# Jupyter Notebook + Singularity + GPU support on the HPC System (Ginsburg case) If the resources available at Pangeo Cloud are not enough or you wish to use the GPUs on your HPC system, you can still benefit from the prebuild images from Pangeo. Singularity brings containers into traditional HPC use cases and centers. (FYI: It has been moved into the Linux Foundation and renamed Apptainer). Let's download and use [one of the images created by Pangeo](https://github.com/pangeo-data/pangeo-docker-images). They are all hosted on [Dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/u/pangeo) ## Downloading the image After ssh-ing into Ginsburg (`ssh <UNI>@ginsburg.rcs.columbia.edu`), load Singularity: ``` module load singularity ``` Pull the desired image (for example the ml-notebook which uses TensorFlow and GPUs) under our name of choice (in our case `tensorflow.sif`): ``` singularity pull tensorflow.sif docker://pangeo/ml-notebook ``` **Note I:** Depending on the size of the image, this could take some time and some warnings to appear. It may be a good idea to do some other work in the meantime. **Note II:** If we were to choose a different image, just change what follows after `docker://` for the name of the image appearing on [Dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/u/pangeo). After being patient, the file `tensorflow.sif` should be available in the home folder. ## Running the Batch Job To request resources and have a Jupyter Notebook running on a computing node it is necessary to have a batch script under, for example, the name `batch_tflw_v100s.sh`. To create it run `vi batch_tflw_v100s.sh` and paste the below command text. [<span style="color:red">**Important:**</span> Change `<UNI>` for your actual UNI on 3 different cases] ``` #!/bin/sh # #SBATCH --account=abernathey # The account name for the job. #SBATCH --job-name=jupyter # The job name. #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # Request 1 gpu (Up to 2 gpus per GPU node) #SBATCH --partition=ocp_gpu #SBATCH --constraint=v100s #SBATCH -c 32 # The number of cpu cores to use. #SBATCH --time=0-04:00 # The time the job will take to run in D-HH:MM #SBATCH --output=/burg/home/<UNI>/jupyter.log # Important to retrieve the port where the notebook is running, if not included a slurm file with the job-id will be outputted. module load singularity cat /etc/hosts singularity exec --nv --cleanenv --bind /burg/home/<UNI>:/run/user tensorflow.sif jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/burg/home/<UNI> --no-browser --ip= ``` To exit the Vi editor, make sure to be in command mode by pressing `ESC`and then `:wq` to write and quit. In this case, V100s GPUs are allocated if available. The [Ginsburg official guide](https://confluence.columbia.edu/confluence/display/rcs/Ginsburg+-+Job+Examples#GinsburgJobExamples-GPU(CUDAC/C++)) describes how to manage resource requests. To enter the queue, run: ``` sbatch batch_tflw_v100s.sh ``` Once the job is running, the `jupyter.log` file should show which node you are using and in which port it is referenced. To obtain this, run: ``` cat jupyter.log ``` A line like `[I 15:14:51.868 NotebookApp] http://g051:8888/` should appear. In this case, `g051` is the node name and `8888` is the port. ## Running the Jupyter Notebook ### Forwarding the Port In your local computer's terminal, forward the port by running, ``` ssh -N -L lochalhost:8080:g051:8888 UNI@ginsburg.rcs.columbia.edu ``` This forwards your port `8888` at Ginsburg to your port `8080` on your machine. <span style="color:red">**Important**</span> Remember to change the node name and port, as well as your UNI. Then, in a web browser you should be able to access the Jupyter Notebook by writing: ![](https://i.imgur.com/ezXUVEv.png) #### Sanity Checks: - The requested GPU should support your TensorFlow notebook: ![](https://i.imgur.com/g9tzOiQ.png) - The python kernel should be the `Python 3 (ipykernel)` ![](https://i.imgur.com/CwTHtZk.png) - Which points to the following path: ![](https://i.imgur.com/Lz3N88g.png) ### Connecting to remote host (VSCode) If you use Ginsburg on remote with VSCode, it is possible to connect to the allocated node directly without forwarding the port. Make sure Remote-SSH, Python and Jupyter extensions are installed on VSCode. 1. Connect to Ginsburg. ![](https://i.imgur.com/AOg42HP.png) 2. Open a Jupyter Notebook. 3. Select the kernel on the top right under the gear wheel and then `Connect to a Jupyter Server`. ![](https://i.imgur.com/TsgtmZY.png) 4. Introduce the URL (`http://g051:8888/`) and select the `Python 3 (ipykernel)` ![](https://i.imgur.com/DESVpce.png) 5. Check for GPUs ![](https://i.imgur.com/XJp5IZd.png)