## FY24 OSCAL tasks and responsibilities The following table aims to aggregate tasks and responsibilities the team is taking over from AJ as of Nov 1st 2023. To have a more adequate picture, I recommend we include current tasks and resposnibilities as well. I will need help from the team to keep the table current and accurate. NOTE: The table does not address any core Metaschema support/work since AJ is not leaving that project and it is not part of OSCAL. The concern here is OSCAL. Current OSCAL work will continue and will include, among others: * releases * models maintenance, but fixes and new development * testing and unit tests development * posting and documenting * making examples and write tutorial * research and develop prototypes for new fearures and new models (DEFINE activities) PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD TASKS OR PROPOSE DIFFERENT RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. Task or responsibility | Notes | Resposnible member -- | -- | -- ITL-oscal-admin | Admins for the OSCAL-related websites. There will be a fair division of sites | Chris and Nikita. Michaela - backup OSCAL releases | when a release is prepared one team member needs to generate the artifacts and push the release | All team members. The process is docuemnted. Nikita performed it and could guide when needed. sprint retros | organizing and inviting from the OSCAL PROGRAM calendar | Nikita sprint planning | organizing and inviting from the OSCAL PROGRAM calendar | Nikita, Arminta & Michaela OSCAL Triage meetings | organizing and inviting from the OSCAL PROGRAM calendar | Arminta working with Michaela and one rotating team member OSCAL DEFINE meetings | organizing and inviting from the oscalevt@nist.gov IF we get it to work well or OSCAL PROGRAM calendar | Chris and Michaela OSCAL mini workshops | organizing and inviting from the oscalevt@nist.gov IF we get it to work well or OSCAL PROGRAM calendar. It requiers communicating with the presenters and ensuring all approvals are done | Michaela and Arminta OSCAL MEM meetings OR office hours | organizing and inviting from the oscalevt@nist.gov IF we get it to work well or OSCAL PROGRAM calendar | ~~Wendell and~~ Nikita (Wendell help) OSCAL 101 meetings | potentially - a new format can be developed. organizing and inviting from the oscalevt@nist.gov IF we get it to work well or OSCAL PROGRAM calendar | Michaela, ~~Wendell~~\* and Dmitry publicizing all meetings on csrc | access to csrc might be requiered if it does not exist already | Michaela, Arminta, Ned (has account can help) ensuring oscal@nist.gov enquieries are addressed | need to update the list of people receiving those emails | TBD OSCAL guidance to CPRT team | NIST CPRT data (800-53 v6 and after) will be converted through a tool developed by the Nicole Keller, Selena | Michaela, TBD \*Wendell can help in many ways just not those listed here. Willing and happy to provide tools dev support (esp Metaschema and Metaschema-based) as well as general XML support.