--- title: 'Phonon HATS Finance' date: 09/23/2022 --- Phonon X Hats Finance === ![build](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/gridplus/phonon-client/latest/total?style=social) ![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/921799167779672064.svg?style=social&logo=discord) ## Table of Contents [TOC] Background --- ```gherkin= Feature: = Hacker Bounties `@essential` # Prerequisites: Scenario Outline: To qualify for any of Phonon bug bounty severities you will have to first order, receive and install the Phonon Developer Kit and Phonon-Client App. - [Purchase Link](https://gridplus.io/products/phonon-developer-kit) Feature: Critical Scenario: First person to provably duplicate a phonon private key or double-spend a Phonon on a Testnet card. Provide a POC that reproduces it. When By merely completeling the tasks outlined within the Phonon-Client Wiki: https://github.com/GridPlus/phonon-client/wiki/Phonon-Testnet-FAQ#tesnet-tasklist-objectives Then Hackers will be able to collect in excess $250 USD worth of $Phonon Tokens. # Incentive Bonus Bounties: Scenario: First person to provably duplicate a phonon private key or doublespend a Phonon on a testnet card - 50,000 Phonon - Duplication or doublespends of Phonons should be impossible according to the Phonon protocol logic programmed on the testnet cards, but we want to know now if anyone is able to find a yet to be uncovered method of circumventing the protocol's design. Feature: High Then: Provide the a POC of how this was achieved. When: After proof and review of said achievement -> Awareded 877,500 $Phonon Tokens. # Exctracting Private Key Scenario: First person to provably extract a testnet phonon card's identity private key - 50,000 Phonon - A phonon card's identity private key allows a phonon card to prove it's authenticity as running a genuine and secure phonon applet. This private key should never be exported or revealed, as that would allow an attacker to craft fraudulent software that masquerades as a genuine participant in the phonon protocol. Again, if someone can currently find a way to do this, we'd like to know now. When Hacker manages to extact the private key Then Awareded Another 877,500 $Phonon Tokens. ``` > Information about the Phonon Protocol can be Found on our temporary website or within the following Repose **Repos**: - [Phonon Client](https://github.com/GridPlus/Phonon-Client) - [Phonon Card](https://github.com/GridPlus/Phonon-Card) - [Phonon App](https://github.com/GridPlus/Phonon-App) - [Phonon Network](https://github.com/GridPlus/Phonon-Network) - [Website](https://phonon.network) Project Timeline --- - Start Date: 26/09/2022 - End Date: 26/11/2022 ## Appendix and FAQ For more information please join our discord: https://discord.gg/phonon :::info This document has been compiled strictly for Hats.Finance ::: ###### tags: `Hats.Finance` `Bounties`