:::info # How to connect UE with OAI gNB (USRP B210) ::: [TOC] ## 1. Installation and Configuration of OAI gNB + EPC + HSS :::warning **Problem:** "openair-cn-cups" (SPGW) should build on ubuntu **18.04**. **Solution:** Create a VM (ubuntu 18.04) by **uvtool**. ::: ### 1.1 Installation #### (1). git clone "openairinterface5g", "openair-cn" and "openair-cn-cups" ```cpp= # clone eNB/UE source code from EURECOM gitlab git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g.git # clone MME & HSS source code from EURECOM github git clone https://github.com/OPENAIRINTERFACE/openair-cn.git # clone SPGW source code from EURECOM github git clone https://github.com/OPENAIRINTERFACE/openair-cn-cups.git ``` #### (2). Specify FQDN for EPC (no need because we will build LTEbox) In this example, the hostname is **"nano"**. ```cpp= # confirm the hostname nano@nano:$ cat /etc/hostname nano ``` ```cpp= nano@nano:$ cat /etc/hosts localhost nano.openair4G.eur nano hss.openair4G.eur hss nano@nano:$ hostname nano nano@nano:$ hostname -f nano.openair4G.eur ``` #### (3). Run Automated Build Script (openairinterface5g) ```cpp= cd ~/openairinterface5g git checkout develop-nr source oaienv cd cmake_targets ./build_oai -I --gNB -x --install-system-files -w USRP ``` - -I: installs required packages. - --gNB: installs gNB, i.e., nr-softmodem. - -x: adds a software oscilloscope feature to the produced binaries. - --install-system-files: installs OAI required files in Linux system. - -w: adds the hardware support, which is USRP in our case. #### (4). Run Automated script for openair-cn ```cpp= cd openair-cn git checkout develop git pull cd SCRIPTS ./build_mme -i #(Need to run only once to install missing packages) ./build_hss -i #(Need to run only once to install missing packages) ./build_spgw -i #(Need to run only once to install missing packages) ``` #### (5). Run Automated script for openair-cn-cups ```cpp= cd openair-cn-cups git checkout develop git pull cd SCRIPTS ./build_spgw -i #(Need to run only once to install missing packages) ``` ### 1.2 Configuration #### (1). gNB and EPC+HSS on Different Hosts (RECOMMENDED SETUP) :::success Assume the IP addresses of eNB and EPC+HSS are **** and **** respectively. We also assume that the interface with which they are connected together is ethernet **(eth0)**. ::: - Configure eNB machine (update config files) In eNB configuration file (~/openairinterface5g/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf) ```cpp= tracking_area_code = "1"; mobile_country_code = "208"; mobile_network_code = "92"; ////////// MME parameters: mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = ""; ipv6 = "192:168:30::17"; active = "yes"; preference = "ipv4"; } ); NETWORK_INTERFACES : { ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME = "eth0"; ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME = ""; ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U = "eth0"; ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U = ""; ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152 }; ``` #### (2). Configure EPC machine (update config files) Copy the EPC config files in /usr/local/etc/oai ```cpp= sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter sudo cp ~/openair-cn/ETC/mme.conf /usr/local/etc/oai sudo cp ~/openair-cn/ETC/hss.conf /usr/local/etc/oai sudo cp ~/openair-cn/ETC/spgw.conf /usr/local/etc/oai sudo cp ~/openair-cn/ETC/acl.conf /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter sudo cp ~/openair-cn/ETC/mme_fd.conf /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter sudo cp ~/openair-cn/ETC/hss_fd.conf /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter ``` - In MME configuration file (/usr/local/etc/oai/mme.conf) ```cpp= REALM = "openair4G.eur"; S6A : { S6A_CONF = "/usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme_fd.conf"; # YOUR MME freeDiameter config file path HSS_HOSTNAME = "hss"; # THE HSS HOSTNAME }; GUMMEI_LIST = ( {MCC="208" ; MNC="92"; MME_GID="4" ; MME_CODE="1"; } # YOUR GUMMEI CONFIG HERE ); TAI_LIST = ( {MCC="208" ; MNC="92"; TAC = "1"; } # YOUR PLMN CONFIG HERE ); NETWORK_INTERFACES : { # MME binded interface for S1-C or S1-MME communication (S1AP), can be ethernet interface, virtual ethernet interface, we don't advise wireless interfaces MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME = "eth0"; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME = ""; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE # MME binded interface for S11 communication (GTPV2-C) MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11_MME = "lo"; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE MME_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11_MME = ""; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE MME_PORT_FOR_S11_MME = 2123; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE }; S-GW : { # S-GW binded interface for S11 communication (GTPV2-C), if none selected the ITTI message interface is used SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11 = ""; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE }; ``` - In SPGW configuration file (/usr/local/etc/oai/spgw.conf): ```cpp= S-GW : { NETWORK_INTERFACES : { # S-GW binded interface for S11 communication (GTPV2-C), if none selected the ITTI message interface is used SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S11 = "lo"; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S11 = ""; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE # S-GW binded interface for S1-U communication (GTPV1-U) can be ethernet interface, virtual ethernet interface, we don't advise wireless interfaces SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP = "eth0"; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE, USE "lo" if S-GW run on eNB host SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP = ""; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE SGW_IPV4_PORT_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP = 2152; # PREFER NOT CHANGE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # S-GW binded interface for S5 or S8 communication, not implemented, so leave it to none SGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8_UP = "none"; # DO NOT CHANGE (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) SGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8_UP = ""; # DO NOT CHANGE (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) }; ... } P-GW = { NETWORK_INTERFACES : { # P-GW binded interface for S5 or S8 communication, not implemented, so leave it to none PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S5_S8 = "none"; # DO NOT CHANGE (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) PGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S5_S8 = ""; # DO NOT CHANGE (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) # P-GW binded interface for SGI (egress/ingress internet traffic) PGW_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_SGI = "eth0"; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE PGW_MASQUERADE_SGI = "yes"; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE UE_TCP_MSS_CLAMPING = "no"; # STRING, {"yes", "no"}. }; ... # DNS address communicated to UEs DEFAULT_DNS_IPV4_ADDRESS = ""; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE DEFAULT_DNS_SEC_IPV4_ADDRESS = ""; # YOUR NETWORK CONFIG HERE ... } ``` - In HSS freediameter configuration file (/usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/hss_fd.conf): ```cpp= Identity = "hss.openair4G.eur"; Realm = "openair4G.eur"; ``` - In MME freediameter configuration file (/usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/mme_fd.conf): ```cpp= Identity = "nano.openair4G.eur"; Realm = "openair4G.eur"; ConnectPeer= "hss.openair4G.eur" { ConnectTo = ""; No_SCTP ; No_IPv6; Prefer_TCP; No_TLS; port = 3868; realm = "openair4G.eur";}; ``` - In HSS configuration file (/usr/local/etc/oai/hss.conf): ```cpp= MYSQL_user = "root"; MYSQL_pass = "linux"; #Put here the root password of mysql database that was provided during installation OPERATOR_key = "1006020f0a478bf6b699f15c062e42b3"; # OP key for oai_db.sql, Must match to that of UE Sim card, OP_Key ``` ### 1.3 Running gNB, EPC and HSS #### (1). Install certificates ```cpp= cd ~/openair-cn/SCRIPTS ./check_hss_s6a_certificate /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/ hss.openair4G.eur ./check_mme_s6a_certificate /usr/local/etc/oai/freeDiameter/ nano.openair4G.eur ``` #### (2). Compile & Run HSS ```cpp= cd ~/openair-cn cd SCRIPTS ./build_hss -c ./run_hss -i ~/openair-cn/SRC/OAI_HSS/db/oai_db.sql #Run only once to install database ./run_hss #Run this for all subsequent runs ``` #### (3). Compile & Run MME ```cpp= cd ~/openair-cn/SCRIPTS ./build_mme -c ./run_mme ``` #### (4). Compile & Run SP-GW ```cpp= cd ~/openair-cn cd SCRIPTS ./build_spgw -c ./run_spgw ``` --> **Build fail, so it still some problem.** #### (5). Compile & Run eNB ```cpp= cd ~/openairinterface5g source oaienv ./cmake_targets/build_oai -w USRP -x -c --gNB cd cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build sudo -E ./nr-softmodem -O $OPENAIR_DIR/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf -d sudo -E ./nr-softmodem -h #(to see help options) ``` --- ## 2. UE Configuration and User Registration on HSS Database