# AUNZ Carpentries Community Call ## Welcome Session (August 2024) Welcome Sessions are a recent addition, offering tailored Community Discussions exclusively crafted for newcomers in our community. These sessions are designed to help onboard new members to The Carpentries, with an opportunity for new instructors to network with others in the community. Read more about Welcome Sessions here. :::info - **Date:** Tuesday 13 August, 2024 - **Time:** 1pm NZST, 11am AEST, 9am AWST, 1am UTC [(See in your time zone)](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Welcome+Session%3A+AU+NZ+Carpentries+Community+Call+%28August+2024%29&iso=20240813T13&p1=22&ah=1) - **Hosts:** Nisha Ghatak (NeSI) & Liz Stokes (ARDC) - [**Zoom Link**](https://carpentries.zoom.us/my/carpentriesroom2) & passcode: 202020 ::: ## Sign Up #### Use the edit button :pencil: (menu bar top left) to edit this page. You can sign in with your github account. Please sign up to attend this community discussion below. Sharing an upcoming or past workshop? Please add the link to your workshop website along with your name. Attending as part of the instructor checkout requirement? Please add your e-mail address and the word 'checkout' along with your name. Participants (add your name and email) 1. (placeholder) 12. (placeholder) 13. (placeholder) 14. (placeholder) 15. (placeholder) 16. (placeholder) 17. (placeholder) 18. (placeholder) 19. (placeholder) 20. (placeholder) ## Agenda ## 1. Welcome, [Code of Conduct](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/index_coc.html), Checkout flags, and introductions, (15 minutes) 2. Guest presenters (20 mins) 3. Breakout rooms (15 mins) 4. Wrap up (10 mins) ## Notes #### Volunteer notetaker: ## Q&A ## Resources * [Communications Resource](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/communications/index.html) * [Link to host questionnaire to be completed at the end of call](https://forms.gle/N74pFuGkRLawpCHh7) * [Link to attendee questionnaire to be completed at the end of the discussion](https://goo.gl/forms/aNZhcVnq4iPAz4GE3) ## Announcements * Next AUNZ Community Call- Tuesday, 10 September; 1pm Auckland, 9am Perth, 11am Sydney, 1am UTC [See in your timezone](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AU+NZ+Carpentries+Community+Call&iso=20240910T13&p1=22&ah=1) Sign Up Here * [Upcoming Carpentries Workshops](https://carpentries.org/upcoming_workshops/)