# Project Review Checklist - Revised <!-- This is the review checklist reviewers will use to analyse a CHAOSS Badging submission. --> ## > Initial checks - [ ] The source code is available at the given repository URL. - [ ] The Licence for the project is [OSI approved](https://opensource.org/licenses). - [ ] The repository contains a Licence file, contributing guidelines and a README. - [ ] The issue tracker link has been provided. - [ ] The link for documentation has been provided. - [ ] The applicant has major contributions in the submitted project. ## > Metric based checks ### >> Communication Channels - [ ] **Openness** - The communication channel available to join for new contributors. - [ ] **Inclusive language** - The language used within the channel is clear and easy to grasp. ### >> Documentation - [ ] **Screen reader accessibility** - The documentation is screen reader accessible. - [ ] **Searchability** - The documentation is searchable. <!-- A good example: While looking for a particular topic, it is easy to track that using external search engines or using internal navigation of the project documentation--> - [ ] **Structure** - The document structure was easy to follow. - [ ] **Maintainance** - The documentation is actively maintained. - [ ] **Inclusive language** - The documentation avoids non-inclusive language. ### >> Issue Label Inclusivity - [ ] **Openness** - The issue tracker is readable without login. - [ ] **Newcomer friendly** - The issues have been labeled according to contribution level required. For example, there are labels like 'good first issues' and 'newcomer-friendly'. - [ ] **Issue list diversity** - The issues are labeled according to the kind of contribution they would require. ### >> Response Times & Quality - [ ] **Random Sampling** - The project has a good (human) response time. <!--One method to check this - random sampling--> #### >> Mentorship - [ ] The project actively seeks to mentor and guide new contributors. - [ ] The project has a clear CONTRIBUTING file which links to relevant resources.