k in range(6): numStr = str(num % 2) + numStr num = num // 2 #print(str(num) + ' ' + numStr) strSecond += numStr #print (stringFirst[j:j+2] + ' ' + numStr) #print(strSecond) strThird = '' #print(str(len(strSecond))) key = 8 uninum = '' for m in range(len(strSecond)): if m % key != 0: continue ascStr = strSecond[m:m+key] #print(str(m//16) + ' ' + str(len(ascStr)) + ' ' + ascStr) num = 0 for n in range(key): powN = 2**(key-n-1) num += int(ascStr[n])* powN uninum += chr(num) #print(str(num) + ' ' + uninum + '\n') print(uninum) def printMail(ue, pd):#挖郵件 many = input('輸入顯示的數量(全顯示輸入a,預設為前五筆):') #預設顯示郵件數量 lim = 5 try: m = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('', 993) m.login(ue, pd) status, count = email_count = len(, 'ALL')[1][0].split()) except: if many == 'a': lim = email_count elif many == '': pass elif int(many) > email_count: print('數量過大,自動轉成最大值') else: lim = int(many) print('郵件總數為: ' + str(email_count) + ' ' + '指定數量為: ' + str(lim)) print() for i in range(email_count): status, email_content = m.fetch(f'{email_count-i}'.encode(), '(RFC822)') try: email_content = email_content[0][1].decode() #print (email_content) except: #print (email_content) print(str(i+1) + ' 該郵件發生錯誤,跳過顯示...\n') continue strat = email_content.find('MIME-Version: 1.0') dateStart = email_content.find('Date:', strat) if dateStart == -1: dateStart = email_content.rfind('Date:') dateEnd = email_content.find('\r',dateStart) date = email_content[dateStart:dateEnd] subStart = email_content.rfind('Subject:') subEnd = email_content.find('\r',subStart) sub = email_content[subStart:subEnd] froStart = email_content.find('From:', strat) if froStart == -1: froStart = email_content.rfind('From:') froEnd = email_content.find('\r',froStart) fro = email_content[froStart:froEnd] sub = sub.lstrip('Subject:Re ') if sub[0] == '=': backup = sub sub = sub.strip().strip('=?').lstrip('UTFutf-8?') if sub[0] == 'b' or sub[0] == 'B': sub = sub.lstrip('Bb?') try: long = len(sub) % 4 if long != 0: for many in range(4 - long): sub += '=' sub = base64.b64decode(sub.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') except : print (str(i+1) + ' ' + backup + ' ' + str(len(backup))) print (' ' + sub + ' ' + str(len(sub)) + '\n') continue elif sub[0] == 'q' or sub[0] == 'Q': sub = sub.lstrip('Qq?_') try: sub = quopri.decodestring(sub.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') except : print (str(len(sub)) + ' ' + sub) continue fro = fro.lstrip('From: ') if fro[0] == '=': backup = fro fro = fro.strip().strip('=?').lstrip('UTFutf-8?') if fro[0] == 'b' or fro[0] == 'B': fro = fro.lstrip('Bb?') try: long = len(fro) % 4 if long != 0: for many in range(4 - long): fro += '=' fro = base64.b64decode(fro.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') except : fro = backup continue elif fro[0] == 'q' or fro[0] == 'Q': fro = fro.lstrip('Qq?_') #try: fro = quopri.decodestring(fro.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') #except : #fro = backup #continue print (str(i+1) + ' ' + sub) print ('From: ' + fro) print (date) print ('') if i == lim - 1: break m.close() m.logout() username = input('郵件帳號:') password = getpass.getpass('密碼:') printMail(username, password) system('pause') ``` ## 檔案比較與更新 ```python= import os, time, threading ##批量檔案內容更新 def fileExists(file1, file2):#確認兩檔案是否皆存在 if os.path.exists(file1) and os.path.exists(file2): return True else: return False def compare(file1, file2, lineSave, strS, strS2, look = False):#比較兩檔案內容差異並列出 lineNum = 1 if fileExists(file1, file2):#確認檔案存在 print ('該檔案存在...') else: print ('不存在該檔案,將自動新增...') f2 = open(file2, 'x', encoding = 'utf-8') f2.close() f1 = open(file1, encoding = 'utf-8') f2 = open(file2, encoding = 'utf-8') #讀入各自變數 flist1 = [x for x in f1] flist2 = [y for y in f2] #得出資料長度 flines1 = len(flist1) flines2 = len(flist2) #對兩串列作等長處理以比較 if flines1 < flines2: flist1[flines1:flines2+1] = ' ' * (flines2 - flines1) elif flines1 > flines2: flist2[flines2:flines1+1] = ' ' * (flines1 - flines2) #輸出比較結果 if look: print ('%s和%s比較結果:\n' % (file1, file2)) for y in zip(flist1, flist2):#字典化合併處理 if y[0] == y[1]: lineNum +=1 continue if y[0] != y[1] :#發現相異內容就呈現 if look: print('第%s行: %s <--> %s\n' % (lineNum, y[0].strip(), y[1].strip())) lineNum +=1 lineSave.append(lineNum-1)#保留相異資訊的行號 strS.append(y[0]) strS2.append(y[1]) #未有內容呈現,回報兩檔案相同 if len(lineSave) == 0: print ('\n%s和%s內容和排版完全相同!' % (file1, file2)) def contentModify(fileO, fileM, lineSave, strS, strS2):#進行內容修改(以fileO為準修正fileM) #確認有內容要更新 if len(lineSave) == 0: print ('\n沒有要更新的內容!') return #開啟兩檔案,一個讀取,一個寫入 file = open(fileO, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') file2 = open(fileM, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8') lineN = 0 for line in file:#修改內容回報 if(lineN < len(lineSave)) and strS2[lineN] in line: sys.stdout.write('修正第%s行內容...' % lineSave[lineN]) sys.stdout.flush() #print ('修正第%s行內容...' % lineSave[lineN]) lineN += 1 ##print(line) file2.write(line) #隨手關檔 file2.close() file.close() #回收空間 lineSave.clear() strS.clear() strS2.clear() def addNote(file, note):#追加註記 #開啟檔案 f = open(file, 'a', encoding = 'utf-8') #寫入註記 note = '\n##' + note + '\n##' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) + '秒 註\n' f.write(note) print ('完成註記\n') #隨手關檔 f.close() def update(new, files, li, note, strS, strS2, look): compare(new, files, li, strS, strS2, look) print ('=====================開始更新======================') contentModify(new, files, li, strS, strS2) #print ('==============更新結束,比對更新結果===============') #compare(new, files, li, strS, strS2, look) #addNote(files, note) print ('完成該檔更新!\n') ## li = []#行號 strS = []#對照檔 strS2 = []#待修正檔 stdFile = 'K:/tserver/' files = ['C:/Users/BigBapu/Desktop/server/'] for j in files: print ('===================更新第%s個檔案===================' % str(files.index(j))) compare(stdFile, j, li, strS, strS2, True) ans = input('進行批量更新?(y/n)') if ans == 'y' or ans == '1': note = input('\n更新內容註記:') start_t = time.time() for i in range(len(files)): print ('===================更新第%s個檔案===================' % str(i+1)) thread_Update = threading.Thread(target = update, args = (stdFile , files[i], li, note, strS, strS2, False)) thread_Update.start() thread_Update.join() #update(stdFile , files[i], li, note, strS, strS2, False) print ('完成批次更新!') end_t = time.time() print ('\n花費時間為 %s 秒' % str(end_t - start_t)) elif ans == 'n' or ans == '0': print ('取消更新') pass #暫停以檢視 print('按任一鍵結束...') os.system('pause') ``` ## 檔案備份 ```python= import shutil, os ##檔案備份 p = 'C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/user-t/' ## def backup(oriPath, newdir):#移動舊版本至備份區(backup/) print('備份目錄是否存在...' + str(os.path.isdir(newdir))) if not os.path.isdir(newdir):#如果指定目錄不存在就建立目錄 os.mkdir(newdir) print ('建立新目錄' + newdir) if os.path.isfile(oriPath):#確認待更新檔案存在 #複製至指定路徑下 shutil.copyfile(oriPath, newdir + oriPath.split('/')[-1]) #擷取路徑各個位置 ''' print(p) print(p.split('/')[-1]) print('') print(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[0]) print(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) print(str(int(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[1]) + 1)) print(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1]) print('') print(p[0:len(p)-len(p.split('/')[-1])] + p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[0] + '-' + str(int(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[1]) + 1) + '.' + p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1]) print(str(len(p)-len(p.split('/')[-1]))) print(os.path.isfile(p)) ''' #修改檔名 os.rename(oriPath, p[0:len(p)-len(p.split('/')[-1])] + p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[0] + '-' + str(int(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[1]) + 1) + '.' + p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1]) print ('備份檔案完成!') else: print ('待更新的檔案不存在!') ''' print(p) print(p.split('/')[-1]) print('') print(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[0]) print(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) print(str(int(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[1]) + 1)) print(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1]) print('') print(p[0:len(p)-len(p.split('/')[-1])] + p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[0] + '-' + str(int(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[1]) + 1) + '.' + p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[1]) print(str(len(p)-len(p.split('/')[-1]))) print(os.path.isfile(p)) ''' backup (p, 'C:/Users/Public/Downloads/user/backup/') print('\n當前更新後版本號為%s' % str(int(p.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('-')[1]) + 1) ) os.system('pause') ## ``` ## 視覺化歷年黃金價格 ```python= import pandas as pd # 資料處理套件 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 資料視覺化套件 import numpy as np ''' 記得將新下載的csv做欄位名稱的預處理(中文換英文,多餘欄位刪除) ''' csvs = '107GoldPassbook.csv' def disPic(csv, sea): readCsv = pd.read_csv(csv) # print( readCsv['buyin'][:]) # 顯示資料 date = [None] * len(readCsv['date']) # 建立一個空列表,數量為年月的數量 # 以for迴圈逐一將年月資料類別轉成字串類別 for i in range(len(readCsv['date'])): date[i] = str(readCsv['date'][i])[4:8] readCsv['date'] = date[::-1] # 將原本年月欄位資料反轉並替換掉,因為預設為資料為年尾到年初 # 設定視窗大小、邊界顏色、邊框顯示 plt.figure(figsize=(10.5,3.5), edgecolor = 'b', frameon = True) # 設定圖表與視窗的邊界距離(比例) plt.subplots_adjust(left = 0.07, right = 0.99, top = 0.9, bottom = 0.18)'ggplot') # 使用ggplot主題樣式 # 畫第一條線,plt.plot(x, y, c)參數分別為 x 軸資料、 y 軸資料及線顏色 = 紅色 plt.plot(readCsv['date'], readCsv['buyin'],c = 'r') # 畫第二條線 plt.plot(readCsv['date'], readCsv['sellout'],c = 'g') # 設定圖例,參數為標籤、位置 plt.legend(labels=['buyin', 'sellout'], loc = 'best') star = readCsv['date'][0] end = len(readCsv['date']) if int(sea) >= 1 and int(sea) <= 4: if sea == '1': end = end / 4 elif sea == '2': star = end / 4 end = end / 2 elif sea == '3': star = end / 2 end = end * 3/4 elif sea == '4': star = end * 3/4 elif sea == '': pass else: print('界外輸入,將回復預設值(全年)') pass # 設定x軸顯示範圍 plt.xlim(star, end) # 設定 x 軸顯示範圍 plt.xlabel('Date', fontweight = 'bold',fontsize = 12) # 設定 x 軸標題及粗體 plt.xticks(fontsize = 8, rotation = 35) # 將 x 軸數字旋轉35度,避免文字重疊 # 設定y軸標題及粗體 plt.ylabel('Price(NTW)', fontweight = 'bold') plt.yticks(fontsize = 8, rotation = 20)# 刻度字體大小、逆時鐘旋轉角度 # 設定標題、文字大小、粗體及位置 plt.title('Gold Price', fontsize = 15, fontweight = 'bold', y = 1) ''' plt.savefig('Goldgrowth.jpg', # 儲存圖檔 bbox_inches='tight', # 去除座標軸占用的空間 pad_inches=0.0) # 去除所有白邊 ''' plt.close() #隨手關燈~ season = input('輸入指定季節(預設輸入空值為整年度):') disPic(csvs, season) ```