----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Monday, September 1x 2021** Spotlight: ### πŸ“‘ Comms * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌐 Communitas * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ•Š Gravity * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ› Legal * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ’« 0mega * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ€– Params * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌾 Stewards * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Sunday, Sept 5, 2021** **πŸ—³οΈ Governing the DAO:** There are current discussions - and one call for ideation - happening on some decision that the DAO will vote on before the Commons upgrade. We bring these to your attention to be aware of and help shape these key impending votes: * [Reward system moving forward ](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/reward-system-moving-forward/570/6) * [75% Governance giveback](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/75-governance-giveback/569/7) * [Accommodating requests for address change](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/one-time-change-of-tech-addresses-as-requested-by-owner-because-access-was-lost-or-another-reason/571/12) * [Should we do an initial buy into the bonding curve? ](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/should-we-do-the-initial-buy-into-the-bonding-curve/574/8) **πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Spotlight:** For our Community Call Spotlight this week, the Comms WG Steward, Chuy, presented the Comms WG proposal for the [CommsDAO](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NEL4iyTe28C71RwNiGwBmQ_8NI27eLvU1IO2_7JeDQI/edit) a price of forgery proof of personhood. Did you miss it? No problem! [Watch it now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G77UmujbYPY&ab_channel=TokenEngineeringCommons). ### πŸ“‘ Comms * [Comms DAO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1foG4IaB-cczo35p5ndObnLp1FSoGRuE_2ULS-1iyMnk/edit) as a public good for Token Engineering * New medium post: [What comes next](https://medium.com/token-engineering-commons/tec-hatch-whats-next-9b282fce1827) after the Hatch * Launched the [Params September](https://twitter.com/hashtag/TECparams?src=hashtag_click) campaign ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * A [plug-and-play bonding curve,](https://forum.1hive.org/t/commons-swarm-outcomes-1-3-a-plug-and-play-bonding-curve/4298) how to plug into any Aragon or Gardens DAO. * Alpha release of [EVMcrispr,](https://commonsswarm.github.io/EVMcrispr/) a tool that allows DAO parameter changes. * **Forum Highlight**: [Commons Swarm update](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-swarm-how-are-we-doing/327/16) ### πŸ•Š Gravity * Upcoming Graviton training: * A 10 sessions course where you will learn to prevent and manage conflicts in DAOs. * From Sept 21 to Nov 23 - [Register here.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PhvCZJFkk_j63Q8Aszay2DAn2qg39x6zJDSLlj924TY/edit#gid=679275498) * Collect 6 or more POAPs to become a Graviton. * The TEC Lounge: We are hosting an informal hang-out on Fridays to talk about whatever comes up and to nuture community and stimulate new ideas. ### πŸ”¬ Labs * Collaborating with [Curvelabs](https://www.curvelabs.eu/) on a final spec and model for the Proposal Inverter. Read about [DAO2DAO Collaboration Mecahnisms](https://medium.com/primedao/exploring-dao2dao-collaboration-mechanisms-c37218a17a21) to know more. * Collaborating with the [Governauts](https://twitter.com/GovernanceDAO) on Rewards research. * CadCAD study groups led by Heater on Tues at 8am PST / 5pm CEST on the TEC Discord. * [TokenSPICE](https://github.com/tokenspice/tokenspice) dev workshops every Mon 8am PST / 5pm CEST: seminar on software engineering and data analysis on the [Token Engineering Discord](https://discord.gg/4Zs9D5PEFS) #te-tokenspice channel. * TokenSPICE - A next generation token simulation framework developed at Oceanprotocol. * **Forum Highlights**: * [TEC Labs Fall Semester](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-labs-fall-semester/577) - researching the rewards system discussed on [this proposal](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/reward-system-moving-forward/570). ### πŸ› Legal * Discussions about TEC treasury, sub-DAOs can diversify their treasury. ### πŸ’« 0mega * On vacation! ### πŸ€– Params * The Params team is rocking! * Last week, Fabio shared a demo of the [Commons Upgrade dashboard](https://commons-dashboard.netlify.app/) in our Community Sync. [Watch that demo here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u09Yq9zDNT8&t=2234s). Want to help make this dashboard better? Drop your feedback in the Discord Params channel or create an issue in [Github](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/commons-config-frontend/issues). * Commons Configuration Dashboard * [Design Validation](https://www.figma.com/proto/b6kx4mkaHxzq4TPzaI1eRY/TEC-Dapps?page-id=3370%3A14921&node-id=3413%3A15145&viewport=-1613%2C-87%2C0.1384066492319107&scaling=min-zoom) * [Python Backend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app) * [Frontend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app) * **Forum Highlight**: [Param Documentation](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/defi-legos-and-how-they-work-together/ccd-params/26) ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * LΓ­via was on vacation! Guest host this week: Suga with JuanK’s support. * [One time change of TECH addresses](https://snapshot.org/#/tecommons.eth/proposal/QmRXDFfSQoUzahxjuVGKspXD8NbwoR38CvUSU135vkNZEr) is on Snapshot for Community signal vote. If the signal is strongly in favor, it will be proposed on the Hatch DAO for official vote. ### 🌾 Stewards * Want to know what we are working on these next two weeks? We just planned it in [Sprint 17](https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/tec-coordination-workspace-5fad0d3fbbe4da0011c2f40d/board?sprints=Z2lkOi8vcmFwdG9yL1NwcmludC84MDQ0NA&filterLogic=any&repos=306706322) (Sept 3 - 16)! * Help needed: Devops for TEC swag shop (running Origin Protocol's dshop). ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * Test driving [Snapshot](https://snapshot.org/#/tecommons.eth/proposal/QmRXDFfSQoUzahxjuVGKspXD8NbwoR38CvUSU135vkNZEr) for Community signaling. πŸ“š Thanks for reading the update this week! Be sure to check out the [calendar](https//calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin) to join us on a call! ☎️ ----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Saturday, August 28, 2021** **πŸŽ’ September semester!** At the TEC, we consider offering and suporting education one of our core cultural practices. Classes are soon starting! This September, come to [the TEC Lab](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-labs-fall-semester/577) if you are interested in better understanding Proposal Invertors, Market Models and/or NFT Economies. And if you are keen to learn and promote conflict resolution techniques in your life or your community, come to Gravity for the [next round of Graviton training](https://medium.com/token-engineering-commons/graviton-training-season-2-8f9817cf404d). **πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Spotlight:** For our Community Call Spotlight this week, we had Petr present his project [Upala,](https://twitter.com/theupala) a price of forgery proof of personhood. Did you miss it? No problem! [Watch it now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u09Yq9zDNT8&t=2772s). **🐣 Reminder for Hatchers:** claim your POAP [here](https://poap.delivery/tec-hash-participation ) and your exclusive Hatch t-shirt from the [TEC Swag shop](https://swag.tecommons.org/)! If you participated in the Hatch, you were airdropped one SWAGTEC to cover the cost of the t-shirt and shipping. ### πŸ“‘ Comms * Continuing discussions of our Working Group's funding model in the form of a [Comms DAO.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1foG4IaB-cczo35p5ndObnLp1FSoGRuE_2ULS-1iyMnk/edit) * Read our [bi-weekly blog post](https://medium.com/token-engineering-commons/the-hatch-was-successful-2443cd07cbb0) on Medium. * We've Hatched. Here's [what comes next](https://medium.com/token-engineering-commons/tec-hatch-whats-next-9b282fce1827). * Campaigns in the works: * Commons upgrade parameters * Graviton training ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * We are doing a review of the Hatch to document where improvements can be made. * You can help user testing in Gardens - jump into the [1hive Discord](https://discord.com/invite/P4rRDUKTAU) and go to the #gardens channel to try it out! Test out conviction voting and other features. ### πŸ•Š Gravity * What are Gravitons? * Easy access points for folks in the community to reach out to if they need support to manage conflict. * Upcoming Graviton training: * 10 sessions to practice skills to prevent and manage conflict in DAO's from Sept 21 to Nov 23 - [Register here.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PhvCZJFkk_j63Q8Aszay2DAn2qg39x6zJDSLlj924TY/edit#gid=679275498) * Collect 6 or more POAPs to become a Graviton. * Creation of the TEC Lounge: informal call on Fridays before meme parties to talk about non-TEC-related topics and to stimulate and nurture new ideas. ### πŸ”¬ Labs * Collaborating with [Curvelabs](https://www.curvelabs.eu/) on a final spec and model for the Propoosal Inverter. This is a good, long read about [DAO2DAO Collaboration Mecahnisms](https://medium.com/primedao/exploring-dao2dao-collaboration-mechanisms-c37218a17a21) if you're curious to know more. * Collaborating with the [Governauts](https://twitter.com/GovernanceDAO) on Rewards research. * CadCAD study groups led by Heater on Tues at 8am PST / 5pm CEST on the TEC Discord. * We have [TokenSPICE](https://github.com/tokenspice/tokenspice) dev workshops every Mon 8am PST / 5pm CEST. What is TokenSPICE? A next generation token simulation framework developed at Oceanprotocol. Trent McConaghy jumps in to share his wisdom during our call. It's software engineering and data analysis, and a seminar style - so hop in and watch on the [Token Engineering Discord](https://discord.gg/4Zs9D5PEFS) #te-tokenspice channel! * **Forum Highlights**: * [TEC Labs Fall Semester](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-labs-fall-semester/577) announced. * This is the proposal for the [Rewards System](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/reward-system-moving-forward/570) we will be researching. ### πŸ› Legal * The [Covenant](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-community-covenant/572/2) is now on the forum. It's the heart of the TEC; have a read! * Legal discussions about TEC treasury and sub-DAOs treasury diversification. Our community member, Shawn, shared his thoughts in [this post](https://medium.com/@westrick/managing-dao-treasuries-190c5b0dffa9). ### πŸ’« 0mega * On vacation! ### πŸ€– Params * Fabio shared a demo of the [Commons Upgrade dashboard](https://commons-dashboard.netlify.app/) in our Community Sync this week. [Watch that demo here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u09Yq9zDNT8&t=2234s). Want to help make this dashboard better? You can open issues about bugs or improvements in [Github](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/commons-config-frontend/issues). * We also have [updated figmas](https://www.figma.com/proto/b6kx4mkaHxzq4TPzaI1eRY/TEC-Dapps?page-id=3370%3A14921&node-id=3413%3A15145&viewport=-1613%2C-87%2C0.1384066492319107&scaling=min-zoom) to share this week. * **Forum Highlight**: All of the Params you need to know about, [right here](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/defi-legos-and-how-they-work-together/ccd-params/26). ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * We invite you to read and comment on 4 important proposals in the forum! These are proposals that would have to be voted on before the Commons upgrade. 1. [Reward system moving forward](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/reward-system-moving-forward/570) 2. [75% Governance giveback](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/75-governance-giveback/569) 3. [Should we do the initial buy into the bonding curve?](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/should-we-do-the-initial-buy-into-the-bonding-curve/574/3) 4. [One time change of TECH addresses](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/one-time-change-of-tech-addresses-as-requested-by-owner-because-access-was-lost-or-another-reason/571/2) ### 🌾 Stewards * Tamara will host a Zenhub onboarding, open to all [next Wed. at 5pm CEST](https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MTA4ZXZxcTM1czdudjE0dHVlMG8wN25xNWEgNW1rZXAxYWQxajg2MGs2ZzdpN2ZyOHBscTBAZw&tmsrc=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0%40group.calendar.google.com). * Help needed: keep the TEC swag freely flowing to the community! We are looking for [devops support for TEC swag shop](https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/tec-coordination-workspace-5fad0d3fbbe4da0011c2f40d/issues/commonsbuild/coordination/868)! ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * Finishing "Discord Roles" [doc in Github]([https:/](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1el7GdOZwqTTTYb3Es-tzR6e9uNb_KRTe1t7MGQ9JTPY/edit#heading=h.q2umsiiks8ap)/) to be forum posted * Code of conduct for platform admins is in review process by Legal and Gravity. πŸ“š Thanks for reading the update this week! Be sure to check out the [calendar](https//calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin) to join us on a call! ☎️ ----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Sunday, August 22, 2021** **🐣 Attention all Hatchers:** don't forget to claim your POAP [here](https://poap.delivery/tec-hash-participation ) and your exclusive Hatch t-shirt from the [TEC Swag shop](https://swag.tecommons.org/)! If you participated in the Hatch, you were airdropped one SWAGTEC which will cover the cost of the t-shirt and shipping. **πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Not to be missed:** For our Community Call Spotlight this week, we had the inimitable Angela Kreitenweis present [Governauts](https://twitter.com/GovernanceDAO), a new Token Engineering branch focued on governance. Did you miss it? No problem! [Watch it here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXEvVQmmWnI&t=2830s) ### πŸ“‘ Comms * Join our content workshops hosted by @acidlazzer while Chuy is on vacation: Mondays @ 9pm CEt and Thursdays @ 4pm CET. * [TEC Comms DAO](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1foG4IaB-cczo35p5ndObnLp1FSoGRuE_2ULS-1iyMnk/edit?usp=sharing) - check out this draft for Comms funding and feel free to add comments! ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * [EVM-Crispr](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/evmscripter): The library is at v1.0. * TEC Gardens is [live on Rinkeby.](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org/#/garden/0xe6313a030b7f8089f9af11c9f823175b524c7d6d) * The ragequit button is now more noticeable on the [Hatch dApp](https://hatch.tecommons.org/). ### πŸ•Š Gravity * **Call to action**: [Register for the upcoming Graviton training](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PhvCZJFkk_j63Q8Aszay2DAn2qg39x6zJDSLlj924TY/edit#gid=679275498) taking place September 21 - November 23. * Gravity would like to ask you to fill our [survey.](https://the-commons-stack.typeform.com/to/reUmcsJ6) This typeform will help us to identify needs related to conflict management in decentralized organizations, aiming to improve processes and inform best practices, for prevention and dispute resolution in their communities. * Do you have or see a conflict in our community? Don't hesistate to [request support from Gravity](https://the-commons-stack.typeform.com/to/rCVsK5RK) for conflict management. ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * The Hatch is done! Hatch Outreach has completed its mission and had a "farewell" party on Wednesday. This will be the last update from this Working Group. But before we go, here is a last reminder: * If you participated in the Hatch, [claim your swag](https://swag.tecommons.org/)! * As a Hatcher, you are also invited to [claim you Hatcher POAP](https://poap.delivery/tec-hash-participation)! ### πŸ”¬ Labs * In partnership with Token Engineering Academy, oceanSPICE and LongTail Financial, **Tokenspice Development Workshops** are on Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm PST / 6am CET. * **Labs Meets**: Fridays 9am PST/6pm CET @ TEC Discord ### πŸ› Legal * Legal WG is working on the [covenant](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1inHqkkQuZzWQQhuq5A6sVwV0a3oQwfuDRv5nctYj8IE/edit#heading=h.um917am6mfff). * Next meeting is Friday, 10AM EST / 4PM CET. ### πŸ’« 0mega * [New Manifesto finished](https://docs.google.com/document/d/17MJ3zuxpRV_pHqos59AwTrB2Kv1JUVGPrdu7Adonx-4/edit?usp=sharing)! * Next WG meeting September 9, 8PM CET. ### πŸ€– Params * Commons Configuration Dashboard * [Design Validation](https://www.figma.com/proto/b6kx4mkaHxzq4TPzaI1eRY/TEC-Dapps?page-id=3370%3A14921&node-id=3413%3A15145&viewport=-1613%2C-87%2C0.1384066492319107&scaling=min-zoom) * [Python Backend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app) * [Frontend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app) * [Param Documentation in Forum](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/defi-legos-and-how-they-work-together/ccd-params/26) ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * Advice Process: [Proposed framework for receiving projects' proposals](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/proposed-framework-for-receiving-projects-proposals/562). * Nate and Mateo particpiated in the [Boardroom](https://twitter.com/boardroom_info) Hackathon. * [Proposals that should happen before the Commons Upgrade](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ageex8VYF0yUE13t1e2eX4JIFdIOyRmHW9wpzPafdzo/edit#). * [Recording of meeting the Governauts call](https://twitter.com/GovernanceDAO/status/1427729579599441930). ### 🌾 Stewards * We just planned a new Sprint for Aug 20 - Sep 2. Have look at the [Sprint Board]( https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/tec-coordination-workspace-5fad0d3fbbe4da0011c2f40d/board?sprints=Z2lkOi8vcmFwdG9yL1NwcmludC82OTIwNA&filterLogic=any&repos=306706322) to see what all the Working Groups will be doing these next two weeks. * This week was the end of one Sprint and the beginning of another! Get caught up with our latest [Sprint Retrospective](https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lYcRTik=/?fromRedirect=1). ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * [Discord roles document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1el7GdOZwqTTTYb3Es-tzR6e9uNb_KRTe1t7MGQ9JTPY/edit#heading=h.q2umsiiks8ap) * [Transparency WG manifesto](https://docs.google.com/document/d/19-YlxdBuivR6qwSTPvlSP6kSLExUDSYT5frp7qaArFI/edit) πŸ“š Thanks for reading the update this week! Be sure to check out the [calendar](https//calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin), and join us on a call! ☎️ ------ ----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update __________________________________________________ 🐣 **Congratulations to all Hatchers. Welcome!** 🐣 The Hatch closed on Saturday Aug. 14th and, together, **we raised over 1.57M**. The **top 10 participants** already received this **[exclusive Hatch NFT](https://nft.tecommons.org/)**, and all participants will receive a special **for Hatchers only NFT**. If you participated in the Hatch, you were airdropped SWAGTEC which you can now use to claim your Hatch t-shirt from the [TEC Swag shop](https://swag.tecommons.org/)! If you're new to the TEC, there is an **orientation call every Wednesday at 6pm CET** just for you! And, as always, all are welcome to join any of the weekly meetings on [our calendar](https//calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin). ## **Sunday, August 15, 2021** ### πŸ“‘ Comms * We made an [aftermovie of the TEC Unconference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTiu6Xd9roU&ab_channel=TokenEngineeringCommons) to share with you. We hope it puts a smile on your face. * @acidlazzer has been hosting the Monday & Thursday Content Workshops while Chuy is on a much deserved break! ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * We did it! The Hatch ended successfully, and we held a TECH minting party to mint TECH tokens for Builders an hour after the close! * The team continues on the Commons Upgrade, which includes the migration of the Hatch DAO into a 1hive Gardens and the replacement of a bonding curve instead of the dynamic issuance policy. * **Forum Highlight**: [Commons Swarm weekly update](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-swarm-how-are-we-doing/327/15) ### πŸ•Š Gravity * Next Gravitron training starts Sept 21st. It is freely offered and you can register by adding your name [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PhvCZJFkk_j63Q8Aszay2DAn2qg39x6zJDSLlj924TY/edit#gid=679275498). * **Forum Highlight**: Take a look at this older post about the [First Gravitron Training](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/first-graviton-training/217). ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * Kudos to the Hatch Outreach Working Group! The dedication of every single person that has participated in outreach efforts is a huge reason for our success! * As the Hatch Outreach Working Group has completed its mission, the group will come to an end. But first.... * Join us on Wednesday, **Aug. 18th at 6pm CET** for the very last Hatch Outreach call and a celebration of a successful Hatch. * TEC Scouts will be doing outreach to communities and projects to proposals. More to come from them soon. ### πŸ”¬ Labs * Curious about the Proposal Inverter Spec? [Read this](https://hackmd.io/34vxVwJsTS-xgfYWSorxgg?both). ### πŸ› Legal * Continuing work on the covenant. ### πŸ’« 0mega * Next meeting will be on Wed., Aug 18th at 8PM CET. ### πŸ€– Params * Params continues to design and build the commons upgrade dashboard and posting parameter [explainers on the forum](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/defi-legos-and-how-they-work-together/ccd-params/26). Have a read and tell us what you think about them. * **Forum Highlight**: [Augmented Bonding Curve - Opening Price & Reserve Ratio](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/augmented-bonding-curve-opening-price-reserve-ratio/516) [Augmented Bonding Curve - Commons Tribute](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/augmented-bonding-curve-commons-tribute/517) [Virtual Supply and Virtual Balance](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/virtual-supply-and-virtual-balance/467) ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * We are revisiting prior decisions in this [TEC Soft Gov Decision Tracker.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/12_PK_G9-gGxPOm-mdl5dlfdh9GSZGuI5gkTLkWlfNcY/edit#gid=0) * The Governauts held the first open co-programming. The next session will be on Sept. 10th, look for it on [their cal](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1/r?cid=Y19nYmU0Y2JwaWhqaHRybGRiamIwOWw2Mzdzb0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t). * **Forum Highlight**: [DAOs: A Good Fit for All](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/daos-a-good-fit-for-all/514) by Anna-Marie ### 🌾 Stewards * Here is what we got on our plate for [Sprint 16 : Aug 6 - 19]([https:/](https://app.zenhub.com/workspaces/tec-coordination-workspace-5fad0d3fbbe4da0011c2f40d/board?sprints=Z2lkOi8vcmFwdG9yL1NwcmludC82MDM1Nw&filterLogic=any&repos=306706322)/). * Our Community Call every Thursday is now being [livestreamed](https://www.youtube.com/c/TokenEngineeringCommons) for anyone who can't join due to the Discord limit. Note in that case, it's also worth asking for help on the #Cant-join-Community-call channel. ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * We've been working on this [Code of Conduct for platforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hnwSQn4vxboxazraX2qPwa25bBBrvk3TpXsSDkXhqCM/edit) and [Requesting Access to TEC Platforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZBEYdJbJWMaVPRSHgaG4g6PXdv91m05KXifgUBH9hNw/edit). πŸ“š Thanks for reading the update this week! Be sure to check out the [calendar](https//calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin) to join us on a call! ☎️ ------ # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Friday, July 16, 2021** # πŸŽ‰ THE TEC HAS HATCHED!! 🍾 This is our most exciting weekly update! We are over the moon to annouce that we hatched just two days ago! [Contribute to the Hatch](https://hatch.tecommons.org/) and be part of our efforts to advance token engineering ethically and collectively. Meanwhile, join us in real time during any of our many calls. Check out [the calendar](https//calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin). ### **REMINDER:** the TEC will be in Paris for [EthCC 4](https://ethcc.io/) July 20-22! Let us know if you’ll be there too, come say hi on our Discord #community-hall channel. We'll stick around afterwards for an "unconference". Check out the updates below for more info. ### πŸ“‘ Comms * [Read Shermin Voshmgir's guest article on the TEC.](https://medium.com/token-kitchen/token-engineering-commons-69398048209a) * Hatch animation video in production. * Expect coverage of the TEC at EthCC Paris! * [Check out our Content Index for the Hatch campaign.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nCY3VTIZmeNeQi5mJ8pf3xaJ1VKj6wS6NqXRPz6tVao/edit?usp=sharing) ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * [EVM-Crispr:](https://github.com/CommonsSwarm/evmscripter) The library is already functional. * [Hatch Rehearsal Recap:](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/hatch-dress-rehearshal-recap/471) Check out the results of the full rehearsal. * Code review: applied some changes to make the code more secure (defensive programming). * **Forum Highlight**: Check out the [Commons Swarm Weekly Update.](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-swarm-how-are-we-doing/327?u=chuygarcia92) ### πŸ•Š Gravity * Directly following the opening of the Hatch during last night's community call, Gravity held a meditation to offer our good intentions to the world. * The session then focused on scheduling and planning the next Graviton training to take place in September. ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * Now that the Hatch is open, Hatch Outreach is focused on contacting all potential Hatcher who expressed a soft commit to the TEC over the last months. * Also in support of the Hatch, Hatch Outreach has produced a [Hatcher Guidebook and Checklist](https://token-engineering-commons.gitbook.io/tec-handbook/hatch-101/hatcher-guidebook). This document, embedded in the TEC Gitbook, explains how to participate as a Hatcher and offers each of the below processes step-by-step, all of which are necessary to participate in the Hatch: * Create a Web 3.0 Wallet * Join the Trusted Seed * Acquire wxDai * Review the Hatch Process * Review the Hatch DAO Parameters * Engaging with the Commons Upgrade ### πŸ”¬ Labs * Sunday Modelling and Analysis w/ Params! * Sundays 11amPST/8pmCET * Commons Config Dashboard * Weekly Sync * Fridays 9amPST/6pmCET @ TEC Discord * IH Analysis Retrospective * Roadmap for Labs * Tokenspice Development * Saturdays / Sundays @ TEA Discord ### πŸ› Legal * Working on the Covenant. * Considering third party services posting terms. ### πŸ’« 0mega * Next meeting will be **21st July 8PM** CET. * Structure TE Ethics topics * Timeline for focus groups * Useful results processing ### πŸ€– Params * New Param documentation in the Forum * [CDD Params](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/defi-legos-and-how-they-work-together/ccd-params/26) explans key parameters to design the economy for the Commons Upgrade. * [Advanced CDD Params](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/defi-legos-and-how-they-work-together/adv-ccd-params/27) explains the parameters in the advanced section of the CCD. * Commons Configuration Dashboard * [Design Validation](https://www.figma.com/proto/b6kx4mkaHxzq4TPzaI1eRY/TEC-Dapps?page-id=3370%3A14921&node-id=3413%3A15145&viewport=-1613%2C-87%2C0.1384066492319107&scaling=min-zoom) * [Python Backend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app) ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * This week's Soft Gov call was concerned with the processes we employ to adopt proposals in the TEC (i.e., voting and advice process), when to use them and how to decide which to use. * **Forum Highlight**: Wrapping up the IH Intervention Analysis, [LΓ­via provides a summary of the process](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pre-hatch-impact-hours-distribution-analysis/376/88?u=liviade). ### 🌾 Stewards * We are now in Sprint 14: July 9 - 22, **β€œThe Hatch Sprint”** after which we will be taking a Sprint break until the beginning of August. * Paris: **10 Stewards** and **10-15 active contributors** will be in Paris the week of July 19. We want to meet you. * Check the cal: some meetings have been cancelled between July 19-30 due to so many of us in Paris or travelling. * Request for advice process on anti-spam improvements to our [Discord onboarding journey](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/new-discord-onboarding-journey/498). Has anyone figured out an advantage against in the spam bot war!? ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * [The Hatch privacy policy terms](https://app.gitbook.com/@token-engineering-commons/s/tec-handbook/hatch-101/privacy-policy) are now available on Gitbook. * Dashlane is ready! * **Forum Highlight**: [Using Dashlane as TEC credentials manager](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/using-dashlane-as-tec-credentials-manager/478) ----- πŸ“š Thanks for reading this week, and [join us in the Hatch](https://hatch.tecommons.org/)! 🐣 πŸ₯‚ ---------- ---------- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Friday, 9 July 2021** Welcoem to our weekly update! Join us in real time during any of our many call. Check out [the calendar](https//calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin). ### **REMINDER:** the TEC will be in Paris for [EthCC 4](https://ethcc.io/) July 20-22! Let us know if you’ll be there too, come say hi on our Discord #community-hall channel. ### πŸ“‘ Comms * Signalled ready for Hatch! (See Stewards below for the signal of each WG.) * Released our [community video!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf1rOMDzw38) All over the world, the Token Engineering Commons is preparing for the Hatch. Get to know some of our Stewards and Subject Matter Experts who compose this community. * TE Scouts held two TEC sessions this week: one at [Gitcoin](https://gov.gitcoin.co/t/you-are-invited-to-come-party-with-the-token-engineering-commons-dao/7784) and the other at Metagame. * **Forum Highlight**: [How to get wxDAI](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/how-to-get-wxdai-a-bridging-story/347) ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * The [dress rehearsal recap](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/hatch-dress-rehearshal-recap/471) summarizes the process of test tokens going through the smart contracts: mintings, impact hours, ragequitting, and the β€œcommons” upgrade. * **Forum Highlight**: [Weekly update](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-swarm-how-are-we-doing/327/14) ### πŸ•Š Gravity * We are working on the next round of Graviton trainings for September! More details soon. ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * A Hatcher Checklist is coming out soon with all the boxes to check to confirm your Hatcher readiness! * The Hatcher Handbook will follow with more details about the steps to get there. ### πŸ”¬ Labs * Labs' Steward Ygg contributed an Impact Hour/Praise intervention proposal to serve as a possible implementation of [Praisemageddon](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/11), one of the two chosen IH intervention proposals from the run-off vote. [The Best Intervention: Composite Augmentation](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/15). * Tokenspice in development! TokenSPICE can be used to help design, tune and verify tokenized ecosystems in an overall token engineering flow. Join us on Saturdays at 8pm PST / 5am+1 CET. ### πŸ› Legal * Working on the Community Covenant, the rules by which we must agree to in order to engage in the community. ### πŸ’« 0mega * Next meeting will be 21st July 8PM CET. * Structure TE Ethics topics * Timeline for focus groups * Useful results processing ### πŸ€– Params * Commons Configuration Dashboard: * [Design Validation](https://www.figma.com/proto/b6kx4mkaHxzq4TPzaI1eRY/TEC-Dapps?page-id=3370%3A14921&node-id=3413%3A15145&viewport=-1613%2C-87%2C0.1384066492319107&scaling=min-zoom) * [Python Backend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app) * [Param Documentation](https://forum.tecommons.org/c/defi-legos-and-how-they-work-together/ccd-params/26) ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * Final votes were cast July 8 for the run-off vote of the Impact Hour/Praise intervention. The vote resulted in two top propopals taking a vast majority of the votes between them. Read Griff's explanation for a solution on the [Pre-Hatch Impact Hours Distribution Analysis](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pre-hatch-impact-hours-distribution-analysis/376/84) (comment 79 of 81). The two proposals are both being chosen and will be integrated and implemented collectively: **#11** [πŸ”₯ PRAISEMAGEDDON πŸ”₯](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/11) **#12** [πŸ‘½ No Abnormal Intervention πŸ‘½ 🚫 75% Governance Rights returned to paid contributors via vote Post-Hatch & Praise Party for TE Rockstars](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/12) * TE Book Club re-started July 4 by **!witwiki** reading Ostrom’s *Governing the Commons* at [The DAO bookclub Discord](https://discord.com/channels/810180621930070088/810180622165213218/861046719956516874). * This week's SoftGov call held a space for discussing decision-making policies. You can read [participants' comments in the agenda](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R8yLfht6GvGHr8VDvyZ-sVP1s54rPLY4MtXPBOqHtO0/edit#heading=h.530p007q2hz6). * **Forum Highlight**: [Pre-Hatch Impact Hours Distribution Analysis](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pre-hatch-impact-hours-distribution-analysis/376) This is the longest on-going forum post in the history of the TEC, with 81 comments over two months and counting! ### 🌾 Stewards * [Transparency of the Impact Hour Intervention voting process](https://hackmd.io/@KNlVuZ6DRninKfubrrwtzg/r1590is3O) * Some community stats: * 11 Working Groups * 16 Stewards * Over 550 participants in the TEC * Working Group checklist as they become "ready for Hatch": ![](https://i.imgur.com/Epf2GzO.png) ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * **Forum highlight**: [Using Dashlane as TEC credentials manager](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/using-dashlane-as-tec-credentials-manager/478) ----- Thanks for reading! πŸ“˜ See you soon! πŸ‘‹πŸΎ ----------- # TEC Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Saturday, July 3, 2021** Hi! Here are a few Working Group updates from the last week. Join us in real time during any of our many call! [Check out the calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin). ### BIG NEWS: TEC will be in Paris for [EthCC 4](https://ethcc.io/) July 20-22! Let us know if you'll be there too, come say hi on our Discord #community-hall channel. ### πŸ“‘ Comms * We are finishing up the Hatcher campaign content. * Stay tuned for our community video next week. * TE Scouts are moving ahead! * **Forum Highlight**: [How to get wxDAI](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/how-to-get-wxdai-a-bridging-story/347) ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * A [47-hour test](https://hatch.tecommons.org) is happening over the weekend. All feedback via the feedback form is very welcome! * Request for comments on [RFC: EVMScripter API Specification](https://hackmd.io/7h0GvC1sRsWWlzgetDSbyQ?view). * [Convert](https://rinkeby.convert.tecommons.org/) working with: * New contract * Entry and exit tributes * Virtual Supply and Virtual Balance * Minimum return amount * **Forum Highlight**: [Pseudo-code and permission tables for the Commons Upgrade ](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pseudo-code-and-permission-tables-for-the-commons-upgrade/431/2) ### πŸ•Š Gravity * Opened a space for a discussion on Equality vs. Equity in the this week's sync. You can watch it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axsQHUu0esE). ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * The results of the IH Outreach campaign: * 75% with >10 IH are in the Trusted Seed * 63% with >4 IH are in the Trusted Seed * Finishing touches on the Hatch Handbook * This Hatch Outreach Working Group will end at the end of the Hatch period. The weekly call after the Hatch close will be a no-agenda, social call. Join us to celebrate the close of the Hatch! * Eduardo prepared a [closing document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QrVWGmBMEthR59G8xnH4Pkmem_ib7y4qHEGpmud3rWc/edit#heading=h.yxpwzx470gkv). ### πŸ”¬ Labs * Continuing work on TE services, Praise analysis, TEC labs and the legendary Sunday hack sessions. ### πŸ› Legal * Working on the Community Covenant, the rules by which we must agree to in order to engage in the community. * Review of legal docs before the Hatch. ### πŸ’« 0mega * Continuing initiatives: * TE Consilience - working on β€œ[Common Knowledge Hub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GwTiq1RcRfnDrr-Po8BbWVpOxl0b9gD1emjmgqIJDy4/edit#)” * Ethos of Token Engineering - working on β€œ[Research Method](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_y2SLg44oxCm6PDS8MxXHu6mh80-M6pPREEKVIu4BIE/edit#)” ### πŸ€– Params * Continuing Commons Configuration Dashboard. ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * Last week we had our first [SourceCred distribution!](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_ehMtCzzgRZyKm-gTOOYaaT3vbNtWAu0O5CvI3ql3UE/edit#gid=720868603) * We are mid-way through voting on the [pre-Hatch Impact Hours Distribution Analysis](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pre-hatch-impact-hours-distribution-analysis/376/49). Sbmitting and voting on proposals ran from June 24 to July 2 with a 24h extension at the request of the community. 4 proposals were selected from 7 for the run-off and finalized Friday, July 2. Voting is open until July 6. [Vote here!](https://tokenlog.xyz/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention) **Here are the 4 run-off proposals:** **10.** [Bad for the Commons is bad for us all, restore 40% of deleted earned Impact Hours](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/10) **11.** [πŸ”₯ PRAISEMAGEDDON πŸ”₯](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/11) **12.** [πŸ‘½ No Abnormal Intervention πŸ‘½πŸš« 75% Governance Rights returned to paid contributors via vote Post-Hatch & Praise Party for TE Rockstars](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/12) **13.** [When the best intervention is not to intervene](https://github.com/CommonsBuild/IH-intervention/issues/13) ### 🌾 Stewards * We are nearly there! Pending final results from Soft Gov and Commons Swarm, the Hatch could be as early as next week! ![](https://i.imgur.com/fmG2meu.png) * **Forum highlight**: [TEC Visual explainers](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-visual-explainers/461) ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * Continuing [Credential management discussion](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/credential-management/417). * Working on [Code of Conduct for platforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hnwSQn4vxboxazraX2qPwa25bBBrvk3TpXsSDkXhqCM/edit) ## Thanks for reading! See you soon! πŸ‘‹πŸΎ ----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Monday, June 28** Hi TEC! We’re back again with another round of Working Group updates for the last week. You're always welcome to get updates in real time by joining us for any Working Group call! [Check out the calendar](https://https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin). ### πŸ“‘ Comms * TE Scouts Hack Sesh: Wednesdays 7AM PST/4PM CET ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * [New Hatch rehearsal](https://hatch.tecommons.org/) * Refined models for (WIP): * Conviction Voting * Bonding Curves * EVMScripter library * Frontend improvements in convert.tecommons.org ### πŸ•Š Gravity * Durgadas presented the group with his talk about decolonization in the last weekly. ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * **Reminder!** Impact Hours not associated with Trusted Seed membership will be irredeemable as of the first day of the Hatch. * [Scholarships are aailable for membership dues](https://medium.com/commonsstack/trusted-seed-swiss-membership-scholarship-application-f2d07bc2fc90). ### πŸ”¬ Labs * TE Services kick-off! * [Notes from SoftGov June 22 session on Praise analysis](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R8yLfht6GvGHr8VDvyZ-sVP1s54rPLY4MtXPBOqHtO0/edit) * [Praise analysis dashboard](https://praisedistributions.herokuapp.com/app) (also shared in SoftGov) * [Praise culstering dashboard](https://clusteringpraise.herokuapp.com/app) (also shared in SoftGov) * [In this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlGoYXk5x8o), Octopus applies three coefficients as examples for measuring IH distribution. He explains: "These are calculations requested by the community. None of the terms have any value judgment. For example, it is not necessarily the case that a more decentralized distrubtion is better or fairer. These interpretations do not necessarily reflect the work that was done by people, and due to the fact that there are multiple competing measures/issues (including comepnsation rates, tasks that varied in assessed Praise value from week to week), the data is intrinsicly complicated, and no one number or measurement can capture the aspects of it." He also clarified the technical definition of "decentralization" as being when a collective body has "a large number of points of failure". ### πŸ› Legal * Working on the Covenant * Considering third party services posting terms * Reviewing all legal docs to have all info ready for Hatch ### πŸ’« 0mega * [Manifesto](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FM5lokbcJZFXALDfwn-NIjJ1MSUjgoYgecCPwEnTydU/edit?usp=sharing) started serendipitously * Initiative β€œTE Consilience” project * Working on β€œ[Common Knowledge Hub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GwTiq1RcRfnDrr-Po8BbWVpOxl0b9gD1emjmgqIJDy4/edit#)” * Initiative β€œEthos of Token Engineering” * Working on β€œ[Research Method](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_y2SLg44oxCm6PDS8MxXHu6mh80-M6pPREEKVIu4BIE/edit#)” * β€œWho owns TE Ethics?” integral method * Goal: Turn WG meetings into focus group / participatory research on TE ethics ### πŸ€– Params * Commons Configuration Dashboard * [Design Validation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fLqlfMyQgUr8U6zZogu9NyTFAU6GxrzrygZRrxVIg90/edit#heading=h.7auf81fxc1vg) * [Python Backend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app) ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * The Soft Gov WG weekly call on June 22 was organized as a presentation of the Praise analysis by Ygg, Octopus and Maghaali. They provided and explained the [Praise Analysis Dashboard](https://praisedistributions.herokuapp.com/app). * They also created a [Praise Clustering Dashboard](https://clusteringpraise.herokuapp.com/app). * In the Community Call on June 24, dates were identified for the Praise analysis process: **July 1:** Proposal submissions and voting close **July 2:** Run-off proposals begin **July 2-6:** Run-off submissions and voting **Following week:** Begin Hatch * **Forum Highlight**: [On-going discussion of Praise analysis](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pre-hatch-impact-hours-distribution-analysis/376/44) ### 🌾 Stewards ![](https://i.imgur.com/iet2Uaw.png) ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * [Credential management discussion](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/credential-management/417) * Rundown of each Working Group's transparency level ![](https://i.imgur.com/0vFtyap.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/dHTiepC.png) Thanks for reading! πŸ“˜ See you soon! πŸ‘‹πŸΎ _______________________________________________________ # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update ### **Friday, June 18** Hi TEC. We're excited to offer the first weekly update of Working Group highlights! Want to get updates in real time? Please join us for any Working Group call! [Check out the calendar](https://https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=5mkep1ad1j860k6g7i7fr8plq0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Berlin). ### πŸ“‘ Comms * NEW! Token Engineering Scouts (Wednesdays 7AM PST/4PM CET): just kicked off to be the liaison between the TEC community and other organizations in the ecosystem. ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * TEC is going to be a [1hive Garden](https://1hive.gitbook.io/gardens/) with one particularity: the Augmented Bonding Curve. * Try the [Gardens Demo](https://gardens-rinkeby.1hive.org/) on Rinkeby. * **Forum Highlight**: Check out [Commons Swarm Weekly Updates](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/commons-swarm-how-are-we-doing/327?u=chuygarcia92). ### πŸ•Š Gravity * Ddan hosted a session on NVC (non-violent communication) during last week's Gravity call. [Check out the slides!](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rDKlZ7BGbsNxgspIJImmtP9t5aUCRW5hTZ-tl2W1ej8/edit#slide=id.gdf6144bc0d_0_14) * Durgadas is hosting a decolonization talk next for next Thursday's Gravity call. * Don't be afraid to [request support](https://https://the-commons-stack.typeform.com/to/rCVsK5RK) to Gravity for prevention and management of conflicts. * Help us to improve our processes by filling out the [Gravity survey](https://https://the-commons-stack.typeform.com/to/reUmcsJ6)! * **Forum Highlight**: Follow [the easy rotation and offboarding](https://https://forum.tecommons.org/t/easy-offboarding-process-rotation/300) step by step if you need to take some time for yourself. ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * **Important!** Impact Hours not associated with Trusted Seed membership will be irredeemable from the first day of the Hatch. ([Scholarships for membership dues are available](https://medium.com/commonsstack/trusted-seed-swiss-membership-scholarship-application-f2d07bc2fc90).) * Campaign to reach every individual with Impact Hours: * Outreach to every individual with > 4 IH = done! * Of those with >10 IH, 75% have activated their Trusted Seed membership. * There was a kickoff meeting for the Token Engineering Scouts! ### πŸ”¬ Labs * **Modelpalooza with Sem:** Sem has been modelling conviction voting, continuous issuance models for tokens and buy and sell impacts on a bonding curve, like in the diagram below. ![](https://i.imgur.com/MSinaNP.png) * **Ecosystem Value Flows and TEC Lab crossover episodes:** the TEC Labs will offer a space for ecosystem value flows alumni to present their projects to mathematicians and systems modellers to form groups for future collaboration. * **Praise analysis:** the Praise analysis continues. Mohammad has produced [an incredible interactive dashboard](https://https://clusteringpraise.herokuapp.com/app) to explore the praise data. ### πŸ› Legal * Added final params to all legal docs. * Started working in the covenant. * Looking into documentation for SourceCred and Celeste implementations. ### πŸ’« 0mega * Our two current initiatives: * [TE Consilience]([https://](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GwTiq1RcRfnDrr-Po8BbWVpOxl0b9gD1emjmgqIJDy4/edit#)) * [Ethos of Token Engineering]([https://](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_y2SLg44oxCm6PDS8MxXHu6mh80-M6pPREEKVIu4BIE/edit#)) ### πŸ€– Params * Making great progress on the Commons Configuration Dashboard: [Design validataion](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fLqlfMyQgUr8U6zZogu9NyTFAU6GxrzrygZRrxVIg90/edit#heading=h.7auf81fxc1vg) & [Python backend](https://bondingcurve.herokuapp.com/app&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1624018609156000&usg=AOvVaw0Vbh4n7dhKxAtAwDRjKJMj). * Supporting Labs and Soft Gov on the Praise Analysis ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * Next steps to the praise analysis: meeting on Sunday at 8pm CET and on the next Soft Gov call on Tuesday at 7pm CET. * **Forum highlight**: [LΓ­via's latest forum post on IH data analysis.](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/pre-hatch-impact-hours-distribution-analysis/376/39) ### 🌾 Stewards * Countdown to hatch! As we near the Hatch, our Stewards are tracking each Working Group's readiness. Once all Working Groups give the green light, we hatch! ![](https://i.imgur.com/oxv4uyq.png) * Some numbers on the TEC to date: * 16 Stewards * 11 Working Groups * 400+ contributors * **Forum highlight**: TEC Visual explainers (link to post) ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * The [TEC Code of Conduct for Different Platforms](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hnwSQn4vxboxazraX2qPwa25bBBrvk3TpXsSDkXhqCM/edit ) is work in progress * Pawa the record bot is available! To use the record bot on our Discord server: * !record in #recordings * !save afterwards * **Forum highlight**: [Using JAM link as TEC credentials manager.](https://forum.tecommons.org/t/credential-management/417) Thanks for reading! πŸ“˜ Hope to see you on a call soon. ☎️ ----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Friday, July 2, 2021** ### πŸ“‘ Comms * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ•Š Gravity * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ Hatch Outreach * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ”¬ Labs * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ› Legal * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ’« 0mega * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ€– Params * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌾 Stewards * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * * * **Forum Highlight**: ----- # TEC Working Groups Weekly Update _______________________________________________________ ## **Monday, September 13, 2021** Spotlight: Agave ### πŸ“‘ Comms * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌐 Commons Swarm * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌐 Communitas * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ•Š Gravity * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ› Legal * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ’« 0mega * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ€– Params * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ™ŒπŸ½ Soft Gov * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### 🌾 Stewards * * * * **Forum Highlight**: ### πŸ•΅οΈ Transparency * * * * **Forum Highlight**: