# About Explorer
A ranked database system to empower the general public in exploring the privacy levels, security, and reliability of Web3 projects.
To make the right decisions, one must be able to compare options. Having more options while your demand for what you need stays the same allows you to find what you need. Data is at the heart of many decision-making processes, from fundraising to attesting the legibility behind ecosystem tooling.
As a neutral platform, we are transparent about our system. All changes are committed to our GitHub and are open to all.
## Main features
- **[Dashboard with filters and search](https://explorer.web3privacy.info)**
- **[Editor](https://explorer.web3privacy.info/project/create)**
![Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 15.24.16](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SkHexNSlJx.png)
- [Detailed project overview](https://explorer.web3privacy.info/project/web3privacynow)
![Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 17.01.45](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJTDx4Hx1e.png)
- Scoring Mechanism ([learn more about this here](https://mirror.xyz/0x0f1F3DAf416B74DB3DE55Eb4D7513a80F4841073/s9flkE6tMaJ4f2tzWu-FmDy7Zx_TRPe3jdXr2iYmYH0))
![Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 17.03.10](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1Tne4BxJg.png)
- **[Public Project Database](https://github.com/web3privacy/explorer-data/tree/main/src/projects)**
![Screenshot 2024-12-02 at 15.39.11](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H15tGeimyg.png)
## Ethos
### Privacy First
The explorer it's main focus is to be able to bring privacy focused projects first. Allowing anyone to discover projects without being identified or personally tracked.
### Open-source
Our explorer and it's data is completely open-source, which means you can access our data from the front-end code, to the individual github code through our repo on Github & Radicle.
- **[For the data see here](https://github.com/web3privacy/explorer-data)**
- **[For the front-end see here](https://github.com/web3privacy/explorer-app)**
If you would like access to the database through JSON format,
- **[We self-host an API here](https://explorer-data.web3privacy.info/)**
### Neutral
Privacy is a fluid concept resolving around the ideals of the interprenter. We aim to provide a neutral perspective by letting you make your own decisions through accessible datapoints.
### Accessible
There is no need to register to access any of our work, as the information we share is permissionless.
## Contribute
As we're primairly an open-source organisation, we rely on contributions from people like you to help us move forward. From submitting your favourite project to our database, to assisting us in building the application are all things that help us enormously.
**[Learn how to submit your project here](https://mirror.xyz/0x0f1F3DAf416B74DB3DE55Eb4D7513a80F4841073/Ri2ZMIq6Os-ZKQyT_l6a5F1-gJURySvvwNRKzBvNpWM)
[Learn how to edit an existing project here](https://mirror.xyz/0x0f1F3DAf416B74DB3DE55Eb4D7513a80F4841073/yDbRRq8FjSogK7iUWdiRKkm54wvx6DgRt99gFuineuY)**
Want to polish your dev skills, write an article, or apply your non-technical efforts, or in general contribute more to our open-source project? [Hit me up on Telegram (@Dragon_Mf)](https://telegram.me/dragon_mf) I will gladly introduce you to our team.
## Funding & Organisation
The explorer runs through major volunteer efforts to create transparency within the privacy landscape. Explorer is also directly a part of [Web3Privacy Now](https://web3privacy.info) (W3PN).
- W3PN treasury is explained [here](https://docs.web3privacy.info/governance/treasury/)
- W3PN Manifesto can be found [here](https://docs.web3privacy.info/about-us/manifesto/)