tags: sysprog2017
# 2017q3 Homework2 (prefix-search)
contributed by <`Yuessiah`, `HexRabbit`[^1]>
###### 本文件多處地方採用超連結來補完報告,建議點開來看
## 開發環境
eeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeeee OS: elementary os elementary OS 0.3.2 freya
eeee eeeee eee eeee Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.4.0-93-generic
eeee eeee eee eeee Shell: bash 4.3.11
eee eee eee eee Virtualization: VT-x
eee eee eee eee CPU: Intel Core i7-7700 CPU @ 4.2GHz
ee eee eeee eeee CPU(s): 8
ee eee eeeee eeeeee
ee eee eeeee eeeee ee RAM: 1691MiB / 15934MiB
eee eeee eeeeee eeeee eee L1d cache: 32K
eee eeeeeeeeee eeeeee eee L1i cache: 32K
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeee L2 cache: 256K
eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee eeee L3 cache: 8192K
eeeee eeeee
eeeeeee eeeeeee BogoMIPS: 7200.65
# Ternary Search Tree
## 簡介
在一堆字串的集合當中要搜尋一個特定字串,我們能用 [hash table](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_table) 實現,但 hash table 隨著資料(字串)量的增加,要調整 hash table 的 size 才能保持 hash table 應有的效能;那麼改用 [Binary Search Tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree) (BST),雖然效能穩定下來,但相較 hash table 還是慢太多了;如果用 [Trie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie),雖然查詢非常快,但是需要的儲存空間太大。
而 [Ternary Search Tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_search_tree) (TST) 結合了 Trie 和 BST 兩者的優點,不但查詢快,且儲存空間用得少。
### 資料結構
> 用給定的 coding style 來縮排下述程式碼。不要忘了,為了「打群架」,我們需要建立紀律和對細節的高度掌握。
> [name="jserv"][color=red]
>> 好哦,我馬上修正!
>> [name="Yuessiah"][color=blue]
struct Node {
char data;
unsigned isEndOfString: 1;
struct Node *left, *eq, *right;
### 插入
void insert(struct Node** root, char *word)
if (!(*root)) *root = newNode(*word);
if ((*word) < (*root)->data) insert(&( (*root)->left ), word);
else if ((*word) > (*root)->data) insert(&( (*root)->right ), word);
else {
if (*(word+1)) insert(&( (*root)->eq ), word+1);
else (*root)->isEndOfString = 1;
### 查詢
int search(struct Node *root, char *word)
if (!root) return 0;
if (*word < (root)->data) return search(root->left, word);
else if (*word > (root)->data) return search(root->right, word);
else {
if (*(word+1) == '\0') return root->isEndOfString;
return search(root->eq, word+1);
## [prefix-search](https://github.com/sysprog21/prefix-search) 研究與觀察
### 輸入測試操作指令:
### 走訪
```from = l``` , 表示從上個節點的 ```lokid``` 來的
```from = e``` , 表示從上個節點的 ```eqkid``` 來的
```from = h``` , 表示從上個節點的 ```hikid``` 來的
```prev_key``` 為父節點的 ```key``` 值
若無 ```key``` 值或 ```str``` 值,此節點為 ```NULL```
depth = 0, from = Ø, prev_key = Ø, key = d
depth = 1, from = l, prev_key = d, key = a
depth = 2, from = l, prev_key = a
depth = 2, from = e, prev_key = a, key = i
depth = 3, from = l, prev_key = i
depth = 3, from = e, prev_key = i, str = ai
depth = 4, from = l, prev_key = 0
depth = 4, from = h, prev_key = 0
depth = 3, from = h, prev_key = i
depth = 2, from = h, prev_key = a
depth = 1, from = e, prev_key = d, str = d
depth = 2, from = l, prev_key = 0
depth = 2, from = h, prev_key = 0, key = e
depth = 3, from = l, prev_key = e
depth = 3, from = e, prev_key = e, str = de
depth = 4, from = l, prev_key = 0
depth = 4, from = h, prev_key = 0, key = l
depth = 5, from = l, prev_key = l
depth = 5, from = e, prev_key = l, str = del
depth = 6, from = l, prev_key = 0
depth = 6, from = h, prev_key = 0
depth = 5, from = h, prev_key = l
depth = 3, from = h, prev_key = e
depth = 1, from = h, prev_key = d, key = h
depth = 2, from = l, prev_key = h
depth = 2, from = e, prev_key = h, str = h
depth = 3, from = l, prev_key = 0
depth = 3, from = h, prev_key = 0
depth = 2, from = h, prev_key = h
### 結構圖
> HackMD 支援 GraphViz,請重新用對應語法改製下圖
> [name="jserv"][color=red]
圓圈上是 ```key``` 值
## [REF 版本](https://github.com/Yuessiah/prefix-search/commit/71b5e340f2d5b12d7a98544459a61335bf09ab89)實作
用一塊很大的記憶體空間維護 add 後的字串,避開使用 strdup (i.d. copy) 產生零碎非連續的記憶體空間存放字串。
1. 記憶體空間並非「大」就是好
2. 測試其他 memory pool
:notes: jserv
> 感謝建議,有餘力會補上。
> [name="Yuessiah"][color=blue]
int ord, reflen;
char *refer[ORDMAX];
char *pool_request(char *s)
if(reflen + strlen(s) + 1 >= REFMAX) {
refer[++ord] = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*REFMAX);
reflen = 0;
char *fp = strcpy(refer[ord] + reflen, s);
reflen += strlen(s) + 1;
return fp;
## 效能測試
### 隨機產出輸入測試資料
寫個可以隨機生成測試資料的小程式 [generate_input.py](https://github.com/Yuessiah/prefix-search/blob/master/generate_input.py)
輸入 num 會分別產生兩個測試輸入檔案 (```case 'f', 's', 'd'``` 分別操作 num 次)
一個是一定找得到的字串集 ```match_input.txt```
另一個保證找不到的字串集 ```bad_input.txt```
### perf stat for test_cpy
輸入 num 為 10000
$ perf stat -e cache-misses,cache-references,instructions,cycles,branches,branch-misses,instructions ./test_cpy < match_input.txt
Performance counter stats for './test_cpy':
802,400,118 cache-misses # 85.252 % of all cache refs (71.37%)
941,205,107 cache-references (71.45%)
24,044,167,994 instructions # 1.22 insns per cycle (71.46%)
19,664,808,946 cycles (71.46%)
3,873,694,250 branches (71.46%)
50,142,052 branch-misses # 1.29% of all branches (71.45%)
24,009,233,921 instructions # 1.22 insns per cycle (71.37%)
4.765697782 seconds time elapsed
$ perf stat -e cache-misses,cache-references,instructions,cycles,branches,branch-misses,instructions ./test_cpy < bad_input.txt
Performance counter stats for './test_cpy':
7,694,804 cache-misses # 65.799 % of all cache refs (70.78%)
11,694,377 cache-references (70.74%)
944,629,368 instructions # 1.68 insns per cycle (70.73%)
563,366,677 cycles (70.73%)
190,461,459 branches (73.41%)
1,864,072 branch-misses # 0.98% of all branches (73.82%)
972,387,637 instructions # 1.73 insns per cycle (71.17%)
0.136838377 seconds time elapsed
### perf stat for test_ref
輸入 num 為 10000
$ perf stat -e cache-misses,cache-references,instructions,cycles,branches,branch-misses,instructions ./test_ref < match_input.txt
Performance counter stats for './test_ref':
819,170,625 cache-misses # 83.692 % of all cache refs (71.44%)
978,793,649 cache-references (71.45%)
23,978,277,446 instructions # 1.09 insns per cycle (71.45%)
21,969,185,090 cycles (71.45%)
3,869,006,562 branches (71.45%)
50,637,809 branch-misses # 1.31% of all branches (71.39%)
24,013,397,881 instructions # 1.09 insns per cycle (71.39%)
5.295836590 seconds time elapsed
$ perf stat -e cache-misses,cache-references,instructions,cycles,branches,branch-misses,instructions ./test_ref < bad_input.txt
Performance counter stats for './test_ref':
7,570,185 cache-misses # 64.458 % of all cache refs (70.43%)
11,744,444 cache-references (70.46%)
901,386,228 instructions # 1.61 insns per cycle (70.43%)
558,437,763 cycles (70.42%)
179,952,823 branches (72.74%)
1,762,884 branch-misses # 0.98% of all branches (75.71%)
934,098,197 instructions # 1.67 insns per cycle (73.32%)
0.135439831 seconds time elapsed
REF 版本的執行時間與 CPY 版本差不多。
1. 不要隨便說「差不多」,及早脫離文組^TM^,不要憑感覺做事
2. 需要用電腦科學的背景來解釋
:notes: jserv
> 感謝老師提醒,有空會去做解釋
> [name="Yuessiah"][color=blue]
## 加入 bench 執行參數
test_cpy \
bench: $(TESTS)
-rm -f output.txt
echo 10000 | ./generate_input.py
for method in $(TESTS); \
do \
echo "match-input:" >> output.txt; \
./$$method < match_input.txt > /dev/null; \
echo "bad-input:" >> output.txt; \
./$$method < bad_input.txt > /dev/null; \
在 REF 及 CPY 版本程式中,將 ```case 'a', 'f', 's', 'd'```的每次執行時間分別加總起來,並新增一項[指令](https://github.com/Yuessiah/prefix-search/blob/master/test_cpy.c#L155),輸出如下 (使用自己寫的 [script](https://github.com/Yuessiah/prefix-search/blob/master/generate_input.py), num = 10000)
add, total time 0.089029 sec.
find, total time 0.005313 sec.
search, total time 4.882656 sec.
delete, total time 0.008483 sec.
add, total time 0.085424 sec.
find, total time 0.000572 sec.
search, total time 0.002984 sec.
delete, total time 0.001085 sec.
add, total time 0.083307 sec.
find, total time 0.005261 sec.
search, total time 5.422224 sec.
delete, total time 0.008679 sec.
add, total time 0.083800 sec.
find, total time 0.000609 sec.
search, total time 0.003103 sec.
delete, total time 0.001162 sec.
## CPY 版本的加速
>strdup 的代價要考慮,對 cache locality 有衝擊。不能只比較 prefix search 時間,建立 TST 的時間和空間開銷也該考慮。---jserv [^2]
考量到 [strdup](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strdup.3.html) 的成本,我們希望減少 strdup 的使用,目前可以想到兩種作法
1. [lazy evaluation](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/惰性求值)
2. 在做 prefix search (```case: 's'```)時,只對葉子節點使用 strdup
### 1. lazy evaluation
在 add (```case 'a'```) 字串時,不要馬上就使用 strdup,而是在"需要"的時候才用,換句話說在做 prefix search 才使用 strdup
### 2. 葉子節點 strdup()
只有 lazy evaluation 還不夠,我們可以只在葉子節點存整個字串,而此字串的 prefix 是不是 add 過的字串,只要判定是否 `refcnt > 0` 就行
### pros and cons
雖然總體時間大幅下降,但只看 prefix search,他的操作執行時間變大了。有些情況人們只希望搜索的快一點,而非載入資料。
## 作業遇到的問題
- >Why did you specify -std twice? gnu99 overrides c99 in gcc's manner. ---jserv [^3]
- 不同的作業環境所能容許的輸入規模不同 (e.g. 別人電腦可能輸入 30000 次操作會 segmentation fault, 我的不會) [^4][^5]
- 連續 delete 兩次從未 add 進 TST 中的相同字串,會出現非預期的回應 [^6]
## TST 實際應用
- [auto-completion](http://igoro.com/archive/efficient-auto-complete-with-a-ternary-search-tree/)
- spell-checking
## Reference
[geeksforgeeks.org/ ternary search tree](http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ternary-search-tree)
[Hackmd/ ```HMKRL``` 同學的共筆](https://hackmd.io/s/BkdddNs3-)
[^1]: 本共筆是與`HexRabbit`[共同研究](https://hackmd.io/MwBgLArATAnAjAUwLTDgYwOxLAEzjJAQwmCiQwykwgA4IYwqg===?view)得以撰寫而成
[^2]: [Hackmd/ `st9007a` 同學的共筆/ 修正-test-refc](https://hackmd.io/s/SkeKQEq3Z#修正-test-refc)
[^3]: Github/ comment [`9095633`](https://github.com/Yuessiah/prefix-search/commit/909563351240dadcd50125c7bd9159d5ca30b216#comments) by `jserv`
[^4]: Github/ commit [`528a510`](https://github.com/HexRabbit/prefix-search/commit/528a510e144a8e6dd9d2a1cdb2da6614a1a1abaa) by `HexRabbit`
[^5]: [Hackmd/ `HexRabbit` 同學的共筆/ 研究紀錄](https://hackmd.io/s/S1bax6MR2b#研究紀錄)
[^6]: Github/ commit [`1cb6adc`](https://github.com/Yuessiah/prefix-search/commit/1cb6adc843f92c9eea21413f732b3acffbffd9c6) by `Yuessiah`